Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


African-American Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Cora Presley - Committee Chair

Second Advisor

Dr. Layli Phillips Maparyan - Committee Member

Third Advisor

Dr. Sarita Davis - Committee Member


Historically, Black women have often been excluded from the discussion on leadership. This thesis argues that the leadership roles of the women in the Nation of Gods and Earths are consis-tent with the concepts of both Africana womanism and Black women’s leadership. However, through an analysis of Earth’s oral testimonies, this research concludes that though racism is the most pervading obstacle faced by Black people, The Nation of Gods and Earths must address and reevaluate the sexism that exists within its doctrine and practice. By doing so, the group can be-gin to recognize Black women’s leadership and utilize it more effectively. The Nation should collectively transform its gender inequality, in a way that does not compromise its culture, as a means of successfully sustaining and strengthening itself and the communities of which it serves.

