Date of Award

Spring 4-19-2013

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mathematics and Statistics

First Advisor

Dr. Gengsheng Qin

Second Advisor

Dr. Emma L. Frazier

Third Advisor

Dr. Ruiyan Luo


Effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) is essential for viral suppression (VS) in HIV-infected patients. However, there is a lack of nationally representative data on types of ART regimens used and their impact on VS. This thesis used self-reported interview and abstracted medical record from 2009 Medical Monitoring Project (MMP) to study ART regimen type and related health outcomes. Results showed that 88.6% of HIV-infected adults in care was prescribed ART, and about half took regimens designated as ‘preferred’ according to U.S ART guidelines. Among MMP participants prescribed ART, 62.7% achieved durable VS, 77.8% achieved recent VS, 83.5% were 100% dose-adherent, and 17.1% reported side effects. Multivariate regression analyses revealed that although ART was critical for VS, there were minor differences in health outcomes among the major ART classes in the U.S. ART guidelines or six most-commonly used regimens. This study could be potentially useful for future strategic planning of HIV care.

