Author ORCID Identifier

Date of Award

Fall 11-9-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Psychology and Special Education

First Advisor

Dr. Sarah Hansen

Second Advisor

Dr. Elizabeth Stevens

Third Advisor

Dr. Daniel Conine

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Lauren Boden


Professional development (PD) is the method educators use to continue to learn and update their knowledge and instructional practices to increase student achievement. The literature provides several reiterations of effective PD components (Darling-Hammond et al., 2017). However, there is an emerging body of research looking to identify which components of PD are effective and necessary for different types of PD. For example, performance feedback is a commonly cited important component of PD, but is often very resource intensive (Samundre et al., 2024). Mowbray et al., 2024 demonstrated a functional relation between PD with ongoing performance feedback and an immediate and stable increase in teachers’ implementation of a mathematics vocabulary routine. However, it may be the teachers only required the PD, and not the performance feedback to achieve a high level of implementation. Therefore, this multiple baseline study across special education teachers replicates and extends Mowbray et al., (2024) to investigate if ongoing performance feedback was a necessary component to improve teachers’ implementation. Results indicated a functional relation between the PD and an immediate, sustained high level of implementation. This study contributes to the PD literature regarding the necessity of ongoing performance feedback with a PD on mathematics vocabulary instruction and discusses some of the contextual variables that influence the outcomes of PD. Limitations, such as the one-on-one format of the PD, and future research to extend the PD to a small group format, are discussed.


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