Dissertations from 2018
A Selkie Tale: The Mythical Journey of the Charlotte Bronte Heroines, Pallabi Gupta
"Perhaps No One General Answer Will Do": Cotton Mather's Commentary On The Synoptic Gospels In "Biblia Americana", Grace Sara Harwood
Wayfaring, Brian Patrick Heston
Simbelmynë, Anna King
Literary Equivocation: Women Playwrights and the Early Modern “Closet”, Nancy Paxton-Wilson
The Sonnet in Twentieth-Century America, Zachary Rearick
The Past Informs the Future: War Representations and Their Influence on Future Soldiers, Danielle Rhodes
Reenchantment: A Case for a Cosmological Interpretive Strategy of Literature, Salvatore Talluto
Levinas and the New Woman Writers: Narrating the Ethics of Alterity, Anita Turlington
Rhetorical Being: A Metaphysics of Freedom and Essence, Nathan Wagner
Imprisoned by Sex, Spirit, and Speech: Complicating Diasporic Negritude, Natasha N. Walker
Re-examining the Indirect Myth of Chinese Rhetoric on Social Media, Yunye Yu
Composing Women: Intersections of Transatlantic Modernist Literature and Visual Media, Meredith Zaring
Dissertations from 2017
"[I]f such times came back upon us": Modes of Infidelity in the Late Romances of William Morris, Benjamin Barrett
First-Year Writers and "Student Success": A Framework for Supporting Multiple Pathways Through Higher Education, Cristine Busser
Influences of the Scottish Enlightenment in the Sherlock Holmes Stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Helen Cauley
Aeolian, Nancy Margaret Correro
You Are Alive, Justin L. Daugherty
Take It to the Streets: Archives, Open Records, and Public Rhetoric, Jessica A. Estep
Situating Polemics of Moral Imperative in Shifting Socio-Cultural Paradigms: Exploring Rhetorical Appeals in Two Baptist Archives, Donald I. Gammill Jr.
We Are Everyone You Know, Christopher Alexander Hayter Dr.
Orbital, Jocelyn Heath
At a Rest Stop on the Road to Heaven, Mostafa Jalal
Cunningly Sweated: Creation, Memory, and Time in Faulkner's Mosquitoes, Joseph C. Morecraft IV
American Corpus: The Subversion of National Biopower in Post-Emancipation Literature, Stephanie Rountree
The Tyranny of Custom: Discovering Innovations in Forensic Rhetoric from Classical Athens to Anglo-Saxon England, Steven Sams
Faulkner's Stylistic Difficulty: A Formal Analysis of Absalom, Absalom!, Eric Sandarg
Victorian Women and the Carnivalesque in Six Novels, Debra Threlkeld-Dent
Building the New Babel of Transnational Literacies: Preparing Education for World Citizens, Xiaobo Wang
Civic Crowdfunding under Citizens United: Empowering Counterpublic Activists for a Commoditized Public Sphere, Laura K. Williams
The Boy in the Tunnel, Rachel Wright
Dissertations from 2016
With Great Literacy Comes Great Responsibility: Rethinking Popular Culture and the Literacy Practices of Superheroes, Perry D. Dantzler
Self-Knowledge and "the end of man": The Paradox of Double Consciousness in American Literature, Amber L. Estlund
Composition Assignments with Workplace Relevance: An Examination of Technical Communication Coursework and the Reading and Writing Demands of Professional Engineers, Ann Marie Francis
Malas: A Novel, Ana Fuentes
The Value of Scholarly Writing: A Temporal-Material Rhetorical Analysis of Delivery in Google Documents, Valerie Robin
The Dupe, Andrea Rogers
“The Pondering Repose of If”: Herman Melville’s Literary Exegesis, Damien Brian Schlarb
Strategic Error as Style: Finessing the Grammar Checker, Sarah Smith
Place, Space, And Gender at the State Normal School, Athens, Georgia, 1891-1932: A Narrative of Influences, Identity, and Disruption, Lindsey Spring
Transformation and Closure in Renaissance Lyric Poetry, Lisa Ulevich
Everyday Ecologies in the Writings of Georgia Authors Tina McElroy Ansa, Melissa Fay Greene, Mary Hood, and Janisse Ray, Rachel G. Wall
Dissertations from 2015
Two for Flinching, Henry Backer
Humunculus, Jennifer Brown
The Logic of Labor in Nineteenth Century American Literature, Owen C. Cantrell
Broken World: New Perspectives on American Women Regionalists, Tara D. Causey
The Cruel Daughter, Diya Chaudhuri
Robin Hood as Sheriff in Medieval Estates Model Literature, Macklin Cowart
Brownian Motion, Bradley Scott Denton
Contending with (Inter)Disciplinary Identity and Specialization: Rhetorical Pasts and Futures for Women's Studies, Composition Studies, and Writing Center Studies, Jennifer Forsthoefel
"Speaches Seeming Fitt": Rhetoric and Courtesy in The Faerie Queene, Michelle L. Golden
