Author ORCID Identifier

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Jessica Todd

Second Advisor

Molly Paulson


This project aims to empower individuals and families to cook and prepare nutrient dense meals at home. This was done through the creation of an e-cookbook using Georgia State University Nutrition Department student, alumni, and faculty recipes. The cookbook will be given to all individuals who donate to the Department of Nutrition Coordinated Program Student Scholarship as a token of our appreciation. All recipes in this cookbook will be consistent with the Mediterranean Diet. By providing this type of cookbook to individuals, at-home cooks will learn to cook and prepare foods from the Mediterranean Diet eating pattern and learn why it is healthy for them to do so. The diet’s emphasis is on fruits, vegetables, lean and plant-based protein, high fiber, and healthy fats.This eating pattern has been shown to have many health benefits, especially when it comes to increasing longevity and reducing risk for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and metabolic disease. It has been a proven method to help patients control blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and weight. Additionally, many foods in the Mediterranean Diet have anti-inflammatory properties and are high in antioxidants, which help to positively increase health outcomes. Overall, there is convincing evidence in support of the Mediterranean Diet for preventing many chronic diseases, increasing lifespan, aiding in healthy aging, and improving quality of life.

This cookbook will be an easy starting point for those who do not often cook at home but would like to. While this style of eating is considered plant based, the consumer is not restricted to eating plants and plant-based products alone. The addition of moderate animal protein makes it more sustainable and manageable to an individual who is used to the typical meat-based American diet. Furthermore, this book provides additional tips like food swaps, kitchen hacks, and cost saving tips to increase the diet’s flexibility and consumer use.

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