Date of Award

Spring 5-7-2011

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Kinesiology and Health

First Advisor

Dr. Beth A. Cianfrone

Second Advisor

Dr. Brenda Pitts

Third Advisor

Dr. Rebecca Ellis

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Natasha Brison


In the sport industry, many stakeholders, including sport organizations, players, coaches, sports reporters, and fans, utilize Twitter. Twitter has become a practical marketing tool, in part, although Twitter users have not been studied in terms of sociodemographics, team identification, media consumption, team related Twitter consumption, or game consumption of their favorite team. Exploring the demographics and consumptive behavior of Twitter users can be valuable for sport organizations to create marketing plans and make managerial decisions. The purpose of this study was to determine the makeup of sport consumers on Twitter for market segmentation purposes and examine their sport media consumption levels, sport-related Twitter usage, team identification level, and team consumption. Differences between Generation X and Y consumers were also determined. An online survey was administered to Twitter users (N = 219). Descriptive statistics, chi-square analyses and MANOVAs revealed characteristics about the users.

