Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAEd)


Art and Design

First Advisor

Dr. Melody Milbrandt - Chair

Second Advisor

Dr. Melanie Davenport

Third Advisor

Dr. Kevin Hsieh


If community is defined as a group of teachers, learners, and others who collaborate to achieve common goals, art education that is based on the interests and needs of that community can be identified as community-based art education (CBAE). CBAE programs often have goals that are congruent with educational theory or pedagogy for social justice. In this study five CBAE programs were examined for purposes, goals, instructional methods, and curriculum in order to determine how pedagogy for social justice could be applied to art education in community-based settings. The five CBAE programs were evaluated with a rubric integrating social justice into community-based art education. That information was used to create a set of best instruction practices for teaching for social justice in CBAE, as well as curriculum recommendations.

