Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Executive Doctorate in Business (EDB)



First Advisor

Dr. Todd Maurer

Second Advisor

Dr. Wesley Johnston

Third Advisor

Dr. Leonard Jackson


Entrepreneurship research has examined the process of becoming an entrepreneur and the variables that predict this transition. Recent research has found that many entrepreneurs do not immediately jump into being full entrepreneurs but may rather transition into that state via a hybrid status in which they are employed elsewhere while working on an entrepreneurial venture. Some hybrid entrepreneurs fully intend to make that transition to full entrepreneurship, while others remain in their hybrid status and have no such intention. It is important to investigate what factors influence hybrid entrepreneurs to either remain in a hybrid status or become full entrepreneurs. Little to no extant research has adopted a careers perspective by applying key variables in the field of career research to quantitatively analyze this major career event.

The Image theory was extended from a career choice theory into a theory concerning career advancement, concerning dual careers (e.g., those of hybrid entrepreneurs), from full-time wage employment into the field of entrepreneurship.

An online survey was sent out to qualified participants from a number of recruiting sources. Participants were hybrid entrepreneurs who owned a registered business, (i.e., currently held full-time jobs working for wages in another company), who were eighteen years or older, and who were located in the United States.

The results indicate that high career adaptability and low organizational mobility predict intention, while boundaryless career mindset and intention predict behavior toward full entrepreneurship. Consistent with hybrid entrepreneurship literature, although not the focus of this study, risk propensity was not a driver for intention but setting an income growth target was a motivation for making the transition. Surprisingly, having a self-directed mindset did not play a role in individuals making the transition towards full entrepreneurship.

This study informs hybrid entrepreneur leaders of Start-Ups that their career development into transitioning to full entrepreneurship is vital to their Start-Ups becoming full enterprises.


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