Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Political Science

First Advisor

Mario Feit

Second Advisor

Peter M. Lindsay


In the wake of the election of Donald Trump, there has been an ever-increasing rise in openly right-wing authoritarian rhetoric: what I would label as fascism rhetoric. Fascist rhetorical devices are used to sensationalize and dramatize right-wing extremists into false notions of political and social reality and conspiratorial thinking. This way of communication ultimately leads to an increase in physical and aggressive attacks, through language and violence, against those deemed as an ‘other’ by a nationalized and mythicized ‘us.’ This being the case, the language reflects notions such as an ahistorical, mythical past of the nation’s history, glorifying the “chosen people” with the nation and constantly degrading outside groups positioned as aliments on society. The fascist rhetoric in Donald Trump’s rhetoric is the primary issue of this paper. Thus, this paper intends to map the fascist rhetorical elements of the two leading figures of the authoritarian right wing: Donald Trump and the Right-Wing Media. In doing so, I hope to shed some light on Trumpian rhetoric, showing how certain elements and particulars are indeed fascist.


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