Theses/Dissertations from 2022
"The Accidental Virgin": An Analysis of Sex, Sexuality, and Reproductive Health in Seventeen Magazine, Leah Berger-Singer
Adjuvant Effects on Enhancing Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness and Heterologous Prime-Boost Influenza Vaccination Strategy, Noopur Bhatnagar
Imaging, Cognitive, and Functional Correlates of Vascular Depression in Older Black Adults, Hannah Bogoian
Spontaneous trait inferences: Faces, races, and the inferences we encode because of them, Alesha Bond
Decentralized Harmonization Algorithm and Application to Functional Network Connectivity, Biozid Bostami
When They See Us in the Pages: The Representation of Black and Brown Males in Children’s Literature, Quintin R. Bostic II
Apricot City, Lindsey M.B. Bower
Knowing that My Voice Belonged There: An Exploratory Case Study on the Lived Experiences of Black Women Composers, Brittney Boykin
Representation Strategies of Arab LGBQ Individuals in the Years after the Events of the So-called "Arab Spring" in Mainstream Egyptian TV Talk Shows, Deena Bregheith
Investigation into Novel Mitochondrial Targeting Cyanine Dyes as Potential Photosensitizing Agents for Photodynamic Therapy, David Brewer
Rational Design Of Small Bioprobes For Biomedical Applications, Emmanuel Ramsey Buabeng
The Impact of Personality Traits and Emotional Intelligence on Emergent Leadership, Shinika Byrd
Nietzsche's Metaethics, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Appropriation, Keegan Callerame
The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: How Brand Authenticity Drives Brand Engagement, Christopher L. Campagna
Memory in the time of COVID, William HY Canter
Effects of Urban Land Cover on Magnitude and Interannual Variability of Evapotranspiration, Dinah K. Carlton
Preparing Student Researchers: An Investigation of Obstacles in the Inclusion of Primary Research Methods in First Year Composition, Sarah E.S. Carter
Ultrabright Fluorine Containing Squaraine Fluorophores Used for Biological Imaging, Stefanie Casa
Menudo and Lucky Charms, Felicia Ann Castro
Naturalism and Process Ontology for Rhetorical Theory and Methodology: Reconsidering the Ideological Tautology, Caleb M. Cates
Applications of Capillary Electrochromatography-mass spectrometry: Method Development and validation of Kynurenine Pathway Metabolites Analyses in Human Plasma and Characterization of Hydrophilic Interactions with Performance Evaluation in CEC Based Monolithic Stationary Phases, A S M Mojibur Rahaman Chawdhury
Applying Data Mining Algorithms on Open Source Intelligence to Combat Cyber Crime, Xucan Chen
Instructions for Transcending the Human Body, Chaz Chitwood
Online Property Valuation, Price Discovery, and Market Efficiency in the Housing Market, Jeonghyun Chung
Exploring Issues of Substance Use Among Special Populations, Victoria Churchill
Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Monoxide Prodrugs, David B. Cohen
Dual Diagnosis and Bias in Counselor Education and Supervision, Jamian Coleman
Exploring Online Fraudsters’ Decision-Making Processes, Tessa Cole
Self-Directed Learning: Historical and Theoretical Arguments for Learner Led Education, Caleb Collier
Family Trees: Stories, LaRue Cook
Children’s Physiological Regulation as a Predictor of Adaptive and Maladaptive Guilt, Arden Cooper
Role of DNA Methylation in Sexual Differentiation of Neurochemical Phenotype in the Brain, Laura R. Cortes
A Quantitative Analysis of Ownership-Induced Quality Gaps in The Long-Term Care Sector: Influences of Ownership Conversions, Self-Reporting, Regulatory Reforms, and the Covid-19 Pandemic, Muhammet Emre Coskun
Beyond Human RIghts, Ethan-Wyatt Cosper
Nature, Spirit, and the Question of Subjectivism in Hegel: Two Key Aspects of Hegel’s Treatment of Nature, Theodore Craig
Does Anti-Imperialism Entail Anti-Paternalism?, Thomas A. Crean
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Esports Viewership Trends, James P. Crone
Signed Graphs with Maximum Nullity at Most Two, Fredrick S. Dahlgren
Teacher Insights and Facilitation of Equitable Learning Environments for Diverse and English Language Learners in Science Classrooms, Jamie D. Daniels-Favors
Practice Teaching During Study Abroad in Second Language Teacher Education: A Longitudinal, Multi-Case Study of Preservice Teachers’ Cognition Development and Task Implementation, Meredith H. D'Arienzo
C’est Là Le Rêve : La Poésie Française et Les Mélodies de la Belle Époque, Nicolas A. Deuson
From “Speaking for” to “Speaking with”: Articulation and Representation in Multilingual South Africa, Namrata Dey Roy
A Data Visualization Framework for ESDA: Understanding Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes Prevalence in Florida, Brindal Dhol
Perspectives in Leadership and Program Management of Preschool Directors, Caroline Diaz
