"Representation and Participation in Anime" by D. Lasseter

Date of Award

Summer 7-23-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAEd)


Art and Design

First Advisor

Melanie Davenport

Second Advisor

Susan Sojourna Collier

Third Advisor

Kevin Hsieh


Anime, also known as animation, is a style of Japanese film and television animation, typically aimed at adults, as well as children. One of the popular uses for anime—aside from entertainment—is its potential to create powerful messages and address social issues. Despite its huge popularity among diverse audiences, anime is almost entirely devoid of Black and Hispanic characters, as well as social justice themes. After examining the literature, I attempt to provide a model for how a person of one ethnicity can create an authentic character of a different ethnicity, by presenting my character, Ninurai. As a Black artist, I show the stages of character development and share reflections as I work toward accurate representation of an Asian phenotype. This work serves as a model for art educators interested in character development and racial representation.



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