Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Dr. Raj Sunderraman - Chair

Second Advisor

Dr. Ying Zhu

Third Advisor

Dr. Saeid Belkasim


There is a lot of research work being performed on indexing the Web. More and more sophisticated Web crawlers are been designed to search and index the Web faster. But all these traditional crawlers crawl only the part of Web we call “Surface Web”. They are unable to crawl the hidden portion of the Web. These traditional crawlers retrieve contents only from surface Web pages which are just a set of Web pages linked by some hyperlinks and ignoring the hidden information. Hence, they ignore tremendous amount of information hidden behind these search forms in Web pages. Most of the published research has been done to detect such searchable forms and make a systematic search over these forms. Our approach here will be based on a Web crawler that analyzes search forms and fills tem with appropriate content to retrieve maximum relevant information from the database.

