Dissertations from 2013
Through Her Own Eyes: Environmental Rhetoric in Women's Autobiographical Frontier Writing, Crystal T. Wright
Dissertations from 2012
From the 'Hood to the Classroom: A Rhetorical Perspective on Teaching Secondary English to the Urban Student, Shae A. Anderson
Commodified Anatomies: Disposable Women in Postcolonial Narratives of Sexual Trafficking/Abduction, Maria Laura Barberan Reinares
"Here in the To-Day, Forgotten in the To-Morrow:" Re-covering and Re-membering the Feminist Rhetorics of 19-Century Actress and Author Adah Menken, Jeanne Law Bohannon
Imagining Woman Otherwise, or Nothing: Sexuation as Discourse in Lacanian Thought, Rahna M. Carusi
Foot Tracks on the Ocean: Zora Neale Hurston and the Creation of an African-American Transcultural Identity, Patricia Coloma Penate
The Role of the Home in Eudora Welty's Delta Wedding and the Optimist's Daughter, Claire Elizabeth Crews
The Exchange: A Novel, Peter A. Fontaine
Speaking Voices in Postcolonial Indian Novels from Orientalism to Outsourcing, Barbara J. Gardner
Beautiful Day. Pleasant Walk: Walking and Landscape in the Works of Eswick Evans, John D. Godman, Elizabeth Fries Ellet, and Bradford Torrey, Scott R. Honeycutt
21st-Century Neo-Anticolonial Literature and the Struggle for a New Global Order, Shauna Morgan Kirlew
The Postdisciplinarity of Lore: Professional and Pedagogical Development in a Graduate Student Community of Practice, Juliette C. Kitchens
Unquiet Things, James D. May
Corporeal Violence in Early Modern Revenge Tragedies, Matthew McIntyre
The Art of Future Discourse: Rhetoric, Translation and an Interdisciplinary Pedagogy for Transglobal Literacy, Estefania Olid-Pena
Composing on the Screen: Student Perceptions of Traditional and Multimodal Composition, Jeannie C. Parker Beard Ph.D.
Should Have Known Better, Calaya M. Reid
Carnival's Dance of Death: Festivity in the Revenge Plays of KYD, Shakespeare, and Middleton, Benjamin O. Rollins
Undone, Emily Schulten
Teaching Speculative Fiction in College: A Pedagogy for Making English Studies Relevant, James H. Shimkus
Resisting Diaspora and Transnational Definitions in Monique Truong's the Book of Salt, Peter Bacho's Cebu, and Other Fiction, Debora Stefani
BL Cotton Caligula Aii, Manuscript Context, The Theme of Obedience, and a Diplomatic Transcription Edition, Denise C. White
Dissertations from 2011
The Function of Religion in Selected Novels of George Gissing, Lawton A. Brewer
Ordinary Madness, Matthew Byars
Two New Heuristics in Response to Formulaic Writing: What Lies beyond Oversimplified Composition Instruction, James T. Davis II
Sensory Coding in William Faulkner's Novels: Investigating Class, Gender, Queerness, and Race through a Non-Visual Paradigm, Laura R. Davis
Elizabeth Carter's Legacy: Friendship and Ethics, Afag S. Fazlollahi
"A Revolution by Due Course of Law": Matthew Arnold, G.W.F. Hegel, and the State's Revolutionary Role, Shannon N. Gilstrap
Re-Membering Ancient Women: Hypatia of Alexandria and her Communities, Cara Minardi
Walker Percy and the Magic of Naming: The Semeiotic Fabric of Life, Karey L. Perkins
The Sermonic Urge: Postsecular Sermons in Contemporary American Fiction, Peter W. Rorabaugh
The Old Biology Book, Michele E. Rozga
The Spaces of History: Francis Parkman's Literary Landscapes and the Formation of the American Cosmos, Florian Schwieger
Bite Size, Melissa B. Smith
Mothering and Surrogacy in Twentieth-Century American Literature: Promise or Betrayal, Kimberly C. Weaver
From Orators to Cyborgs: The Evolution of Delivery, Performativity, and Gender, Victoria E. Willis
Dissertations from 2010
Letter to So-and-So from Wherever, Michael Scott Dockins
Persistent Pasts: Historical Palimpsests in Nineteenth-Century British Prose, Tamara Gosta
Writing and Wellness, Emotion and Women: Highlighting the Contemporary Uses of Expressive Writing in the Service of Students, Cantice G. Greene
J. R. R. Tolkien, War, and Nationalism, Amanda J. Johnston
Liminal Resistances: Local Subjections in my Story, Vidheyan, and the God of Small Things, priya menon
Human-Computer Interface Design for Online Tutoring: Visual Rhetoric, Pedagogy, and Writing Center Websites, Alice J. Myatt
Bend, Break, Robert R. Pfeiffer
The Fashioning of Fanny Fern: A Study of Sara Willis Parton's Early Career, 1851-1854, Amy S. Porche
Early Medieval Rhetoric: Epideictic Underpinnings in Old English Homilies, Jennifer M. Randall
Dissertations from 2009
An Apology for Thomas Churchyard, Kerri Lynn Branham Allen
