"No M s Violencia: Family Conflict and Youth Aggression among Latino Yo" by Cathy Roche

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Julia Perilla - Co-Chair

Second Advisor

Gabriel Kuperminc - Co-Chair

Third Advisor

Lisa Armistead

Fourth Advisor

Erin McClure Tone


This research examined the link between family conflict and youth aggression in Latino families. Attitudes toward aggression were tested as a mediator of this link, whereas family constellation variables (cohesion, responsibilities, birth order, and gender) were tested as moderators. This model was tested in a longitudinal community sample of 143 youth (study 1) and in a sample of 35 sibling dyads exposed to domestic violence (study 2). Differences between the two studies supported the notion that domestic violence and family conflict are distinct phenomena. For example, fairness did not have any main effects or interaction effects on behavioral outcomes in study 1. However, fairness had a negative association with aggression for oldest siblings in study 2. Future directions are discussed including a call for a developmental-ecological-feminist theory and participatory action research.



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Psychology Commons
