Open Access Institutional Repository of Georgia State University - Learning Technologies Division Faculty Publications | Department of Learning Sciences | Georgia State University


Submissions from 2024


Examining the Relationship between Contextual Factors and TPACK Development in an Online Teacher Professional Development Program in the Caribbean, Lance Armistead, Jonathan Cohen, Jennifer Darling-Aduana, and Brendan Calandra


Outreach for Young Adult African Americans with Risk Factors for Stroke, Iris Feinberg, Dawn M. Aycock, Elizabeth Tighe, and Delaney Detamore


Simplifying Informed Consent as a Universal Precaution, Iris Feinberg, Ajeet Gajra, Lori Hetherington, and Kathryn McCarthy


Cultural and Linguistic Adaptation of Stop the Bleed: Saving Lives in a Multi-ethnic Refugee Resettlement Community, Iris Feinberg, Randi N. Smith, Amy Zeidan, Deepika Koganti, Kelleigh Dawn Trepanier, Stephanie Adrian, and Mary Helen O'Connor

Submissions from 2023


Creating Understandable and Actionable COVID-19 Health Messaging for Refugee, Immigrant, and Migrant Communities, Iris Feinberg, Mary Helen O'Connor, Saja Khader, Amy L. Nyman, and Michael Eriksen


COVID-19 Vaccine Videos: Health Literacy Considerations, Iris Feinberg, Michelle Ogrodnick, and Jamie Bernhardt


Health Literacy and COVID-19: Implications for the ABE/ASE Classroom, Michelle Ogrodnick and Iris Feinberg


Toward CS1 Content Subscales: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of an Introductory Computing Assessment, Miranda C. Parker, Matt J. Davidson, Yvonne S. Kao, Lauren Margulieux, Zachary Tidler, and Jan Vahrenhold


Enhancing Caregivers Self-management for their Children who Require Medical Technology: A Feasibility Study for the COPE-STAR Intervention, Regena Spratling, Syeda Zahra Ali, Melissa Spezia Faulkner, Iris Feinberg, and Matt J. Hayat

Submissions from 2022


The Relationship between Health Literacy and COVID-19 Vaccination Prevalence during a Rapidly Evolving Pandemic and Infodemic, Iris Feinberg, Jane Yoon Scott, David P. Holland, Rodney S. Lyn, Lia Scott, Kevin M. Maloney, and Richard Rothenberg


Strengthening the Case for Universal Health Literacy: The Dispersion of Health Literacy Experiences Across a Southern U.S. State, Iris Feinberg, Elizabeth Tighe, and Michelle Ogrodnick


Interactive Transcription Techniques for Interaction Analysis, Arpit Mathur and Benjamin R. Shapiro


The Dispersion of Health Information–Seeking Behavior and Health Literacy in a State in the Southern United States: Cross-sectional Study, Nikita Rao, Elizabeth Tighe, and Iris Feinberg


“Bettering Data”: The Role of Everyday Language and Visualization in Critical Novice Data Work, Benjamin R. Shapiro, Amanda Meng, Annabel Rothschild, Sierra Gilliam, Cicely Garrett, Carl Disalvo, and Betsy Disalvo

Submissions from 2021


A remote instructor like me: Student-teacher congruence in online, high school courses, Jennifer Darling-Aduana


Public health crisis in the refugee community: little change in social determinants of health preserve health disparities, Iris Feinberg, Mary Helen O'Connor, Ashli Owen-Smith, and Shanta Dube


Strengthening Culturally Competent Health Communication, Iris Feinberg, Ashli Owen-Smith, Mary Helen O'Connor, Michelle Ogrodnick, Richard Rothenberg, and Michael Eriksen


Exploring Approaches to Data Literacy Through a Critical Race Theory Perspective, Britney Johnson, Benjamin R. Shapiro, Betsy Disalvo, Annabel Rothschild, and Carl Disalvo


An Examination of Middle School Student Learner Characteristics as Related to the Reuse and Remixing of Code in Two Different Computer Science Learning Contexts, Tuba Ketenci, Brendan Calandra, Jonathan Cohen, Maggie Renken, and Nurjamal Chonoeva


