About ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University
ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University collects the intellectual capital of Georgia State University in a single place to raise the profile of the university and its researchers. It also organizes the scholarship from departments, colleges, research centers, and faculty into a cohesive whole while highlighting the individual contributions. As an online open access institutional repository, ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University increases the impact of the scholarship it collects by making it freely available to anyone, anywhere, anytime. The role of academic libraries has long been to preserve the scholarly record of universities. ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University extends that role into the digital age by preserving the digital scholarly record of Georgia State University for future generations. ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University serves as a record of electronic theses and dissertations written in fulfillment of degrees at Georgia State University. The ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University also showcases: journal articles, book chapters, books, conference proceedings and presentations, working papers and pre-prints, technical reports, images, videos, audio files, and more. ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University also has e-publishing capabilities for open access journals and can organize and preserve GSU hosted conferences.
Collection Development Policy
Please click here to download the current collection development policy for the ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University.
Policy for Journals in the ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University
ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University is a hosted repository on the Digital Commons platform. This platform contains a robust professional-grade peer-review / editorial management system for producing, publishing and hosting scholarly publications that have an affiliation with the University. The following policies govern these journals:
- All requests to publish a journal in ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University must be accompanied by a completed journal request form.
- There is a one-time fee of $1000 payable to the University Library to set up the journal in ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University. The fee may be waived by the Dean of Libraries on a case-by-case basis.
- Journals must be Open Access Compliant; free, full text, quality controlled scholarly journals.
- Authors retain their copyrights. All authors retain their copyright to works submitted; however, all article submissions become a permanent part of ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University. All authors must sign a copyright agreement form prior to publication.
- Advertising and promotion of the journal is the responsibility of the department / faculty at Georgia State University publishing the journal.
- Journals, by their definition, are serials. That is, they are published on an ongoing regular basis and are expected to continue indefinitely. If no new content or issues are produced for two consecutive years, the journal will be considered to have ceased publication. Appropriate notices will be posted on the journal homepage.
- Upon approval of the journal request, the University Library will coordinate set up of the journal site with bepress. Training is provided by bepress via telephone and webinars.
- Upon publication of the first issue of the journal, the library will register the journal with the Library of Congress, U.S. ISSN Center.
The full Policy for Journals in the ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University can be found in the ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University Documents and Forms collection.
Conference Hosting Policy
ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University can provide an online space to make conference papers, presentations, and other related materials available for download on the internet. Local academic and/or professional conferences and smaller gatherings hosted by or associated with Georgia State University are eligible to take advantage of this service, which includes a call for papers/posters/presentations submission system and online review platform. For more information, please contact us at scholarworks@gsu.edu.
ETD Mandate for Deposit Policy
The University requires all students who produce a master´s thesis or doctoral dissertation in fulfillment of his/her degree to upload the final version of these documents to the ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University as a condition of the award of the degree. This policy was approved by the University Senate in April 2012 and is effective August 2012. The official policy is available at the University Policies page and is archived as Mandate for Deposit of ETDs: University Policy 2.10.16 Electronic Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations in the ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University Documents and Forms collection.