Theses from 2025
Do Ethnic-Racial Identity Processes Mitigate or Magnify the Effects of Discrimination on Black and Latinx STEM Engagement?, Dyamond Overton
Imagining New Care: Lifetime Contexts of Interpersonal Violence and Healing for Black Women, Grace Packard
Theses from 2024
Factors Influencing Prosocial Behavior in Tufted Capuchin Monkeys, Matthew H. Babb
Understanding Individual Differences in Executive Function in Older Adults, Gabriell Champion
Believing the Unbelievable: Exploring the Relationship Between Extremist Beliefs and Epistemically Unwarranted Beliefs, Rachel Heiter
Self-Directed Learning in Nonhuman Primates, Joseph McKeon
Shaping Futures: The Influence of Mentoring on the Future Expectations of Youths Affected by Family Member Incarceration, Renita D. Moore
Intergroup Anxiety and Related Fear Constructs: Confirmatory Factor Analysis within Privileged and Marginalized Racial Groups, Kathleen Murphy
Examining The Effect of Social Norms on Bystander Behavior Across Men With and Without Sexual Perpetration Histories, Kristin Shepard
Capuchin (Cebus [Sapajus] apella] Monkeys Change Their Choices Due to Social Context in an Iterated Prisoners Dilemma, Sierra Simmons
Theses from 2023
Individual and Prison Factors Influencing Incarcerated Adults’ Literacy and Numeracy Skills in the United States, Roula Aldib
Parent’s Emotion Coaching of Positive and Negative Emotions as it Relates to Children’s Communication of Emotions, Kyrsten A. Buote
Neural Correlates of Empathic Responding towards Mothers’ Happiness and Sadness in Middle Childhood, Katrina Farris
For the Sake of Curiosity: Do Monkeys Choose to View Counterfactual Information?, Elizabeth Haseltine
Effects of Prior Task Experience on Older Adults’ Encoding Strategy Selection, Changrui Li
File, Save, Forget: Cognitive Offloading in Non-Human Primates, Stella R. Mayerhoff
After They Leave: A Thematic Analysis of Post-Exit Distress and Coping in Former Violent Extremists, Katharina Meredith
Pre-Assault Diagnoses Associated with Post-Assault Emergency Department Visits After Recent Sexual Assault, Jessica Prince
Examining Factors Associated with Alcohol Use and Consequences among Latine College Students, Nashalys K. Salamanca
Can explicit processes support implicit category learning?: The effect of relevant rule-oriented selective attention on implicit learning, Andres Sanchez
Worry as Coping: The Roles of Worry Beliefs, Anxiety, and Emotion Regulation, Anne Werkheiser
Theses from 2022
Children’s Physiological Regulation as a Predictor of Adaptive and Maladaptive Guilt, Arden Cooper
Neural Underpinnings of Social Withdrawal Analyzed Through Schizotypy, Jesse Edmond
Identifying Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and its Symptoms: a Diffusion Tensor Imaging Machine Learning Study, Olivia Haller
Identifying Neural Correlates of Positive and Negative Empathy in Middle Childhood, Erin McDonald
Is Dominance One Size Fits All?: The Influence of Face-Type and Emotional Expression on Memory, Ashley M. Meacham
“Writing all this is helping me justify my plan and to see the futility of continuing:” An Exploratory Study on the Use of Neutralization Techniques in Incel Manifestos, Katerina Papatheodorou
Neurophysiology of Mental Imagery and Reality Monitoring, Thomas Pietruszewski
Do Monkeys Save the Best for Last? Examining Sequence Order Preference in Capuchin Monkeys, Jhonatan M. Saldana
Perspectives of Clinicians Towards Mobile Health Applications, Caitlin Stern
Criminal and Remorseful Face-type Effects on Legal Decision Making, Beth B. Stevens
Theses from 2021
A Comparative Perspective on the Paradox of Choice, Maisy D. Bowden
Comprehension of Collocations In English and Spanish: Exploratory Study with Spanish Speakers, Stephanie Diaz
Informant Discrepancies in Perceptions of Family Functioning: Association with Child Internalizing Symptoms, Martha N. Ishiekwene
Does Perceptual Learning from Pre-exposure Affect Category Learning?, Brooke Jackson
The Influence of Executive Functioning Impairment and ADHD Symptoms on Response to Reading Skill Intervention, Alexandra Ossowski
The Impact of Social Disruption as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children with Gastrointestinal Disorders, Abigail Robbertz
The Influence of Pain Catastrophizing and Parent Behavior on Health-Related Outcomes for Youth with Sickle Cell Disease, Caitlin E. Shneider
Within-Individual Neural Variability in the N-Back Task: Relation to Neuropsychological Assessments of Executive Function, Reading, and Language, Stephanie Steinberg
When Gestures Do or Do Not Follow Language-Specific Patterns of Motion Expression in Speech: Evidence from Chinese, English & Turkish, Irmak Su Tutuncu
