Date of Award

Spring 4-20-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


African-American Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Sarita Davis

Second Advisor

Dr. Lia T. Bascomb

Third Advisor

Dr. Jennifer Williams


The objective of this research study is to examine the lives and sexual and social relationships of 400 Africana women between the ages of 18-65. The following research questions are: 1) How do Africana women, based on their sexual and social relationships, believe they are perceived by Africana communities? 2) How do Africana women, based on their sexual and social relationships, imagine the creation of sexually and culturally affirming spaces for themselves and other Africana women in the future? This study uses a mixed methods approach including survey, interviews, and Photovoice to understand Africana women’s perceptions of the possibility of a sexually affirmed future. Participants were selected using purposive sampling methods. Afrofuturism is the guiding theoretical framework used for this study as well as Womanism.

