Theses from 2025
From Baby Boomers To Gen Z: A Correlational Analysis On Voter Turnout And Social Media Engagement In The 2020 U.S. General Election, Nicolas Williams
Theses from 2024
How And Why Trans People Have Become The Target Of The Rightwing Conservative Movement, Ian Ellison
On American Fascism: The Fascist Rhetoric of Donald Trump and The Right Wing-Media, Aaron S. Huff
Boko Haram in Nigeria: Analyzing the Linkages Between Armed Conflict Forced Displacement, and Food Security, Amari Jones
Violent Political Rhetoric in Congressional E-Newsletters, Miles Massey
The Effect of State Repression on Rebel and Insurgent Use of Violence, Sarosh Sultan
Theses from 2023
Analysis of Links Between Food Accessibility and Walkability in Boston, Massachusetts and Three Surrounding Suburbs, Rachel B. Anderson
Juvenile Curfews in Metro Atlanta: A Case Study and Content Analysis of Laws, Arrests, and Victimizations, Olivia Berry
Does it Really Matter? Presidential Rhetoric and Framing and its Effect on State Marijuana Policy Diffusion., Dana Stevenson
Theses from 2022
Pharmacist of the Bench, Levi Wayne Hudson
Plantasia's Daughter: An Intersectional Approach to Environmental Education Organizations Through Diverse Hiring Practices, Milka Kiriaku
A Content Analysis: Examining Facebook Comments on News Media Posts For Echo Chambers, Jacob Parsons
Theses from 2021
The Political Revolution in Managerial Power: Corporate Personhood and the American Plutocratic Class, Liam Ammerman
Climate and Security: Evolution in the United States Political Discourses, Luciano da Costa Pereira de Souza
Morally Convicted Political Attitudes and the Importance of Democratic Norms in Maintaining a Strong Democracy, Rebecca Frost Brewer
¿Qué‚ Diferencia? Application of Difference-in-Differences to Mexico's Drug War, Jared Greathouse
Is The Role Model Effect Related to The Motivation of Women Running for Office? An Investigation of The Role Model Effect on Women in The Workforce, Courtney Lawrence
Neocolonialism and Terrorist Activities in Africa: A Case Study of Nigeria, Udoka W. Nwune
Re-examining the Cult of Personality: A Comparative Cross-national Case Study of Kim Il Sung, Mao Zedong, and Ho Chi Minh, Thach Hong Pham
'We Want Women?': An Examination of Female Political Leadership During National Public Health Crises, Kelsi Rae Quick
Governments Response to Drug Cartel?s Violence: The Case of Colombia and Mexico, Ilenia E. Quintero
Diplomacy as Pedagogy, Pedagogy as Diplomacy: Diplomatic Simulations, Constructivism, and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, Sawsan Hatem Selim
Does Economic Development Have an Influence on Human Labor Trafficking?, Ashley Smith
Under What Conditions do Ethnic Conflicts Occur? The Case of Cote d?Ivoire, Kamonon Amy Soro
Theses from 2020
Video Content Analysis of the Taliban, ISIS, and al-Qa'ida: Common Themes and the Utilization of Different Sonic Modes, Umniah H. Al Bayati
Trust and Populism: The Vote for Bolsonaro, Thais De Almeida
Analyzing Media of ISIS, the Taliban, and al-Qaeda: Use of Cinematographic Techniques in Retributive Justice Videos, Matthew P. Mottet
The Effects of Atlanta’s Urban Regime Politics on the Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal, Johnathan S. Mungo
The Anti-Base Movement in Okinawa: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Social Movement Development, Ariana Roberts
Reconciling Selectorate Theory with Democratic Erosion: The Role of Polarization, Sam Sharman
The Effects of Political Attacks on Independent High Courts in Global Cases of Democratic Backsliding After the Cold War, Miranda L. Stinson
Theses from 2019
Testing the Effects of US Airstrikes on Insurgent Initiated Violence in Yemen, Joshua Allen
Theses from 2018
What Difference do the Government Institutions of Haiti and the Government Institutions of the Dominican Republic Make for Tourism Growth?, Ludmilla Anglade
Militarized Patriotism: Constructing Norms Of Patriotic Behavior Through The Image Of The Soldier In Film, Matthew Morley
How Do We Understand International Law and Peace?, Rebecca Sims
Theses from 2017
Immigration, Crime, And Punishment: Minorities' Perception Of Immigrants And Attitudes Towards Punitive Policies, Lillie L. Lattimore
Monarchy and Effective Governance: The Success of Middle Eastern Monarchies and the Arab Spring, Michael Westberg
Theses from 2016
Water Accessibility: Tapping into the Governance of Water and Sanitation, Ashley Boyer
Max Weber and Pentecostals in Latin America: The Protestant Ethic, Social Capital and Spiritual Capital, Keith Smith
Theses from 2015
What is the Likelihood of Being Heard? An Examination of the Relationship Between Decentralization, Strength in Indigenous Movements, and Meaningful Consultation with Indigenous Groups in Latin America, Brittany M. Bromfield
Durable state rivals: Hezbollah and Lebanon, Hend Charif
Running as Women Online: Partisanship, Competitiveness, and Gendered Communication Strategies in Congressional Campaign Websites, Elizabeth Felker
Barriers to Democracy in the Arab World, Mohammad Huweih
Theses from 2014
Framing Issues in Education: From a Domestic and International Perspective, Melissa Henrichs
Privatizing Education with the Public's Purse: An Analysis of the 2012 Georgia Constitutional Amendment on Charter Schools, Kristina La Plant
Who Cares About Small Arms Anyway? An evaluation of research and policy, Joel Raffety
Theses from 2013
The Role of Resources in Regime Evolution, Ekaterina Boyko
Are Democracies More or Less Likely to Abrogate Alliances?, Eric Harrison
Price of Freedom: Improving Domestic Revenue In Developing Countries by Combining Democracy with State Effectiveness, Jean Francois Koly Onivogui
Are Europeans Really from Venus? A Comparative Study of War-making and State-Making in the US and EU., Michael Shea
Institutional Design under Windfall Conditions: the North Sea, Katherine Verleger
Theses from 2012
Southern Lag Voting Trends in Florida U.S. Senate and Gubernatorial Elections, Marie Frederickson
Patterns of Support of Ethnic Violent Groups by Co-Ethnic Groups, Deniz Gumustekin
The Politicization of Climate Change, Devian K. Harris
Mobile Phones and Gender Inequality: Can We Hear Her Now?, Kari An Mackey
The Other Side of the Coin: The Role of Militia in Counterinsurgency, Andrew T. Nidiffer
Sleeping with the Enemy, or Putting the Enemy to Sleep? A Theory of Insurgency-State Interaction, Andres Rangel
Defeating Authoritarian State Structures in Semi-Democratic Countries: Lessons from Turkey's Justice and Development Party, Gulcan Saglam
Punitive Warfare: Measuring The Effects of a Punitive Disposition On Public Support For War, Paul I. Thomas Mr.
