Date of Award
Spring 5-1-2023
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
First Advisor
Dr. Jennie Burnet
Second Advisor
Dr. Desmond Goss
Third Advisor
Dr. Kathryn Kozaitis
Neoliberalism alters U.S. carceral practices to extract revenue from marginalized communities. The criminal-legal system made monetary sanctions (e.g., cash bail, traffic fines, probation fees) a common practice that affects the millions of people who cycle through the system. I argue that criminal-legal debt extends punishment outside of carceral structures and creates a “revolving door” effect in which poor, racialized communities are subjected to constant incarceration. Domestic violence cases in Atlanta are a prime example of this phenomenon and illustrates the ways in which incarceration aids neoliberalism. The over policing of minority communities, and by extension the imposition of monetary sanctions, in metro-Atlanta serves to generate revenue and gentrify those neighborhoods. Through a prison abolitionist lens, this research explores the impact of criminal-legal debt in metro-Atlanta through autoethnography, interviews, and online participant observation of court.
Recommended Citation
Pizarro, Daniel A., "The Debt I Owe: Consequences of Criminal-Legal Debt in Metro Atlanta." Thesis, Georgia State University, 2023.
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