Theses from 2006
Racial Disparity in Social Spatiality: Usage of National Parks and Opera Attendance, Joseph Terry Johnson
Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Staff in Assisted Living, Guangya Liu
Cesarean Section Disparities: Assessing The Likelihood of Undergoing Surgery in Childbirth, Louise Claire Palmer
Stand By Your Man, Redneck Woman: Towards a Historical View of Country Music Gender Roles, Cenate Pruitt
"Excuse me, Ma'am? That's Sir to You!" Perceptions of Butch Privilege in Contemporary Society, Mikel L. Walters
Getting by Gatekeepers: Transmen's Dialectical Negotiations within Psychomedical Institutions, Elroi Waszkiewicz
The Changing Culture of Fatherhood and Gender Disparities in Japanese Father's Day and Mother's Day Comic Strips: A 55-Year Analysis, Saori Yasumoto
To Be or Not To Be…Christian: Explaining Chinese Immigrant Elders’ Christian Participation in the U.S., Gehui Zhang