Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Jeremy E. Diem - Chair

Second Advisor

Paul A. Knapp

Third Advisor

Truman A. Hartshorn


Atlanta is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the southeastern United States and is the only area in the region currently listed in “serious” 1-hour ozone nonattainment. Despite its exceedance history, impacts on Atlanta’s urban forests have not been the focus of any major studies. The purpose of this study was to examine air pollution damage to vegetation using a foliar-injury survey on Stone Mountain. The objectives of this project included 1) establishing that pollution transport from Atlanta to Stone Mountain occurs, 2) determining the magnitude of ozone concentrations near Stone Mountain and 3) assessing sensitive plant species on Stone Mountain for foliar injury. Results from this study confirm that Stone Mountain is located downwind from Atlanta. Ozone concentrations were sufficiently high to damage vegetation and these consistently peaked in July. Foliar injury was present on understory species on Stone Mountain, but was not observed on loblolly pine species.

