Dissertations from 2024
"STEM is an important part of who I am:" The Development of the STEM Identity Scale, Michelle Aiello
Examining the Moderating Role of Attachment in the Link between Discrimination and Psychological Distress, Laura Cobourne
Mathematical modeling and simulation of tissue engineering: A comprehensive study of nutrient flow, nutrient dynamics and scaffold elasticity, Haniyeh Fattahpour
Black School Psychologists’ Experiences Addressing Racial Disciplinary Disproportionality, Artesia Franklin
An Exploration of Eating Disorders among Black Women using Intersectionality Theory, Rebecca Gwira
Towards Collective Healing: Intervening Intergenerational Trauma with Koreans/Koreans, Hyunji Hannah Lee
Examining the Role of the Imposter Phenomenon and Self-Esteem on the Relationship between Perfectionism and Depression, Sarah McLaulin
Finding a common language: Invariance in school climate measures, Michael J. Saint
Expanding Our Understanding of Help-Seeking Behavior: Implications for Older Adults at Elevated Risk of Suicide, Afroze N. Shaikh
Merging Black Feminist Ecologies and Psychology: Black Women Resisting the Psychological Costs of Environmental Racism, shola shodiya-zeumault
Development Of An Online Meditation Intervention To Increase Psychological Well-being Among Sexual and Gender Minority Folx: A Pilot Study, Edison C.M. Wolf
Dissertations from 2023
Examining the Interaction Between Mental Health Stigma, COVID-19 Traumatic Stress, and Race in Predicting Help-Seeking, Jaleh Davari-Dhariwal
An Exploration of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in College Students, Barbara Duran
Predictors of Clinical Mental Health Counseling Students’ Attitudes toward Working with Clients with Substance Use Disorders, Lauren Flynn
Development of the Racial Allyship Characteristics Scale: Measuring White Allyship from the Perspective of People of Color, Cassandra Hinger
Investigating How School Counselors Using #scchat on Twitter Advocate for Marginalized Student Populations: A Social Network Analysis, Adrianne Robertson
Just-ish?: Alternative justice attitudes: A randomized control trial, Iman Abdulkadir Said
Dissertations from 2022
Dual Diagnosis and Bias in Counselor Education and Supervision, Jamian Coleman
The Role of Self Compassion in the Relationship between Perfectionism and Suicide, Jihee Hong
Does Humility Help in Cross-Cultural Adaptation?: Exploring Effects of Humility Alongside Acculturation and Enculturation, Aaron Mclaughlin
Academic Enabling Behaviors of Students with an Intellectual Disability in Inclusive Postsecondary Education Programs, Katherine McLendon
Project Heal Generational Trauma: A Mixed-methods Participatory Action Research Study of Generational Trauma and Healing in Millennial Black Women, Ashlei A R Petion
Utilizing the Theory of Event Centrality as a Framework for Understanding Counselor-in-Training Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kyndel Tarziers
The Influence of Racial Ethnic Match Between School Psychologists and Clients on Referral Outcomes, Michelle Washington
Improving Reading Comprehension: An Investigation of Two Intervention Procedures and the Social Validity of the "Ask-Read-Tell" Reading Strategy, Quynh Doan Wellons
The Validity of the General Intellectual Humility Scale as a Measure of Intellectual Humility, Charles Westbrook
Dissertations from 2021
Optimizing the Aging Services Network to Identify and Respond to Older Adults at Risk of Suicide, Mary Chase Breedlove Mize
Pressure to Forgive: How Religious Pressure Effects Moving From Decisional to Emotional Forgiveness, Elise Choe
School-Based Trauma-Informed Practices: How Urban School Psychologists Support Students, Moriah A. Kearney
Evaluation Of Intensive Behavioral Interventions For Severe Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder In Young Children, Emily K. Rubio
Examining the Role of Trait Resilience and Self-Compassion in Adaptive Responses to Stress: A Physiological Stress Response Study, Karen M. Shebuski
The Engagement-Achievement Paradox and the Role of Cultural Humility in the Instruction of Diverse Youth, Emily N. Srisarajivakul
Does Math Anxiety Moderate the Effect of an Online Arousal Reappraisal Intervention on Math Performance?, Zachary Taber
Development of the Posttraumatic Play Screening, Galina K. Tobin
Dissertations from 2020
Recovery from Homelessness: Choice, Mastery, and Relatedness, Joshua J. Castleberry
A New Era of HIV: Psychology’s Contributions to the Epidemic and Development of the Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Determinants Scale, Caleb Chadwick
A Qualitative Content Analysis of Cultural and Linguistic Factors in Clinical Supervision of Spanish-English Bilingual Counselors, Daniel Dosal-Terminel
Preparing Effective Urban Practitioners: The Study of Two Urban-Focused School Psychology Graduate Training Programs, Kirnel D. Grishby
Correlates And Predictors Of Life Satisfaction And Resilience Among Sexual Minority Persons Living With Disabilities, Tameeka L. Hunter
A Randomized Control Trial Adapting a Self-Forgiveness Intervention for Perfectionists, Michael Massengale
Cultural Humility in the Context of Teacher-Student Relationships, Kathryn M. McPhee
Cyberbullying Victimization and Corresponding Distress in Women of Color, Joanna Menendez
School Counselors And Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Are We As Competent As We Think We Are?, Vanessa Placeres
