Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Gerontology Institute

First Advisor

Ann M. Pearman - Chair

Second Advisor

Candace L. Kemp

Third Advisor

Elisabeth O. Burgess


The MJCCA Weinstein Center for Adult Days Services provides social activities and medical services to older adults, including individuals with memory loss. Center administrators requested a program evaluation to explore attraction and retention of clients, beneficial effects of Center activities, and the current case management program. Regular members of the Center’s Traditional Group (n=14) and family caregivers of Memory Loss program attendees (n=10) participated in open-ended interviews in focus groups. Content analysis revealed that clients consider Center activities, staff, and social environment superior to the few other day care alternatives. The activities benefit clients primarily physically and emotionally. Potential areas of improvement include enhanced communication with caregivers and more engaging, mentally-stimulating activities personally significant to participants. Findings reveal that person-centered care is appropriate in the adult day service setting and may guide the Center in program modifications. The evaluation partially satisfies new rules in Georgia for licensure and quality assurance.


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