Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Art and Design

First Advisor

Craig Drennen

Second Advisor

Pam Longobardi

Third Advisor

Jiha Moon

Fourth Advisor

Christina West


I’m Your Perfect Girl is a thesis exhibition of glitch-inspired painting and video self-portraiture that studies the desires, failures, and dissonance associated with portraying an idealized self for a digital audience. Adopting the perfect girl persona online has never been easier; however, the physical and emotional roles society expects women to fulfill have never been further out of reach. In this exhibition, I consider how those of us coming of age with the internet construct alternative identities online—fantasies, really—that bear little resemblance to the person “IRL.” Internet-era artists have built convincingly realistic perfect girls. I take the perfect girl concept to its next logical step by transforming my image beyond believable authenticity: it is fragmented and distorted to the point of becoming disconnected from my real body. Ultimately, I use this series of works to dismantle the complicated archetypes to which women must conform in our ever-changing cyber landscape.


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