Theses from 2015
The Association of Advanced Maternal Age and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes, Mais Aboneaaj
Examining Parental Generalization of the SafeCare® Child Health Module Using Smartphone Enhancements, Rachel Atkinson
Associations of Early Sexual Initiation, Family Circumstances, and STD Incidence, Emily Ayers
Pathway Group Lasso for Integrating Metabolomics and Transcriptomics, Sophia Banton
A Comparative Analysis of State School Food Preparation Practices in NJ, GA & KY, 2006 - 2012, Shanice Battle
Surgical Site Infections Following Total Joint Arthroplasty: An Examination of Microbial Isolates, Predisposing Patient Factors, and Diagnostic Delay, Brooke Beaulieu
The Association of Participant Characteristics and Service Delivery with Program Completion Rates for SafeCare in Georgia, Malinda Bolt
An Examination of the Relationship Between SafeCare Provider Fidelity and Parenting Outcomes, Jessica Brown
Inactivation of Bacteriophage Φ6 on Tyvek Suit Surfaces by Chemical Disinfection, Travis Brown
Patient Satisfaction & Knowledge of Services: An Evaluation of a Street Medicine Program, Aleta Christensen
Association Between Adverse Health Behaviors and Depression in American Adults with Metabolic Syndrome, Ebenezer Dawodu
Associations between Butylparaben and Thyroid Levels in Females Aged 12 and over (NHANES, 2007-2008), Andrea H. Decker
The Revitalization of the Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition Program in Haiti, Johanne Desormeaux Dr
The Role of Health Literacy and Numeracy on Exercise Self-efficacy and Exercise Behavior in the PAADRN Bone Health Intervention, Elizabeth A. Fallon
Factors Related to Access to Nutritious Foods and the Association with Cancer Mortality in the Southeast United States, Krystal Freeman
Effects of Maternal Folate Levels and Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Fetal Growth, Infant Outcomes and Later Development, Amanda R. Gailey
HIV Care Continuum among Subpopulations of MSM, Georgia, 2012, Hilary Gleske
Diabetes in American Indian and Alaska Native Populations, Courtney Godwin
Association of Social Support and the Well-being of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Analysis of the Georgians Organized Against Lupus (GOAL) Cohort Study, Reginald O. Gooden
Analysis of Predictors of Unmet HIV-related Support Services and Barriers to Needs among HIV-infected Individuals in Georgia, Taylor Guffey
The Association of Antecedent Conditions on Disease Duration and Diagnosis Age of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients, Sabrina Hollinger
An Assessment of the Feasibility of Environmental Exposure Data for Syndromic Surveillance, Nolan Johnson
Early Sexual Debut and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Central Africa, Emerencienne Kibangou
Association Between Preoperative Pulmonary Rehabilitation And Postoperative Hospital Outcomes, Shenee Laurence
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs: A Policy Review and Recommendations for States, Christine Sh-Teng Lee
Characteristics of African American Adolescent Females Who Use Emergency Contraception, Erin Little
Effect of Progesterone Administration in Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Michael Lunney
Factors that Increase and Decrease Therapist Use of an Evidence-based Practice with Youth Victims of Commercial Sex Trafficking, Colleen McCarty
Contributing Factors in a Successful Foodborne Outbreak Investigation: an Analysis of Data Collected by the Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet), 2003-2010., Taryn Mecher, Christine E. Stauber, and L. Hannah Gould
Oxidative Status and Hypertension: An Examination of the Prospective Association Between Urinary F2-isoprostanes and Hypertension, Charles Melton
An Assessment of the Relationship between the Quality of Parenting Behaviors and the Potential for Child Maltreatment, Chinyere Nwamuo
Health care access, utilization and barriers among injection drug users, Ishaka Oche
The Use of Antenatal Care Services Among Women Living in Cote d’Ivoire: Focus on Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV, Constance Ogokeh
Characteristics of Disease Transmission, Geography and Risk in an Urban Population with Endemic HIV, Evelyn J. Olansky
Exploratory Assessment of Manufactured E-Liquids and Do It Yourself (DIY) E-Liquids, Sarita Pathak
Susceptibility for Hepatitis B Infection within the United States Population with Special Focus on African American Females., Dajuana Phillip