Theses from 2020
Quantification of White Matter Hyperintensities in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumor: Relationships with Cognition, Holly A. Aleksonis
Counterfactual Thinking and Racial Bias when Judging Crime Scenarios, Megan M. Capodanno
Improving The Acceptability Of Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Among Black Americans, Donovan Ellis
Assessing the Perception of Face Pareidolia in Children and Nonhuman Primates, Molly Flessert
The Assessment of Cognitive Bias in Capuchin Monkeys Using a Computerized Task, Kristin French
Exploring the Relationships Among Mindfulness, Attention and Interpretation Bias, and Depressive Symptoms in Emerging Adults, Meghan Goyer
Default Mode Functional Connectivity, Aerobic Exercise, and Depressive Symptoms: A Resting-State fMRI Study, Andrew Gradone
Multiple Minority Stress, Problematic Drinking, and Intimate Partner Violence in Sexual Minorities of Color, Kevin Moino
The Role of Family Background in Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Teachers? Evaluations, Chelsea V. Moodie
Psychopathology in Children: the Transdiagnostic Contribution of Affiliative Capacity and Inhibitory Control, Isabella Palumbo
School Resource Officers, School Safety, and School Climate in a Large Urban School District, Melinda Reed
Access and Engagement of MoodTools, an mHealth Application for Depression, Langting Su
The Effects of Repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) on the Speeded Identification of Happy Faces in Depressed Adults, Brian L. Tang
Maternal and Adolescent Depression: The Role of Genetic Variability and Telomere Length, Amanda Thompson
Racism Stress and Self-Concept: The Moderating Role of Ethnic-Racial Socialization, Aisha Noni Walker
An Investigation of the Effects of Free Writing on the Scope and Control of Attention, Melany Williams Love
Theses from 2019
Exploring the Contribution of Racially-based Harassment and Personality to Variation in Native and American Identity in Immigrant-origin Youth, Maria Alejandra Arce
Residential Mobility, Parental Stress, & Parenting, CHELSEA BARROWS
Experiences of Uncertainty Among Latinx Immigrant Parents in the U.S., Claudia A. Delbasso
Associations Between Pupillary Response Patterns to Emotional Faces and Self-Reported Social Anxiety, Mary Fernandes
Animacy's Effect on Attention and Memory in Humans and Macaques (Macaca mulatta), Jennifer Johnson
Peer Influence in Group Mentoring: A Source of Peer Contagion or Prosocial Behavior Change?, Hannah Joseph
GSTP1 Polymorphisms Sex-Specific Association with Cognitive Outcomes in Survivors of Pediatric Medulloblastoma Tumors, Rella J. Kautiainen
Dimensions of Depression and Cerebellar Subregion Volumes in Older Adults, Hannah R. Michalak
Evaluating Traditional and Newer Indices of Attention Bias Among People with Social Anxiety Disorder, Anthony Molloy
Effect of Sex and Dyad Composition on Speech and Gesture Development of Singleton and Twin Children, hatice sumeyra ozturk
Effect of Child Sex and Sibling Composition on Parental Verbal and Nonverbal Input, Ebru Pinar
Attentional Bias for Threat in Intergroup Anxiety, Michelle Rattinger
Cerebellar Volume and Executive Function in Young Adults with Congenital Heart Disease, Eric Semmel
Zeal of the Convert? Comparing the Structure of Islamic Religiousness between Convert and Non-Convert Muslims, Daniel Snook
"Choking" Capuchins: Hormonal Correlates of Performance Failure Under High Pressure, Meghan Sosnowski
Theses from 2018
Patterns of Communication, Cognition, and Adaptive Behavior in Children with Developmental Delays, Phebe Albert
Social Skills and Language Development in Preschool Children with Developmental Disabilities Following Augmented Language Intervention, Candace L. Evans
Forms and Functions of Aggression in Adults: Validation of a Measure of Aggression to Assess Intimate Partner Aggression, Miklos B. Halmos
Capuchin (Cebus [Sapajus] Apella) Change Detection, Jesse Leinwand
The Role of Racial Ideology in the Relation Between Racial Discrimination and Psychological Well-being Among African American College Students, Ciera B. Lewis
Sexual Health among Female Refugee Youth: An Ecological Approach, Jessica L. Miller
The Effects of Gender in Violent Video Games, Samantha Sabin
An Exploratory Study of Mindfulness in Adolescents Diagnosed with Chronic Pain, Sharon Shih
The Relationship between Executive Function and Empathy: An fMRI Investigation in Healthy Adults, Zinat Taiwo
Analyzing Brain Networks Associated with Social Evaluation and Uncertainty in Subclinical Social Anxiety, Khalil Thompson