Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Art and Design

First Advisor

Ryan Crooks

Second Advisor

Dawn Haynie

Third Advisor

Carrie Brown

Fourth Advisor

Leonard Jackson


Interior Design is a multi-billion dollar industry that employs a variety of sensorial elements to shape perception and create positive Moments of Truth. Part science and part art, design practices must adapt as market demands shift. The influence of today’s digital market exposes gaps whereby sensorial elements of space are overlooked, resulting in skewed Moments of Truth. This paper examines the aesthetic experience as part of a proposed business design equation wherein each sense and design element influences the holistic spatial experience. A presentation of research will follow, wherein application of the equation demonstrates a framework for how to develop interior space holistically to communicate the desired Moment of Truth. This examination of aesthetic perception and experiential actuality advances the science behind design, and empowers industry players to understand how to design and communicate more effectively to better satisfy aesthetic demands while still meeting the needs of the human condition.