Postpartum Social Support Experiences of Black Mothers with Depression during COVID, Brooke DiPetrillo
Black on Black School Discipline: Double Consciousness and the Perspective of Disciplining Your Own, Teruko Dobashi-Taylor
Do you remember the sun...?, Travis Dodd
Does A Nudge A Day Keep the Doctor Away? Using A Firm’s Digital Marketing Communication to Guide Wellness, Orhan Bahadir Dogan
‘To the Farthest Ports of the Rich East’: Salem’s Maritime Trade between Massachusetts Bay and the South China Sea, 1785-1815, David Joseph Doran
Hospital Quality, Patient Distance Traveled, and Traffic Fatality, Ernest Dorilas
Roots and Wings: A Case Study of African American English Language Awareness in an Urban Preservice Teacher Education Program, Nicole Denise Dukes
The Phoenix And The Sankofa Bird Atlanta’s Arts Institutions and Their Communities, Magdalena Dumitrescu
Exploring a Model of Clinical Leadership Grounded in Radiography: Developing Clinical Radiography Leaders, Kerry O'Fallon Dunn
Effect of Marijuana Legalization on marijuana use and days of marijuana use, Grace Eau
Competing Spatial Imaginaries and Counterinsurgency in the "Black Mecca": A Case Study of the Ron Carter Patrol, Kayla Edgett
Neural Underpinnings of Social Withdrawal Analyzed Through Schizotypy, Jesse Edmond
Computational Thinking and Its Mathematics Origins through Purposeful Music Mixing with African American High School Students, Douglas Edwards
"[H]earing beyond what we are able to hear: Reframing Grievable Lives in Thomas Pynchon?s V. and Stephen Wright?s Meditations in Green, F. Tyler Elrod
Neuronal Rhythms: Network And Cell-Based Mechanisms, Ricardo J. Erazo-Toscano
Analysis of Molecular Interactions Between West Nile Virus and Host Cells, Emilio Espinola Estigarribia
“It Just Helped Me Realize That You Have to Free Yourself”: Latinx Middle Schoolers’ Learning From Chicana Feminism, Nepantlera, and Mindful Breathing Pedagogy, Zurisaray Espinosa
Deep Learning for Classification of Brain Tumor Histopathological Images, Ifeanyi Austin Ezuma
The Moralization of Nietzsche, Barry Farmer
Exploring Reading Skills and Strategies Among Struggling Postsecondary Readers, Daniel Feller
Essays in Applied Microeconomics, Béla Figge
Revealing Plasmonic Coupling of Gold Nanoparticles on a Mirror Using Spectromicroscopy, Seth Filbrun
Why do Adults Sing? The Impact of the High School Experience, Thomas Ryan FitzStephens
(Statistical) Power to the People: Testing for Measurement Invariance Across Integrated Radicalism Research, Ari Fodeman
Rooted Resistance: The Struggle for Black Liberation Through Food Cultivation, Lauren Forbes
Regulation of the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide gated ion channel 2, HCN2, by post-translational SUMOylation, Lori Forster
Alchemy of Matter: A Trans/Queer Aesthetic Politics, Daren Fowler
Organizational Intelligence in Digital Innovation: Evidence from Georgia State University, Khaleed M. Fuad
Chemical Biology Tools for Probing Protein Glycosylation and Ubiquitination Pathways, Xuan Fu
“The Furthest from Mainstream”: Sexual and Gender Minorities Define Feminism, Tyler Gay
Kiss of Death: The Multi-faceted Role of RNF216/TRIAD3 on Reproduction, Learning, and Neuroinflammation, Arlene J. George
Characterizing the Role of Arc Turnover in Intracellular Signaling Pathways and Reversal Learning, Mohammad Amin Ghane
Synthesis and Optical Properties of Near Infrared Donor-ᴫ-Acceptor Fluorophores for Bioimaging Applications, Ranju Ghimire
Essays on Marketing for Social Good, Ayan Ghosh Dastidar
Keeping the Spelman Sisterhood and Becoming Morehouse Men: An Intersectional Critical Discourse Analysis on Gendered Policies at HBCUs, Tiara Giddings
How Do the Inclusion of Specific Gender-Affirming Content in Medical and Nursing School Curricula Affect Health Outcomes in Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Communities?, Annelise G. Gilmer
Nudging for Hand Hygiene: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Marcus Goff
Explaining Shifts in White Racial Liberalism: The Role of Collective Moral Emotions and Media Effects, Zachary Goldberg
Using Consumer-Generated Social Media Posts to Improve Forecasts of Television Premiere Viewership: Extending Diffusion of Innovation Theory, Robert Casey Goodman
Three Essays On Environmental And Urban Economics, Alexander Gordan
Unseen, Bethany Grabert
Being Moved: Heideggerian Authenticity and Wolf's Nameless Virtue, David Gray
Let’s Talk About Math: Exploring How Elementary Teachers Plan And Implement Mathematical Discourse In The Classroom, Anne Robertson Green
The Narrows, Abigail C. Greenbaum
Rehabilitation Robotics and Machine Learning for Stroke Severity Classification, Raymond Greenfield
Moral Solidarity, Relationships and Relational Egalitarianism, Sabrina Ruby Green