Civic Engagement 2.0: A Blended Pedagogy of Multiliteracies and Activism, Lauri B. Goodling
Surrogate Power: The Agency of the Replacement Mother in Mid-Victorian Literature, Kathryn M Huie Harrison
In Their Own Words: A Materialist and Archival Look at Contingency in Composition Studies, Laura Howard
1890-1969—Early History of the Advanced Placement Program: an Argument for Reform of the AP Language & Composition Exam, Elizabeth Jamison
Analog God, Katherine Kincer
Touching Scenes: The Politics of Female Touch in Nineteenth-Century British Literature, Molly Livingston-Martin
Literatures of Stress: Thermodynamic Physics and the Poetry and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Thomas Mapes
Understanding Ancient Indian Rhetoric on Its Own Terms: Using a Vedic Key to Unlock the Vedic Paradigm, Anne Melfi
God Made the Apples, We Made the Bites, Jessica Melilli-Hand
"So Long as the Work is Done": Recovering Jane Goodwin Austin, Kari Holloway Miller
The Rhetoric of Refugees: Literacy, Narrative and Identity for Somali Women, Mary Helen O'Connor
A Kingdom for the Birds, Pir Joseph Rothenberg
Internships in Writing and English Studies Programs: Opportunities, Locations, and Structures, Lara Smith Sitton
Fumbling in the Greasy Till: Economic Rhetoric and Contemporary Irish Poetry, 2006-2012, Amanda Sperry
The Fallen Woman and the British Empire in Victorian Literature and Culture, Ellen Stockstill
Holes, Jessica Temple
Celestial Bodies, Jared White
Dissertations from 2014
The Hen's Secret, Laura Beasley
Imagining a Twenty-First Century Strategy, Marcia Bost
Labor, Literacies, and Liberation: A Rhetorical Biography of Stetson Kennedy, Diana Eidson
"Rough Text: Women's Experiments in Undoing The Autobiographical Subject", Shannon Finck
Comic Convergence: Toward a Prismatic Rhetoric for Composition Studies, Oriana Gatta
Social Media and Freedom: Exploring Human Connections, Bradford Hincher
What You Must Understand, Sara Hughes
Christ in Speaking Picture: Representational Anxiety in Early Modern English Poetry, Judith A. Irvine
Wordsworth’s Prelude: The Continuing Relevance of the Epic in Education, David Miller
Using Burke’s Dramatism to Unpack Intractable Conflict: Bush 43 and the Process of Peace in the Middle East, Trent Mills
Black Voices: A Trilogy of Twenty-First Century Plays Addressing the Hidden Bruises and Inner Strength of a Generation of African Americans, Willie L. Todd Jr.
A Rhetoric of Data: How a Technology Company Communicates Research, Laurissa Wolfram-Hvass
The Shapes of Cultures: A Case Study of Social Network Sites/Services Design in the U.S. and China, Jin Zhao
Dissertations from 2013
Masculinity, Desire, and Disarmament in Four of Shakespeare's Comedies, Jennifer L. Basye
Place, Race, and Modernism in the Works of E.M. Forster and Eudora Welty, Marny H. Borchardt
Modernism from the Margins: Unruly Women and the Politics of Representation, Lindsay Byron
Between Tactics of Hope and Tactics of Power: Liminality, (Re)Invention, and The Atlanta Overlook, Jeremy Godfrey
The Violence of the Law: Aesthetics of Justice in Early Modern England, Sarah Higinbotham
Mixed Classes, Mixed Pedagogies: A Study Of Intercultural Collaborative Learning In A College Developmental Writing Course, Daniel M. Keleher
Sublime Subjects and Ticklish Objects in Early Modern English Utopias, Stephen Mills
“Gender Flip-flopping in Hitchcock”: A closer look at Rear Window, Vertigo and Psycho, Nicole Motahari
The Painter's Wife and Other Stories, Candace Nadon
The Long Division (a novel), Derek Nikitas
An Examination of Secrecy in Twentieth-Century African American Literature, Tamalyn Peterson
Her Syndan Wælcyrian: Illuminating the Form and Function of the Valkyrie-Figure in the Literature, Mythology, and Social Consciousness of Anglo-Saxon England, Philip A. Purser
Almost Like Wings, Kristin C. Robertson
Curiosity Seekers, Time Travelers, and Avant-Garde Artists: U.S. American Literary and Artistic Responses to the Occupation of Haiti (1915-1934), Shelley P. Stevens
Mobilizing Agency: Cultural Spaces, Female Bodies, and Transformation in Late Nineteenth-Century American Literature and the 1940s Woman's Film, Elizabeth A. Stoehr
“Fifty Years of Our Whole Voice”: An Examination of the History and Culture Leading to the Publication of Fire!! Devoted to Younger Artists and Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of Asian American Writers, Joni Louise Johnson Williams