Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


Public Health

First Advisor

Dr. John R. Lutzker

Second Advisor

Katy Miller


Child maltreatment is a major public health problem resulting in negative outcomes for individuals and society. Evidence-based home visiting programs have been effective in reducing risk of child maltreatment to individuals at risk or substantiated for child maltreatment and improve parenting skills. This study examined baseline data from a project that braided two evidence-based parenting programs: SafeCare® and Parents as Teachers (PATSCH). It compared PATSCH and Parents as Teachers Only at baseline. A total of 159 families, meeting at least two at-risk criteria, participated. There were few statistically significant differences between the PATSCH and PAT Only groups at baseline; there were, however, significant differences in attachment, age, race and ER decisions. Dependent variables included parent measures, child development measures, as well as demographic variables. All participants showed lower risk for child maltreatment than might be expected based on risk criteria. Limitations included the use of voluntary self-report measures and analysis limitations.