Beyond Libertarianism: Interpretations of Mill's Harm Principle and the Economic Implications Therein, Matthew A. Towery
State-building, Systemic Shocks and Family Law in the Middle East and North Africa, Camille L. Wolpe
Achieving Genuine Moments from Ordinary Origins: Sheldon Wolin, Hannah Arendt, and Jacques RanciŠre on Democracy, Grant Yarbrough
Theses from 2011
Paradox Lost: Explaining Cross-National Variation in Case Volume at the European Court of Human Rights, Veronica S. Armendariz
The Priming Effects of Polling Location on Ballot Initiative Voting Decisions, Jeffrey M. Glas
Living in the "Age of Accountability": How Co-Decision Empowers the European Parliament in the Design of EU Agencies, Patrick C. Kenard
Theses from 2010
Opportunity to Rebel: The Effects of Unemployment Coupled with Ethnic Divided on the Onset of Civil Conflict, David R. Hamilton
The Political Economy of Federal Assistance: Demand-Side Determinants of New Awards in the 110th Congress, Matthew A. Lenard
Social Transformation in Divided Societies: Willingness to Integrate Post-Power Sharing Agreement: The Northern Ireland Case, Elizabeth A. O'Callaghan
Regime Completeness and Conflict: A Closer Look at Anocratic Political Systems, Matthew J. Schipani
Should We Press the Victims: The Uneven Support for International Criminal Tribunals, Michael D. Thurston
No Such Thing as Collective Goods: The Political Utility of Low Level Civil War in Northern Uganda, Alexandra Z.A. Wishart
Theses from 2009
"Ignorant and Confused?" Knowledge and Awareness as Determinants of Euroskepticism, Andrea Stephanie Aldrich
Religion, the Law and the Human Rights of Women in the Middle East: A Quantitative Analysis, Tyra Murielle Bouhamdan
Explaining Gender Inequality in the Middle East:Islam vs. Oil, Lindsey Christine Herbel
United Nations Peacekeeping and Non-State Actors: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Conditions Required for Cooperation, Gregory Hodgin
Thou Shall Not Kill: Analyzing Democracy's Moderating Effect on Violent Religious Supremacy in Islam, Ariel Morgenstern
Election Boycotts and Regime Survival, Ian Oliver Smith
Do Wedge Issues Matter?: Examining Persuadable Voters and Base Mobilization in the 2004 Presidential Election, James Benjamin Taylor
Friending Your Way to Political Knowledge: A Field Experiment of Computer-Mediated Social Networks, Holly A. Teresi
Theses from 2008
The Party, the Oil Companies, and Energy Security: Who Determines Chinese Policy?, Yuanyuan Ding
Attaining Empowerment: The Potential of Religious Social Capital in Microfinance Programs, John Wesley Eberhard
Voting: Is it Just for Old People?, Precious D. Hall
International Actors, Norms and Human Development, Amanda L. Moll
Domestic Capacities for Building Post-Conflict Peace, Erin Rachel Reed
Theses from 2007
The Changing Role of Soft Money on Campaign Finance Reform.The Birth of the 527 and its Consequences., Valerie Rose El`Ghaouti
Analyzing the Role of the State in the Promotion of the Information Revolution, Sherry Lynn Gould
IMF Conditionality and Armed Civil Conflict: An Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa, Claire D. Gowen
Explaining the Ineffectiveness of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: The Leadership of the Hegemon, Betsy Lynn Montgomery
The Effects of EU Information on Support for Euroskeptic Radical Right Parties in Europe, Vanja Petricevic
Who, How, and What? Third-Party Intervention in Venezuela, Ines Nayhari Rojas
The Effect of Electoral Security on Partisan Support, Brian Michael Webb
Theses from 2006
Religion and Party Realignment: Are Catholics Realigning into the Republican Party?, Patrick Lee Burns
High Tension without War: Interpreting Taiwan Strait Relations from 1990 to 2005, Yang Cai
The Impact of Electoral Engineering on Nationalist Party Behavior in Post-War States, Cynthia M. Frank
Understanding Access to Essential Pharmaceuticals during a Public Health Crisis, Andrew Jessen