Dissonance and Accord Between Black Faith Leaders’ and Community Members’ Perceptions of Structural and Institutional Barriers in HIV, Jennifer Phillips
An Analysis of Access to Improved Drinking Water and Sanitation and Distance to the Water Source in a Newly Independent Country, Timor-Leste: Assessing Geographical and Socioeconomic Disparities, Decio Ribeiro Sarmento MPH
Is There an Association Between Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation and Elevated Body Mass Index in Women?, Jennifer Rucker and Jennifer Lauren Rucker
Barriers and Potential in the Final Stage of Global Polio Eradication Initiative, NDHS 2008, Sarah Safi
Diabetes Reduces the Rate of Sputum Culture Conversion in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis, Argita Salindri
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Water Quality along an Urban Stretch of the Chattahoochee River and Proctor Creek in Atlanta, GA, 2014, Dominique Smith
Medicaid's Postpartum Tubal Sterilization Policy's Effect on Vulnerable Populations, Katherine Turner
Built Environment and Birth Outcomes: Examining the Exposure to the Atlanta Beltline and Its Effects on Community Health, Amanda Tyler
Examination of the Association Between Intimate Partner Violence and STI/HIV Risk in African American Women in High Risk Areas of Atlanta, GA: A Mixed Methods Analysis, Rachael Wendlandt
Role of Influenza among Adult Respiratory Hospitalizations: a Systemic Review, Melissa Whaley
The Efficacy of Utilizing Chitosan as an Antiviral Agent in Water Treatment, Jessica Wilson
An Examination of Risk and Violence Indicators among a Subset of Elder Deaths in Fulton County, GA, Ahmed Witwit
Implementation and Outcome of Taiwan Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) Payment System, Jhih-Jhong Wu
Pulmonary Function Alternations after Vog Exposure in Hawaii Island Schoolchildren, YANJUE WU
Urban-rural disparities in HIV related knowledge, behavior and attitude in Burkina Faso: Evidence from Burkina Faso Demographic and Health Survey 2010, Degninou Yehadji
Theses from 2014
Research proposal for Assessing Patient Safety Culture in Public Hospitals under the Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS) in Afghanistan, Haroon Achakzai
Perceived Stress and Generalized Anxiety on Cardiovascular Health Measured by Ultrasound Carotid Intima-media Thickness, Everett Allen
Determinants of Regional Disparities in Under Age five Mortality in Cote d'Ivoire, Poquelin Assi Kouame
A Comparison between Selected Pre-Final Decision and Completed Superfund Sites in EPA Region 4, Natalie Blanton
Method of Recruitment Produces a Group of Persons Who Look Different from the Groups with HIV in Most Studies: A Case-Control Study, Zaghla Boumenir
A Systematic Review of the Health Impact of Employer-sponsored Wellness Programs, Anna Buseman-Williams
Are housing improvements an effective supplemental vector control strategy to reduce malaria transmission? A Systematic Review, Anna Danielle Carter
Association Analysis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Hypertension Status in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults, Jonathan Cook
Developmental disabilities and chronic diseases: An evaluation of an existing health promotion program in Atlanta, GA, Rola Doughan
A Proposal for a Series of Studies to Explore the Phenomenon of the International Migration of Indonesian Nurses, Nila Kusumawati Elison
A Comparison of Smokeless Tobacco Usage in Two NCAA Baseball Programs, Andrew Farrey
Investigation of Tuberculosis Stigma in 2008 Ghana, Timothy Feuser
Risk Factors For Sexually Transmitted Bacterial and Viral Diseases: Analysis of 2007-2010 NHANES Data, Marissa Gray
Impact of Internet Usage on Risk Perceptions of Hookah Use, Britany Helton
An Evaluation of Captain Planet Foundation's Learning Gardens Pilot Program in Atlanta, Georgia, Cassie House
An Outcome Evaluation of the Feminist Women’s Health Center’s: Young Women’s Leadership Program, LaShonda Hulbert
The Association between Maternal Age and Low Birth Weight Offspring, NHANES 2007-2008, Dianna Johnson
An Outcome Evaluation of CHOICES: A Brief Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program at Georgia State University, Ethan Johnson
A Policy and Infrastructure Analysis of Bicycle Friendly Campuses: an Examination of Three Atlanta-area Universities, Virginia Kincaid
A Comparative Analysis of the Health Status of Children Under 5 Years of Age in the Dominican Republic and Dominican Bateyes, Fitumai Madrid
Understanding the Health-related Challenges Experienced by Former State Prisoners Living with HIV: A Qualitative Study, Rene' Meadors