Theses from 2019
Respecting an Incompetent Person's Autonomy, Erica Ronning
Naturalized Metaphysics and Scientific Constraint: A Model-Building Approach, Jake Spinella
Epistemic Injustice in Sexual Assault Trials, Emily Tilton
Experience-Based Intuitions, Tiffany Zhu
Theses from 2018
The Cost of Integration: Grounding the Integration Debate in Black Experience, Hansen Breitling
Seeing Past Causes: Causation and Covariation in Informational Teleosemantics, Asa Collier
Machine Automation and the Critique of Abstract Labor in Hegel's Mature Social Theory, Matthew J. Delhey
Epistemic Injustice in White Academic Feminism, Mary Donnelly
Need Evolutionary Debunking Arguments Rely on a Particular Metaphysical Construal of Evaluative Facts?, Christopher Foster
The Fragility of Convergence: Public Reason, Political Liberalism and Stability, Paul Fryfogle
Aristotle on Virtuous Disharmony: Mixed Actions and the Virtue/Continence Distinction, James Gillard
Feminist Aims and A Trans-Inclusive Definition of "Woman", Katie L. Kirkland
Metaethical Contextualism and the Problem of Disagreement: When Somebody Must Be Wrong, Bradley Loveall
Rawls's Political Liberalism: Historicist Or Kantian?, Linh Mac
The Problems of Impartiality: Attention, Deliberation, and Having "One Thought Too Many", Stephen Marrone
Nietzsche's Art of Interpretation: The Role of the Epigraph in GM III, Ryan McCoy
Reining In The Passions: The Role Of Emotions In Understanding Self-Control, Mara McGuire
Schopenhauer on Aesthetic Experience, Robert McKinley
Epistemic Entrapment - The Right of Exit, Brennan Neal
Language, Mechanical Memory, and the Speculative Sentence in Hegel, Peter Nennig
A Critique of Compatibilist-Libertarianism, Zachary Peck
Isolated Sacred Value Theory: An Account of Moral Conative Attitudes, Adrian Pecotic
Civil Disobedience and the Duty to Obey the Law: A Critical Assessment of Lefkowitz's View, John Pizzato
Can Global Workspace Theory Solve the Frame Problem?, Katelyn Rivers
Hegelian Freedom and the Communitarian Critique of the Market, Matthew Schrepfer
The Intellectual Intuition of Hegel's Psychology, Daniel Schwartz
The Puzzle of Faith, Jason C. Stigall
Legal Marriage and Political Liberalism, Yunn Ueng
A Marxian Critique of Nonideal Theory, Tyler Vanwulven
Is Representational Content Determinable?- A Conceptualist Response To Travis, De Yang
Theses from 2017
National Identity, Social Justice, and Internal Minorities: A Critique of David Miller's Liberal Nationalism, Shaila Bora
Rights, Alienation & Forfeiture, Jason Byas
Parents, Politicians, and the Public: Hume's Natural History of Justice is Humean Enough, Scott Collison
Is Kant's Account of Free Will Coherent?, Paul Dumond
Vicious Virtues: The Role of Naturalism and Irreligion in Hume's Treatise, Samuel Elalouf
The Role of the "Subject's Power" in Kant's Account of Desire, Leonard Feldblyum
Nietzsche on Honor and Empathy, Akshay Ganesh
Dignity And Disability: Toward A Relational Approach, Mercer Gary
Political Chemicals: Drugs, Rights, and the Good Life, Benjamin Goldstein
Too Tired to be Fair: Reactive Attitudes and Irrelevant Influences, Amanda Haskell
Toward a Marxist Environmental Ethic: Restoration and Preservation in Focus, Kristen Indergand
Luck and the Limits of Equality, Matthew Jeffers
Aristotle's Appeal to Nature and the Internal Point of View, M Dan Kemp
Nietzsche on Realism in Art and the Role of Illusions in Life-Affirmation, Marie K. Le Blevennec
In Defense of the State-Based Account of Harming, Joseph Lee
Darwinian Domain-Generality: The Role of Evolutionary Psychology in the Modularity Debate, Michael Lundie
A Critique of Catharine MacKinnon's Sex-Based Theory of Rape, Meagan Malone
Is Moral Anger Justified? A Functionalist Defense Of Feeling And Expressing Moral Anger, Razia Sahi
Kant's Singularity Thesis, Robert Vanderbeek
