Author ORCID Identifier


Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)



First Advisor

Dr. Todd Maurer

Second Advisor

Dr. Likoebe Maruping

Third Advisor

Dr. Satish Nargundkar


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming a crucial and pressing topic to be addressed by leaders with the emergence of Grand Challenges like climate change, pandemics, growing inequalities, and geopolitical risks. Simultaneously in this business environment, leadership within organizations takes on increasing importance to influencing employees’ effort and engagement in their work. Hence, my research question was: Does an individual’s perception of their employer’s CSR and supervisor’s leadership style influence their motivations to “go above and beyond” the call of duty within American organizations?

Based on the social exchange theory, I hypothesized perceived employer CSR would be positively related to being motivated to “go above” one’s present responsibilities: take on leadership responsibility in the organization (Motivation to Lead, or MTL) and to “go beyond” one’s formal job responsibilities by engaging in Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). I also posited that the leadership style displayed by their supervisor plays a fundamental moderation role of these effects: Servant leadership displayed by supervisors should strengthen the positive effect of CSR on OCB. Transformational leadership by supervisors should strengthen the positive relationship between CSR and MTL. I conducted an online survey through SurveyMonkey in America, collecting 277 usable responses. I relied on well-established instruments to measure CSR, MTL, Transformational Leadership, Servant Leadership, and OCB. Results contribute to research literature by identifying MTL as a positive outcome of employer perceived CSR and highlighting the positive amplifying role of leadership behavior by supervisors. This study has potential to help leaders and scholars better understand the impact, usefulness, and opportunity offered by a positively perceived CSR orientation as a robust human resource management tool to engage talent in leadership and service roles within organizations. The study should also help leaders and scholars understand the concurrent impact of different leadership styles on the employees’ perception and reaction to CSR policies, thus highlighting the benefit of well-trained supervisors.


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