Date of Award

Spring 3-25-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


Public Health

First Advisor

Dennis Reidy

Second Advisor

Dominic Parrott

Third Advisor

Kevin Swartout



Research suggests men feel a high demand to uphold masculine gender norms and masculine discrepancy stress (MDS), is the strain a man feels when he believes he is or thinks he is perceived to be inadequately masculine.It is reasonable to suspect men with MDS would be more likely to act in the stereotypical masculine ways, to confirm masculinity and avoid social repercussions.


(a) Examine if the latent constructs demonstrate significant and moderately large correlations reflecting an underlying psychosocial adjustment factor.

(b)Assess if utilizing structural equation modeling methods, in place of univariate methods, demonstrate significant correlations between MDS, GRD, and the superordinate factor psychosocial adjustment.

(c)Assess if utilizing MDS as a mediator rather than a moderator in a structural equation model demonstrate a significant positive direct effect on psychosocial adjustment, while demonstrating a negative direct effect on psychosocial maladjustment.


A three phased plan was conducted; (a) assessing measurement models, (b) assessing the measurement model for the superordinate factor psychosocial adjustment, (c) and assessing a full model. The fit of the measurement models will determine which full model will be examined, the superordinate factor model or a model that does not include superordinate factor, which allows for all outcomes to be regressed independently on each predictor.


No statistically significant results were found.


Possible explanations for results are; misrepresentation of the latent, absence of statistical methodologies needed to assess the latent variables, deficiency in necessary power to detect effects, and measuring GRD and MDS independently of each other does not predispose one to experience maladaptive behavior. Thusly, indicating that future research should focus on a model that utilizes MDS as a mediator and a moderator.