Scaffolding Problem Solving with Learners’ Own Self Explanations of Subgoals, Lauren Margulieux and Richard Catrambone


When Wrong is Right: The Instructional Power of Multiple Conceptions, Lauren Margulieux, Paul Denny, Kathryn Cunningham, Michael Deutsch, and Benjamin R. Shapiro


Health Literacy and Intercultural Competence Training, Michelle Ogrodnick, Mary Helen O'Connor, and Iris Feinberg


What About Interaction Geography to Evaluate Physical Learning Spaces?, Benjamin R. Shapiro


Classroom Interaction Geography: Visualizing Space & Time in Classroom Interaction, Benjamin R. Shapiro and Brette Garner

Submissions from 2020


An Examination of a Group of Middle School Students’ Engagement during a Series of Afterschool Computing Activities in an Urban School District, Brendan Calandra, Maggie Renken, Jonathan Cohen, Timothy Hicks, and Tuba Ketenci


I am not only a Student-Athlete: Investigating Social Identity Complexity as a Stereotype Threat Mitigation Strategy to Reduce Barriers, Jacob Alan English and Ann Cale Kruger


Here and then: Learning by making places with digital spatial story lines, Rogers Hall, Benjamin R. Shapiro, Andrew L. Hostetler, Helen Collins, David Owens, and Fisher Douglas


App Development in an Urban After-School Computing Program: A Case Study with Design Implications, Timothy Hicks, Jonathan Cohen, and Brendan Calandra


Visualizing Qualitative Data: Creative Approaches for Analyzing and Demonstrating Lively Data from Diverse Learning Settings, Yong Ju Jung, Jaclyn Dudek, Shulong Yan, Marcela Borge, Soo Hyeon Kim, Jian Liao, Benjamin R. Shapiro, and Heather Toomey Zimmerman


Effect of Implementing Subgoals in’s Intro to Programming unit in Computer Science Principles, Lauren Margulieux, Briana Baker Morrison, Baker Franke, and Harivololona Ramilison


Reducing Withdrawal and Failure Rates in Introductory Programming with Subgoal Labeled Worked Examples, Lauren Margulieux, Briana B. Morrison, and Adrienne Decker


The Curious Case of Loops, Briana Baker Morrison, Lauren Margulieux, and Adrienne Decker


What Do We Think We Think We Are Doing?: Metacognition and Self-Regulation in Programming, James Prather, Brett A. Becker, Michelle Craig, Paul Denny, Dastyni Loksa, and Lauren Margulieux


Classroom Interaction Geography: A Case Study, Benjamin R. Shapiro, Brette Garner, Hui Soo Chae, and Gary Natriello


Re-Shape: A Method to Teach Data Ethics for Data Science Education, Benjamin R. Shapiro, Amanda Meng, Cody O'Donnell, Charlette Lou, Edwin Zhao, Bianca Dankwa, and Andrew Hostetler

Submissions from 2019


Behavioral Engagement Shifts Among At-Risk High School Students Enrolled in Online Courses, Jennifer Darling-Aduana


Using the SOLO Taxonomy to Understand Subgoal Labels Effect in CS1, Adrienne Decker, Lauren Margulieux, and Briana B. Morrison


Spatial Encoding Strategy Theory: The Relationship between Spatial Skill and STEM Achievement, Lauren Margulieux


Learning Sciences for Computing Education, Lauren Margulieux, Brian Dorn, and Kristin Searle


Review of Measurements Used in Computing Education Research and Suggestions for Increasing Standardization, Lauren Margulieux, Tuba Ketenci, and Adriene Decker


Design and Pilot Testing of Subgoal Labeled Worked Examples for Five Core Concepts in CS1, Lauren Margulieux, Briana B. Morrison, and Adrienne Decker


Mission to Planet Markle: Problem-Based Learning for Teaching Elementary Students Difficult Content and Practices, Melanie Peffer, Maggie Renken, Patrick Enderle, and Jonathan Cohen


Cognitive Sciences for Computing Education, Anthony V. Robins, Lauren Margulieux, and Briana B. Morrison

