Author ORCID Identifier


Date of Award

Spring 4-24-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)



First Advisor

Dr. Naveen Donthu

Second Advisor

Dr. Alok Saboo

Third Advisor

Dr. Aaron M Baird


Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are expanding to many industries and sectors, including public health. An increased interest in AI has resulted in research on user acceptance; the existing acceptance models still need to be expanded to understand user acceptance of AI technologies. This empirical investigation uses the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to test the relationships between UTAUT constructs and extended factors that may impact public health practitioners’ intention to adopt AI-driven applications. The results suggest that facilitating conditions, effort expectancy, social influence, and health equity perceptions represent predictors of a positive intention to use AI technology, which denotes a positive influence on technology adoption. Technology readiness moderates the relationship between performance expectancy and intention to use AI; health equity did not moderate any UTAUT constructs. Institutional factors moderate the relationship between intention to use AI and usage behavior. These results contribute to research by extending the framework of the UTAUT to the adoption of AI in a public health context. The results also provide public officials, practitioners, and policymakers insight into the mechanisms supporting AI adoption and decision-making.


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