Date of Award
Spring 5-4-2022
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
First Advisor
Ashley Holmes
Second Advisor
Lynée Gaillet
Third Advisor
Michael Harker
The aim of the following thesis is to unite Giambattista Vico’s conception of imagination and necessity within rhetorical theories of narrative and shared space. Grounded in a case study of Beth Moore’s exit from the Southern Baptist Convention, this research demonstrates the ways in which faith responds to the necessity of reimagining. The role of faith as a rhetorical agent of identity guides this discussion, which is framed in feminist rhetorical theory to highlight the precarious position of women’s roles within the church from historical to contemporary contexts. Recognizing the reciprocity of narrative and shared space within the findings of this study demonstrates the importance of understanding particular rhetorical agents of identity. It is in this way that the field of rhetoric and composition can work toward a more consistent means of approaching topics of faith within the classroom through cultivating an appreciation for the language we use, the assertions we make, and the way we promote the inclusivity of ideas.
Recommended Citation
Rae, Samantha Joann, "Considering the Agency of Faith in Reimagining Narrative and Shared Space in Beth Moore?s Departure from the Southern Baptist Convention." Thesis, Georgia State University, 2022.
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