Men’s Externalizing Depression: Invariance of the Male Depression Risk Scale and Latent Symptom Profiles among African American and European American Men, Robert A. Stewart
Applied Suicide Intervention Training for Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Staff: Intervention Skill Measurement, Skill Retention and Staff Attitudes, Mackenzie Suttles
International Students' Social Factors And Acculturative Stress, Xiaohui Yang
School Climate Methodology: Issues of Multilevel Data and Measurement Invariance, Faith A. Zabek
Dissertations from 2019
Influences of Psychocultural Factors of Self-Stigma on Biracial Individuals' Counseling Utilization, Mary Huffstead
Perfectionism and Psychological Flexibility in University Students and Counseling Clients, Kathleen McKinney Clark
Moral Distress, Wellness, and Professional Quality of Life in Play Therapists, Ashley Tolleson and Melissa Zeligman
Enhancing Executive Functions in Preschoolers through a Mindfulness-Based Intervention, Laura Wood
Latinx Sexual Minority Men: Centralizing Their Experiences And Testing The Minority Stress Psychological Mediation Framework, David G. Zelaya
Dissertations from 2018
Community Violence and Trauma: The Influence of Child Abuse, Bullying, and Intimate Partner Violence, Claudine O. Anderson-Atkinson
Rape Myth Acceptance: Clinical Implications for Victims and the Role of Sexist Attitudes, Conformity to Gender Norms, and Closeness to a Rape Victim, Jhodi-Ann M. Bowie
Exploring a Model of Social Support and Nonsupport among LGBTQ Youth with and without Parent Consent, Sarah Kiperman
Dissertations from 2017
Blame Attribution in Rape Crimes: the Effects of Willing Substance Use, Race, and Rape Myth Acceptance, Nedeljko Golubovic
Experiences of Racism and Race-Based Traumatic Stress: The Moderating Effects of Cyberracism, Racial/Ethnic Identity, and Forgiveness, Terrence A. Jordan II
Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Organizations Serving People with Disabilities: Recommendations and Exploration of Training Practices, Rachel LaFleur
A Review of Humility Measures and a Test of the Social Bonds and Social Oil Hypotheses, Stacey McElroy
Enhancing The Seeking Safety Group Intervention With Trauma Sensitive Yoga Practice: A Program Evaluation, Thomas M. Murphy
Special Education Teachers’ and Professional Learning Providers’ Perspectives on the Features of Effective Professional Learning: A Q Methodology Study, Allison Schwartz
Burnout among Sexual Minority Male Mental Health Counselors, Cory J. Viehl
Dissertations from 2016
The Relationship Among Normative Male Alexithymia, Gender Role Conflict, Men's Non-romantic Relationships With Other Men, and Psychological Well-being, Onurkan Guvensel
Perfectionism, Acculturative Stress, Coping Styles, and Depression among International Students., Yi-Shi Hsiao
Healing PTSD with Mindfulness: Exploring Mindfulness' Mechanism of Change, Sara Klco
Correlates and Predictors of Anti-Transgender Prejudice, Julian R. McCullough
The Relationships Among Multiracial Identity, Color-blind Racial Ideology, and Discrimination in Multiracial Individuals: Implications for Professional Counseling and Counselor Education, Christen Peeper McDonald
Gender Nonconformity in Youth and Safety: Utilizing Photo-Elicitation and Thematic Analysis, Jennifer Smith
Dissertations from 2015
Life-style, Coping Resources, and Trauma Symptoms: Predicting Posttraumatic Growth, Michael Leeman
Body Satisfaction and Maladaptive Relationships with Food in African American Women, Angela K. Montfort PhD
Trait Mindfulness as a Mediator of Resilience, Depressive Symptoms, and Trauma Symptoms, Kiranmayi Neelarambam
A Preliminary Investigation into the Mediating Role of Positive Affect in the Development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among African American Female Sexual Assault Survivors, Mahogany L. Swanson
The Effectiveness Of Child-Centered Play Therapy On The Challenging Behaviors Of Early Elementary School Students, Corinne Wixson
Dissertations from 2014
Consultation with Performance Feedback to Increase Phonological Awareness in Preschool Age Children, Kizzy Albritton
The Evaluation of a Workbook Designed to Promote Self-Forgiveness, Christopher Bell
From Traditional to Reform: Exploring the Involvement of School Psychologists in the Provision of Educator Professional Learning, Michelle Bolling
The Role of Mental Health Counselors in Public Schools, Kimere Corthell
Examining Preservice Teachers' Knowledge about and Beliefs of Classroom Management, Kristen Heil
A Social Cognitive Model of Bystander Behavior and the Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy on Bullying Victimization, Samuel Yi Kim
Spirituality in Supervision: A Phenomenological Study, Deborah Ross
Perceptions and Roles of School Psychologists in Transition Services for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Devadrita Talapatra
Supporting Preschool Teachers’ Use Of Positive Behavior Strategies Through Conjoint Behavioral Consultation, Lisa Wells
Dissertations from 2013
School Counselor-Parent Collaborations: Parents' Perceptions of How School Counselors Can Meet their Needs, Natalie Grubbs
Cultural and Ecological Considerations within the Context of School Climate, Tamika La Salle
Visual, Motor, and Visual-Motor Integration Difficulties in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Kimberly Oliver
An Assessment of Students’ Perceived Peripheral Stressors in Counseling Internships, Lindy Parker