Date of Award


Degree Type

Closed Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Yingshu Li - Chair

Second Advisor

Anu Bourgeois

Third Advisor

Rajshekhar Sunderraman


Coverage in a Wireless Sensor Network reflects how well a sensor network monitors an area. Many times it is impossible to provide full coverage. The key challenges are to prolong the lifetime and ensure connectivity to provide a stable network. In this thesis we first define p-percent coverage problem in which we require only p% of the whole area to be monitored. We propose two algorithms, Connected P-Percent Coverage Depth First Search (CpPCA-DFS) and Connected P-Percent Connected Dominating Set (CpPCA-CDS). Through simulations we then compare and analyze them for their efficiency and lifetime. Finally in conclusion we prove that CpPCA-CDS provides 5 to 20 percent better active node ratio at low density. At high node density it achieves better distribution of covered area however the lifetime is only 5 to10 percent shorter then CpPCA-DFS. Overall CpPCA-CDS provides up to 30 percent better distribution of covered area.