Submissions from 2018


The Relationship between Learner Characteristics and Student Outcomes in a Middle School Computing Course An Exploratory Analysis Using Structural Equation Modeling, Tuba Ketenci, Brendan Calandra, Lauren Margulieux, and Jonathan Cohen


Finding the Best Types of Guidance for Constructing Self-Explanations of Subgoals in Programming, Lauren Margulieux and Richard Catrambone


Varying effects of subgoal labeled expository text in programming, chemistry, and statistics, Lauren Margulieux, Richard Catrambone, and Laura M. Schaeffer


Interaction Geography & the Learning Sciences, Benjamin R. Shapiro


Personal Curation in a Museum, Benjamin R. Shapiro and Rogers Hall

Submissions from 2017


Maker Principles and Technologies in Teacher Education: A National Survey, Jonathan Cohen


Preservice and Early Career Teachers’ Preconceptions and Misconceptions about Making in Education, Jonathan Cohen, W. Monty Jones, and Shaunna Smith


Makification: Towards a Framework for Leveraging the Maker Movement in Formal Education, Jonathan Cohen, W. Monty Jones, Shaunna Smith, and Brendan Calandra


Urban Middle School Students, Twenty-First Century Skills, and STEM-ICT Careers: Selected Findings from a Front-End Analysis, Jonathan Cohen, Maggie Renken, and Brendan Calandra


Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs About Using Maker Activities in Formal K-12 Educational Settings: A Multi-Institutional Study, W. Monty Jones, Shaunna Smith, and Jonathan Cohen


Who Signs Up and Who Stays? Attraction and Retention in an After-School Computer-Supported Program, Maggie Renken, Jonathan Cohen, Tugba Ayer, Brendan Calandra, and Aeslya Fuqua


Using the Interaction Geography Slicer to Visualize New York City Stop & Frisk, Benjamin R. Shapiro and Francis A. Pearman

Submissions from 2016


Improving Problem Solving with Subgoal Labels in Expository Text and Worked Examples, Lauren Margulieux and Richard Catrambone


Using Subgoal Learning and Self-Explanation to Improve Programming Education, Lauren Margulieux and Richard Catrambone


Employing Subgoals in Computer Programming Education, Lauren Margulieux, Richard Catrambone, and Mark Guzdial


A Taxonomy to Define Courses that Mix Face-to-Face and Online Learning, Lauren Margulieux, W. Michael McCracken, and Richard Catrambone


Training Learners to Self-Explain: Designing Instructions and Examples to Improve Problem Solving, Lauren Margulieux, Briana B. Morrison, Mark Guzdial, and Richard Catrambone


Learning Loops: A Replication Study Illuminates Impact of HS Courses, Briana B. Morrison, Adrienne Decker, and Lauren Margulieux


Interaction of Instructional Material Order and Subgoal Labels on Learning in Programming, Laura M. Schaeffer, Lauren Margulieux, and Richard Catrambone

Submissions from 2015


High school English language arts, Jonathan Cohen, Marshall A. George, and Dana Riddle


Educators’ Perceptions of a Maker-Based Learning Experience, Jonathan Cohen, Julia Huprich, W. Monty Jones, and Shaunna Smith


Mixing in-class and online learning: Content meta-analysis of outcomes for hybrid, blended, and flipped courses, Lauren Margulieux


Subgoals, Context, and Worked Examples in Learning Computing Problem Solving, Briana B. Morrison, Lauren Margulieux, and Mark Guzdial

Submissions from 2014


Improving Programming Instruction with Subgoal Labeled Instructional Text, Lauren Margulieux and Richard Catrambone

Submissions from 2013


Subgoal Labeled Worked Examples Improve K-12 Teacher Performance in Computer Programming Training, Lauren Margulieux, Richard Catrambone, and Mark Guzdial

Submissions from 2012


Subgoal-Labeled Instructional Material Improves Performance and Transfer in Learning to Develop Mobile Applications, Lauren Margulieux, Mark Guzdial, and Richard Catrambone

Submissions from 2011


Transmedia Publishing, Jonathan Cohen, Laura Smolkin, and Glen L. Bull


Imitation, Communion and Culture, Ann Cale Kruger

Submissions from 1996


Cultural Learning and Learning Culture, Ann Cale Kruger and Michael Tomasello