Honors Theses from 2024
Dissecting the impact of ribosome heterogeneity on cell-type-specific dendritic architecture, Marvin Center
Honors Theses from 2022
Synthetic Progress Towards Asymmetrical Pyridine-Based and Thiophene-Based CXCR4 Modulators, Christin Ngoc Tran
Honors Theses from 2019
Characterization of the Proline-78-Glycine Mutant of PA1024 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Benjamin Dratch
Honors Theses from 2017
Sorption of 137Cs onto Weathered Micaceous Minerals from Georgia Kaolin Deposits, Dominique Salome Kwong-Moses
Honors Theses from 2008
Axial Ligand Mutant: H229A, Nhung Phuong Nguyen
Honors Theses from 2007
Expression, Purification, and Characterization of the SIAA M79A Protein, Brian Basden
SiaA: A Heme Protein, Marianna Libkind