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This paper discusses the challenges faced and the lessons learned in bringing forth mystory (Ulmer, 1989). The ‘Author’ a self identified native anthropologist having had an experience of the ‘peacock stories’ 3 years after her dissertation field work, finds herself caught in the third space. She returns home to the stories and chooses to use frames drawn from poststructural analytic approaches, hermeneutical phenomenology, and performance theories to make meaning of her experience via its performative representation (Denzin, 2003). She examines the metadiscursive practices (Briggs, 1993) in which she participates and explores how she constitutes and is constituted by the text (s) that is/are unstable. In addition, she puts sous rature the category ‘Author’, explores how it functions to limit/delimit the ‘bringing forth’ of mystory. What are the implications for (auto) ethnographic narratives?


This article was originally published in the journal Research and Practice in Social Sciences.

The version of record is posted here with the permission of the author.
