Author ORCID Identifier

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Ashwin Ashok

Second Advisor

Xiaochun He

Third Advisor

Chetan Tiwari

Fourth Advisor

Marcus Murbach


Amid more frequent extreme weather, a heavy focus is being placed on space weather monitoring by monitoring cosmic ray interactions, particularly muons. Muon particles are mainly created between the lower stratosphere and the upper troposphere by the interaction of the primary cosmic ray particles with molecules of the earth's atmosphere. Current ground-based research revealed that muon flux is closely correlated with changes in Earth’s weather and solar-driven space weather events. One challenge is to unravel flux changes that are dominated by solar activities or fluctuations in the Earth’s weather system. This thesis presents work on the development of a mobile muon detector that uses cosmic-ray flux measurements above and on Earth to build climate dramatic event prediction models and serve as a direct measurement of solar modulation of the global muon flux. To complement this study, data collected through ground and commercial aircraft studies will be presented, ensuring consistent data collection.


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