Theses from 2014
Health Sector Strategy and Economic Development in Cameroon: History, Challenges and Perspectives., Valery Nzima Nzima
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Water Quality Along an Urban Stretch of the Chattahoochee River and Utoy Creek in Atlanta, Georgia, 2013, Charity Perkins
Evaluating and Improving Title IX and Related Federal Mandate Compliance as They Relate to Sexual Violence at Berea College, Sirajah Raheem
Identification of Medical Interpreter Services in Atlanta Metropolitan Area, Huong Giang Tran
A Proposed Evaluation Plan for Kaiser Permanente’s Diabetes Disease Management Program, Kathryn Wiedeman
Characteristics and Odds of Having LTBI among Risk Groups (NHANES, 2011-2012), Mirwais Zhuben
Theses from 2013
The Impact of Ethiopian Health Services Extension Program on Maternal and Child Health Outcomes:The Case of Tigray Region, Selamawit A. Amare
Addressing the Hidden Heart Failure in Mongolia; a Proposal of Heart Failure Patient Education and Disease Management Program, Dulguun Batbold
Access to Mental Healthcare and Help-seeking Behaviors among African American Women with Depressive Symptoms in a Community-based Primary Healthcare Center, Allyson S. Belton
Cyberbullying Among School-Aged Adolescents and Teens: A Policy Review and Recommendations for Georgia, Britney Bennett Esq
An Evaluation of Pregnancy-associated Morbidity among Georgia's USDA Designated Food Deserts, 2009-2010, Yonte Burnam, Dajun Dai, and Lisa Casanova
An Evaluation of a Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Program in Rural Communities Outside of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Brittany L. Cantrell
Changes in Georgia Restaurant and Bar Smoking Policies Between 2006 and 2012, Rachna D. Chandora
A Comparison of Health Care Reform in Taiwan, China, and United States, Nai-Wen Chang and Nai-Wen Chang
Rotavirus Vaccination Rate Disparities Seen Among Infants with Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE), Trisha Chan
Association Between Food Deserts and Diabetes Related Morbidity and Mortality Among Residents of Fulton County, Georgia, Madhubanti Chatterji
Trends in Vibriosis Transmission among the Top Four Vibrio Species, United States, 1988-2012, Amanda Conrad
Intimate Partner Violence Prevention in Africa: What Has Been Done and What Still Needs to be Done, Melissa Cyril
An Examination of Mothers’ Socio-Demographic Factors Associated With Incomplete Vaccination Status among Under-five Populations in Malawi, Lucius Darby Donsa
A Systematic Review of Health Literacy Interventions and Policies and the Effect on the Health Outcomes of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Patients, Melissa T. Duong
Associations of Vigorous Physical Activity with Depression: An Examination of NHANES Data 2007-2008, Ugonma U. Emeruem
Systematic Review of Infection Prevention and Control Policies and Nosocomial Transmission of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Aida Estebesova
Reducing the Childhood Obesity Rate: What Lessons Can Georgia Learn from Successful States and Localities?, Margaret G. Fischer
HIV in African American women: Evidence that elevated rate of infection cannot be explained solely on the basis of known individual risk behaviors., Bermann Francois
Evaluation of Existing Components of the Ten Steps of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in Unaccredited Hospitals in the City of Atlanta, Kaci Megan Galyon
Designing the Primary Care Assessment Tool for Physician Performance Tracking in Indonesia; A Program Planning, Donni -. Hendrawan don
Racial /Ethnic Differences Metabolic Profiles of American Women Diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus, Nta E. Henshaw MD
Use of Antenatal and Skilled Care During Delivery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Effectiveness of Interventions Implemented in Developing Countries, Calister Peter Imeda Ms
An Examination of the Risk Factors Associated With Asthma Prevalence Among a Sample of Displaced Public Housing Residents in Atlanta, Ga., Matt C. Jackson
The Social Determinants of Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis in the United States Between 2005 and 2009, Rabia Khan
Association Of Socio Demographic Characteristics With Condom Used At Last Sexual Intercourse Among Adults 15 To 49 Years Between Côte D’Ivoire And Senegal An Examination Of Measure Demographic Health Survey Data 2005, Marie Huguette Kayi Akpedje Kingbo
Content Analysis of National Strategic Plans on HIV/AIDS and Global AIDS Response Progress Reports from Eight Southeast Asia Countries, Nang Thu Thu Kyaw Dr.
Evaluation of the Risk Factors for Antibiotic Resistance in Streptococcus Pneumoniae Cases in Georgia, Bethany LaClair
Investigating the Health Profile and Quality of Life of Adult Marijuana Users in the United States: Analysis of Self-reported NHANES 2007-2010 Data, Crystal A. Lane
Using Incentives in Workplace Wellness Programs: The Impact of Federal Employment Discrimination Laws, Edie Lindsay
MIC Distributions and Epidemiological Cut-off Values for Azithromycin in Neisseria gonorrhoeae as Determined by Agar Dilution, Kathryn A. Lupoli
Trends in Bicycling Attitudes, Knowledge and Behavior at an Urban University, Marian Maddox
Factors Associated with HIV Among Heterosexual African American Adults Aged 50 Years and Older in Ten ZIP Codes of Atlanta, Georgia, 2005-2011, Grace Marriott
Income Payment Structure and its Influence on Food Security and Fruit Consumption, Shelley M. Mays
An Examination of Parental Skill Acquisition Resulting From a State-Wide Dissemination of SafeCare®, Erin A. McFry Ms.
