
Publications from 2004


DBT, FAP, and ACT: How empirically oriented are the new behavior therapy technologies?, S. C. Hayes, Akihiko Masuda, R. Bissett, J. Luoma, and L. F. Guerrero


Cognitive defusion and self-relevant negative thoughts: Examining the impact of a ninety year old technique, Akihiko Masuda, S. C. Hayes, C. F. Sackett, and M. P. Twohig

Publications from 2003


Serum dioxin and psychological functioning in U.S. Air Force Veterans of the Vietnam War, Joel E. Michalek

Publications from 2002


Psychometric Stability of Nationally Normed and Experimental Decoding and Related Measures in Children with Reading Disability, Paul Cirino, Fontina Rashid, Rose Sevcik, Maureen Lovett, Jan Frijters, Maryanne Wolf, and Robin D. Morris


Measuring socioeconomic status: Reliability and preliminary validity of different approaches, Paul Cirino, Rose Sevcik, Maryanne Wolf, Maureen Lovett, Robin Morris, and Christopher E. Chin


Prejudice, terrorism, and behavior therapy, S. C. Hayes, R. Niccolls, Akihiko Masuda, and A. Rye

Publications from 2001


Relations between the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Third edition (WISC-III) in Children with Reading Disability, Christopher E. Chin, Heloise Marie L. Ledesma, Paul Cirino, Rose Sevcik, Robin Morris, Jan Frijters, and Maureen Lovett

Publications from 1998


Treatment of brain tumors in children is associated with abnormal MRS ratios in brain tissue remote from the tumor site., Sandra M. Waldrop, Patricia C. Davis, Carol A. Padgett, Marla B. Shapiro, and Robin D. Morris

Publications from 1997


Intrathecal Urokinase as a treatment for intraventricular hemorrhage in the preterm infant, Roger J. Hudgins, William R. Boydston, Patricia A. Hudgins, Robin Morris, Saul M. Adler, and Carita Lynn Gilreath

Publications from 1994


Proposed guidelines and criteria for describing samples of persons with learning disabilities, Robin Morris, G. Reid Lyon, Duane Alexander, David Gray, and James Kavanagh

Publications from 1993


Neuropsychological, academic, and adaptive functioning in children who survive inhospital cardiac arrest and resuscitation, Robin Morris, Nicholas Krawiecki, Jean A. Wright, and L. Warren Walter

Publications from 1992


Validity of discrepancy criteria for identifying children with developmental language disorders, Robin D. Morris, Dorothy M. Aram, and Nancy E. Hall

Publications from 1991


Mehodological Issues in the Classification of Attention-Related Disorders, Jack M. Fletcher, Robin Morris, and David J. Francis

Publications from 1990


Testosterone, Social Class, and Antisocial Behavior in a Sample of 4,462 Men, Robin D. Morris and James M. Dabbs