On Nietzsche, Homer, and Dissimulation, Joel A. Van Fossen
Same-Sex Marriage as a Waste of Time: The Importance of Norms and the Impotence of Law, Gaetano Venezia
Theses from 2016
Agency and Resentment: Reinterpreting Strawson's Compatibilism, Bobby Bingle
Knowing How You Feel: The Structure and Importance of Emotional Self-Knowledge, Robert Boudreau
Kant and the Ground(s) of Dignity: The Centrality of the Fact of Reason, William Britton
The False Promise of Ideal Guidance on the Target View, Jeffrey Carroll
Self-Consciousness, Self-Ascription, and the Mental Self, Chieh-ling Cheng
Diagnosing Verbal Disputes: The Case of Ontology, Nathan Dahlberg
Reconciling New Mechanism and Psychological Explanation: A Pragmatic Approach, Michael De Vivo
A Group-Based Approach to Reparations, Elizabeth Dwyer
Individualism, the Total State and Race in the Views of Carl Schmitt, Eva Imbsweiler
Feminist Perspectivism: A Revised Standpoint Theory, Chevan Lindsay
Gender Justice and Fraser's Universal Caregiver, Mandy Long
Thought Experiments and the Myth of Intuitive Content, Marcus McGahhey
Why Does Kant Think That Moral Requirements Are Categorical Imperatives’?, Maria Mejia
Overcoming Diminished Motivation, Jumana Morciglio
A Benefit Argument for Responsibilities to Rectify Injustice, Suzanne Neefus
Beyond the State: The Early Nietzsche's Post-Political Rhetoric, Keegan Nichols
Adam Smith's Circle of Ambition, Zakary Pearsall
A Nietzschean Diagnosis of Philosophers, Jared Riggs
The Duty to Truthfulness: Why What We Care about Is a Moral Matter, Jeremy Sakovich
Aristotle on Practical Wisdom and the End of Action, Gagan Sapkota
The Unity of Higher Cognition: The Case against Dual Process Theory, David Sorensen
Make Me Gay: What Neuro-interventions Tell us about Sexual Orientation and Why it Matters for Gay Rights, Andrew J. Vierra
Moral Discourse: Categorical or Institutional?, Calvin H. Warner
Theses from 2015
Is Gender Needed for Justice?, Matthew Salett Andler
Hegel on Marriage: The Importance of the Wedding Ceremony, Joshua T. Bisig
Aristotle, Determinism, and Moral Responsibility, Jennifer Daigle
Pre-College Causes of Women's Underrepresentation in Philosophy, Christopher Dobbs
Nietzsche's Constructive Philosophy: Self-understanding and the Sovereign Individual, Walter Duhaime
Folk Intuition and Thought Experiments in Science, Benjamin Freed
Does A Veridical Libertarian Experience Require Quantum Indeterminacy?, Jessica Rae Green
Deliberative Democratic Equality, Travis Holmes
Extending Pereboom's Quarantine System, Nathan Houck
Kant's Logic and the Completeness of his Table of Judgments, Hyoung Sung Kim
Can Tracking Representationalism Make Sense of Synesthesia?, Casey Landers
Kant and the Problems of Sex, Daniel Mendez
The Unity of Happiness and Reason in Hegel, Carson Monetti
Freedom and Equality in Education: A Private School - Publicly Funded Voucher Education System, Jonathan Ravenelle
A Moral Reconciliation With Aristotle's Intellectualism, Asher Reisman
Why Pereboom's Four-Case Manipulation Argument is Manipulative, Jay Spitzley
Human Flourishing and Autonomy as Passive, Gerald Taylor
Bell's Curve: Why the Arc of American History Does Not Bend Toward Racial Equality, Jon Thomas
Theses from 2014
Why Immoral Art Cannot Morally Harm Us, Maria Caruso
Is It Wrong To Assume Full Compliance In Ideal Theory? : A Response To Schmidtz, Chetan Cetty
Teleofunctionalism and the Normativity of Practical Rationality, David DiDomenico
When Simulations Conflict: Problems with the External Validation of Computer Simulations, Archie Fields III
On the Possibility of Robots Having Emotions, Cameron Hamilton
A Sticky Space Model for Explanation and Individuation of Anchoring Effects, Robert Hatcher
Public Reasons, Comprehensive Reasons, and the Integrity Objection, Stephen Herman
Stilz and Simmons on Justification, Legitimacy and Coercion, Laurie Mehrwein