Utilizing Existing Resources to Support Health Communication Campaigns – A Marketing Resource Directory, Shari McKenzie-Hicks
Evaluation of the Compartment Bag Test for the Detection of Escherichia coli in Drinking Water, Candace D. Miller
Assessment of Rotavirus Vaccine Type and Number of Doses on Severity of Disease, Anaam F. Mohammed
Parent-Infant Interaction in a Latino Family, Yamile Morales
Examining the Effects of a Motion Comic Intervention on HIV-Stigma Among a Sample of Adolescent Men Who Have Sex With Men, Kristen M. Nichols
The Relationship between Parental Stress, Parent-child Interaction Quality, and Child Language Outcomes, Meghan Nix
Impact of Maternal Health Literacy Training on the Knowledge of Women who have been Homeless, Danielle Oves
Assessment of the Impact of the Mercy Corps Kyrgyzstan Food for Education 2010 Program, Bemene Piaro
A Systematic Review: Examining the Relationship Between Coffee Consumption and Breast Cancer, Lalini Pillay
Tobacco-Free Georgia State University: A Case Study, Jason A. Plemmons Mr.
Exploring Mobile Technology to Enhance Birth Outcomes in Rural Mozambique: Pilot Study Results, Manoj T. Rema
Preventing Post - Treatment Relapse among African American Adolescents and Young Adult Marijuana Users through Effective Treatment Interventions: A Proposed Intervention for Metro-Atlanta, Charlotte E. Robinson Ms
Risk Of Asthma Due To Obesity Among American Children: An Examination Of NHANES Data Regarding Childhood Obesity And Asthma, Oluwole Theophilus Sanni
Abstinence-Only Until Marriage and Abstinence Pledge Programs: A Policy Review for Stakeholders, Jeffrey P. Schade
Introducing an Innovative Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Curriculum to Adolescents: Evaluation Results, Sandy K. Templeton
Cannabis Use and Its Health Consequences in Afghanistan: Implication for Intervention and Prevention, Mohammad Ajmal Yasin
Theses from 2012
New Urbanism and Brownfields Redevelopment: Complications and Public Health Benefits of Brownfield Reuse as a Community Garden, Julia N. M. Campbell
Chronic Disease Control: Factors Associated with Adherence to Physicians' Recommendations, Jeremy Chartash
Descriptive Analysis of Ebstein Anomaly in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1997-2007, Tiffany Colarusso
Evaluation Integrated Mass Drug Administrations (MDA) for Neglected Tropical Diseases, in Koza District, Cameroon, Christina B. Conrardy
The Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on Child Maltreatment Risk: Exploring Moderators and Mediators, Melissa A. Cowart
Examining Disparities Related to the Use of Hospice Care: Cancer vs. Non-cancer Diagnoses, Justin Davis
Grant Proposal for Constructing a Platform to End Sexual Harassment in Cairo’s Public Spaces, Nada Doraid
Land Use and Urbanization Patterns in an Established Enzootic Raccoon Rabies Area, John E. Duke
Georgia Environmental Advocacy Groups Health Education Needs Assessment, Laura N. Frame
Perceptions of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Interventions in Select Communities in Central America. Recommendations to Explore the Issue of Sustainability, Arlyn Nathalia Gleaton
Does the Gender Inequality Index Explain the Variation in State Prevalence Rates of Physical Teen Dating Violence Victimization?, Lindsay A. Gressard
Financial Exploitation of the Elderly: A Policy Review and Recommendations for Georgia, Melissa C. Haberlen
The Test for H2S Production: Analysis of Correlation to Fecal Indicators and Risk of Diarrheal Disease in Bonao, Dominican Republic., Angela Hardin
Comparison of Screening Methods for Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, Ashleigh E. Heath
Comparison of Social Networks, Perceived Risk and HIV Risk Behaviors between Older and Younger African Americans Living in High HIV Prevalence Zip Codes of Atlanta, Georgia, Theint Theint Hlaing
Perceived Risk for HIV among High Risk Individuals: A Comparison of Adolescents and Adults, Akele Jeffers
A Survey of Point of Use Household Water Treatment Options for Rural South India, Kendralyn G. Jeffreys
Vaccination in a Private Pediatric Practice, Karen T. Joseph
Impact of Schistosomiaisis in Kasansa Health Zone in Democratic Republic of Congo, Mbuyi M. Kabongo
Race and Health Online: A Public Health Exploration of the Digital Landscape, Tanisha Kelley
An Evaluation of the State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System: Cross-Promoting Healthy People 2020, John B. Kenemer
Suicide Ideation and Its Associated Risk Factors among Adolescent Students in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Rabia Khalid
Could Low Vitamin D Status Explain the Increased Rates of Hypertensive Disorder in Pregnancy in the US Population and in Non-Hispanic Black Women? An Examination of NHanes 2001-2006, Michelle V. Leander-Griffith
Maternal Medication Use and Risk of Hypospadias- An Exposure Spectrum Approach, Jennifer N. Lind
Empowerment Through Community Based Monitoring, Nurez N. Madhany
Examining the Impact of the SafeCare Parent-Infant Interaction Module on the Quantity and Content of Maternal-Infant Directed Utterances, Sanjana S. Mammen
An Analysis of Geography Project Data to Determine HIV and Behavioral Risk for High Risk Zip Codes and Low Risk Zip Codes in Fulton County, GA, Jamaal B. Marshall