Date of Award
Summer 8-12-2014
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Applied Linguistics and English as a Second Language
First Advisor
Dr. Diane Belcher
Second Advisor
Dr. Viviana Cortes
Third Advisor
Dr. John Murphy
Fourth Advisor
Dr. Alanna Frost
Despite the fact that international undergraduate students have been the most studied population in the field of Second Language Writing and that generation 1.5 students have received increasing attention in the past decade, our knowledge of what happens in college composition and subject-area classes with these students is still limited (Belcher, 2012). Moreover, surprisingly little is known about how these students’ academic literacy experiences compare to those of undergraduate native-speakers of English or about faculty’s perspectives regarding the academic literacies of these three student populations. Accordingly, the purposes of the present study were (1) to investigate generation 1.5, international, and native-speaking students’ academic literacy experiences and needs in composition and subject-area classes in first-year college as well as (2) to explore instructors’ perspectives and practices concerning students’ academic literacies. Multiple-case studies were conducted with twelve focal participants during their first semester in college: four international, four generation 1.5, and four native-speaking undergraduate students. Furthermore, the students’ composition instructors (n=4) and some of their subject-area instructors (n=18) also participated in the study. Data collection procedures included interviews, classroom observations, and written artifacts from both students and instructors, such as assignments, commented-on essays, prompts, reading materials, rubrics, and syllabi. The findings revealed that the three student populations faced some challenges in their first semester of college pertaining to reading, writing, and socio-academic literacy practices. Some of their difficulties were similar across the board (e.g., limited reading and writing practices) while others were specific to each student population (e.g., lexical issues for international students). Nonetheless, the generation 1.5 and international students succeeded in all of their classes and appeared to be more academically socialized than the native-speaking students. These multilingual students learned to develop effective study strategies and draw on resources available to them while the native-speaking student participants did not seem equipped with the socio-academic tools needed to negotiate postsecondary academic literacy demands. Additionally, the findings indicate that the instructors’ expectations regarding reading practices in their courses did not always align with those of the focal participants as faculty seemed to place a much higher importance on reading than the students did.
Recommended Citation
Findlay, Luciana, "Academic Literacy Experiences of Undergraduate Students: Comparing Generation 1.5, International, and Native-speaking Populations." Dissertation, Georgia State University, 2014.