Author ORCID Identifier

Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


Public Health

First Advisor

Dr. Terri Pigott

Second Advisor

Dr. Alexander Kirpich


INTRODUCTION: During the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous news and media outlets reported an increase in mental health dilemmas. Studies varied from anxiety caused due to fear of catching the virus to if contracted, how did the virus psychologically affect the person. These reports examined different areas of the population, especially healthcare workers, first responders, teachers, and persons with comorbidities. The purpose of this scoping review is to describe the research conducted on the relationship between testing positive for COVID-19 and subsequent diagnosis of anxiety.

METHODS: The study design utilized for this research was a scoping review. The literature search was conducted in PubMed. Eligible studies included adults ages 18 and over, who tested positive for COVID-19 by a medical professional, who were diagnosed with anxiety less than a year after testing positive for COVID-19, and were part of the general population (not classified to any subcategory, such as healthcare workers). This scoping review displayed or listed the characteristics, similarities, and/or differences in the studies containing the eligibility criteria.

RESULTS: A total of 455 articles were identified in PubMed. After screening of titles and abstract followed by full-text screening, 12 full-text published articles were used in the scoping review. Seven of the studies utilized prospective cohorts as study designs. Half of the studies utilized some type of regression analyses. In many of the studies, males tend to be the higher percentage of gender type. Most of the of the studies occurred in China, while only two were conducted in the United States. 11 of 12 of the studies reported the incidence of anxiety among study participants.

CONCLUSION: In the general population, more investigation and studies on COVID-19 by psychologists, epidemiologists, and statisticians, will need to be evaluated on anxiety. After the patient develops COVID-19, evaluations for anxiety are essential, in order to thrive against the overburdened healthcare agencies and establish a healthy population of productive citizens in the workforce and contributing some other positive skill in society. Future research includes parallel screening measurements and time durations from a participant testing positive for COVID-19 until being surveyed for anxiety.


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