Ecocritical Theology Neo-Pastoral Themes in American Fiction from 1960 to the Present, Joan Anderson Ashford
Mentor-Teaching in the English Classroom, Timothy R. Blue
The Good Cut: The Barbershop in the African American Literary Tradition, Terry Sinclair Bozeman
Big in Japan: The Novel, Christopher Bundy
Toward a Rhetoric of Scholar-Fandom, Tanya R. Cochran
Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan: Honing the Hybridity of the Graphic Novel, Dallas Dycus
"Nam-Shub versus the Big Other: Revising the Language that Binds Us in Philip K. Dick, Neal Stephenson, Samuel R. Delany, and Chuck Palahniuk", Jason Michael Embry
Granite Butterfly, Kerin Flatley
Feminist Online Writing Courses: Collaboration, Community Action, and Student Engagement, Letizia Guglielmo
Our Lady of Refuge, James S. Iredell
Lay Writers and the Politics of Theology in Medieval England From the Twelfth to Fifteenth Centuries, Carola Louise Mattord
Literature as Prophecy: Toni Morrison as Prophetic Writer, Khalilah Tyri Watson
Dissertations from 2008
The Great Gatsby and its 1925 Contemporaries, Marjorie Ann Hollomon Faust
By her Own Hand: Female Agency through Self-Castration in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction, Angela Marie Hall-Godsey
William Faulkner, His Eye for Archetypes, and America's Divided Legacy of Medicine, Geraldine Mart Harmon
In the Body, Katherine Sungwon Hyon
The Third Person in the Room: Servants and the Construction of Identity in the Eighteenth-Century Gothic Novel, Jennifer Thomson Lawrence
Memory, Place, and Desire in Late Medieval British Pilgrimage Narratives, Ruth Anne McIntyre
The Power of Timelessness and the Contemporary Influence of Modern Thought, Katie Reece Moss
Old School, San Antonio, Heather K. Russel
Reading Autistic Experience, Natalie Collins Trice
Origins and Orthodoxy: Anthologies of American Literature and American History, Daniel Richard Vollaro
Good Christian, Lydia Williams
Resisting the Vortex: Abjection in the Early Works of Herman Melville, Jennifer Mary Wing
Dissertations from 2007
On the Limits of Culture: Why Biology is Important in the Study of Victorian Sexuality, Robert Jonathan Burns
The "Infernal World": Imagination in Charlotte Brontë's Four Novels, Cara MaryJo Cassell
"A Little Labour of Love": The Extraordinary Career of Dorothy Ripley, Female Evangelist in Early America, Elisa Ann Everson
Communication Strategies as a Basis for Crisis Management Including Use of the Internet as a Delivery Platform, Gordon Alan Harrison
Captive Women, Cunning Texts: Confederate Daughters and the "Trick-Tongue" of Captivity, Rebecca L. Harrison
The Literary and Intellectual Impact of Mississippi’s Industrial Institute and College, 1884-1920, Sheldon Scott Kohn
Days of the Endless Corvette, Emanuel Henry Martin
Sound of Terror: Hearing Ghosts in Victorian Fiction, Melissa Kendall Mcleod
Winning, Losing, and Changing the Rules: The Rhetoric of Poetry Contests and Competition, Marc Pietrzykowski
They Know "What Work Is": Working Class Individuals in the Poetry of Philip Levine, Jeffrey Edmond Rumiano
To Hold as T'were the Mirror Up to Hate: Terrence McNally's Response to the Christian Right in Corpus Christi, Richard Kimberly Sisson
Low Brows and High Profiles: Rhetoric and Gender in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century Theater, Elizabeth Anne Tasker
After My Third Tattoo, Elizabeth A. Wurz
Dissertations from 2006
Reclaiming the Human Self: Redemptive Suffering and Spiritual Service in the Works of James Baldwin, Francine LaRue Allen
The Sexual Politics of Meat Substitutes, Gregory James Flail
Why Tell the Truth When a Lie Will Do?: Re-Creations and Resistance in the Self-Authored Life Writing of Five American Women Fiction Writers, Piper Gian Huguley
Beasts of the Earth and Air, John Gregory Johnson
"Lines Written in my Closet": Volume One of Judith Sargent Murray's Poetry Manuscripts, Tammy Mills
Y'all Go Out and Make Us Proud: The Commencement Address and the Southern Writer, Dana J. Nichols
Sugar Skulls, James Richards
"Like Another Esther": Literary Representations of Queen Esther in Early Modern England, Saralyn Ellen Summer
Peer Review in the Contemporary Corporation, Shannon Warren Wisdom
Dissertations from 2005
Buttressing a Monarchy: Literary Representations of William III and the Glorious Revolution, Richard L. Dolan, Jr.
Cotton Mathers's Wonders of the Invisible World: An Authoritative Edition, Paul Melvin Wise