Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Protections without Rights: A Liberal Indictment of Factory Farming, Connor Kianpour
The Role of Signal Regulatory Protein Alpha in Hemophagocytic and Cytokine Storm Syndromes, Koby Kidder
A Catalog of Stars in the Local Galactic Halo in Gaia EDR3 and Their Kinematics, Bokyoung Kim
A reporter platform for characterizing transcription factor-DNA interactions in live cells, Hye Mi Kim
Essays On Charitable Giving And Taxpayer Behavior, Seiyoun Kim
Social Entrepreneurship Within A Capitalist Economy, Audria King
Methods for Viral Intra-Host and Inter-Host Data Analysis for Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies, Sergey Knyazev
Moral Attitudes: Why Attitude Matters in Characterizing The Psychology of Moral Judgements, Tate Anders Krogstad
Essays on Channel Deletion and Channel Contraction, Binay Kumar
Mammies, Sapphires, and Jezebels Don’t Marry: Televised Media, Black Stereotypes, and Low Marriage Rates, Aysha LaBon
But Where Are You Really From?: Black and Asian American Women's Experiences of Gendered Racialized Microaggressions, Dresden Lackey
Freelance Orientation in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from Labor Platforms, Avishek -. Lahiri
Demonic Grounds, Tempestuous Voices: Breaking Meaning through Sound Performance, Avital Ora Lambert
Til Death (or Divorce) Do Us Part: A Defense of Divorce as a Morally Permissible Instance of Promise-Breaking, Katherine Landers
Representation and Participation in Anime, D. Lasseter
Disambiguating Dystopia: Readjusting the Critical Lens on Contemporary Dystopian Literature, Shana L. Latimer
Is The Role Model Effect Related to The Motivation of Women Running for Office? An Investigation of The Role Model Effect on Women in The Workforce, Courtney Lawrence
Derrida's Style: Formalism as an Address to the Other, Benjamin Leake
Gathering Galax, Albert Lebron
Postmortem Toxicologic Findings: The Presence of Alcohol and Psychoactive Drugs in Those Who Died by Suicide, Crystal Lee
Empirical Essays on Crowd-based Digital Platforms and Product Innovation Performance, Heeseung Lee
Understanding the Motives Behind Corporate Charitable Donations: A Machine Learning Approach, Joo Hun Lee
Minority Stress in the Context of the Disablement Process Model, Jeffrey Lentz
An Ancient Role for TRPA1 in Cold Nociception, Jamin M. Letcher
Graph Mining and Its Applications in Online Social Networks, Xueting Liao
Resistance and Accommodation: A Case Study of Social-Emotional Learning for Adolescent Black Boys Led by Black Men, Josephine Grant Lindsley
Statistical Inference for Mortality Models, Chen Ling
Challenges to Causal Classification in Psychiatry, Richard Link
At Work, Kylie Little
Where is Hope in Old Age? A Study of Chinese Migrant Workers' Migration Experience and Well-being, Jing Liu
Smoothed Empirical Likelihood for the Difference of Two Quantiles with Paired Sample, Pangpang Liu
Essays on Risk Management of Insurance Companies, Qianlong Liu
Analysis of Risk and Fund Performance, Weimin Liu
The Impact of Deliberation Time on Ethical Decision Quality: A Study of Early-Career Professional Accountants, Ricki Livingston
Imagined Economics: An Analysis of Non-state Actor Economic Messaging, Ayse Lokmanoglu
Enhancement of Anti-tumor Efficacy of an Armed Oncolytic Virus: VSV-SKPC, Breona Luker
Protein interactions with heme are vital for pathogenic bacteria, particularly in the utilization of heme as an iron source, Kristin V. Lyles
Everything and Nothing, Andrew Lyman
A Longitudinal Analysis of Trajectories and Predictors of Fidelity Using the SafeCare Parenting Model, Matthew J. Lyons
The Weight of Administrative Burden: The Distributive Consequences of Federal Disaster Assistance on Recovery after Hurricane Harvey, Natasha Malmin
Composing Online: A Case Study of Embodiment, Digitality, and YouTube, Meagan E. Malone
What Can an Evolutionary Explanation Bring to The Demarcation of The Normal from The Pathological in Psychiatry' Nesse's Case of Depression, Chrysi Malouchou Kanellopoulou
Livestreaming Vico: Imagination and the Ecology of Literacy in Online Gaming, Dylan Maroney
Does Free Tuition Help or Hinder the Poor?, Alfredo Martin
The War on Waste: Local Environmental Policy and State Legislative Preemption in the American States, Ana Martin
The War on Waste: Local Environmental Policy and State Legislative Preemption in the American States, Ana Raquel Martin
Exploring Interferometric Realms: Modeling and Imaging of Stars, and Optical Test Bench Simulations, Arturo Omar Martinez
Brasília: the relationship between President Carter and Brazil, Lucas Martins
Set Trippin': An Intersectional Examination of Gang Members, Lea Marzo
Effects of Blackberry and Raspberry Consumption on Markers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Adipose Tissue of Angiotensin II-treated Rats, Marissa J. Maule
Leading Against the Grain: An Exploration of an Educational Leader's Experience with Consent in the Sex Education Curriculum, Jaray Mazique
Writing in the Disciplines and Within-discipline Variations: A Comparison of the Formulaic Profiles of the Medical Research Article and the Medical Case Report, Ndeye Bineta Mbodj
Redefining Genocide: Memory, Jurisdiction, and Transnational Justice in the Guatemalan Genocide Trials, Alexander McCready
Creating Digital Content for the Individual Learner: A Personalized Approach to Online Learning, Genna Sengstacke McCurley
Time-Varying Style Rotation by Small-Cap Mutual Fund Managers: Incentives and Implications, Peter McGaffigan
Teaching English as a Foreign Language in China: A Narrative Inquiry of Expatriate Teachers' Experiences, Lisa McLeod-Chambless
Teachers' Experiences Incorporating English Language Learners Funds of Knowledge Into Scripted Curricula, James Mead
Algorithms for analysis of next-generation viral sequencing data, Andrii Melnyk
La pédagogie du FLE aux îles du Cap-Vert : le cas des institutions universitaires, Jean Louis E. Mendy
Exploring the Collision of Instructional Leadership and Destructive Leadership, Amanda B. Merritt
Probiotics Attenuate Cocaine-seeking Behavior in Adult but not Adolescent Male Rats, Kevin Mesape
Changes Over Time in Awareness of Hepatitis C Infection in the United States 2007-2018, Jennifer Mezzo
Structure Homogeneity in CEO Compensation, Danya Mi
Moving Toward Successful Implementation of Digital Mental Health Interventions: Improving User Attitudes and Evaluating User Behavior, Anthony Molloy
Personalizing the Political in the Wake of the Isla Vista Murders, Jasmine Montoya
Sounds of Emergence: The Pedagogy of Language and Literacy Concepts and Strategies in an Early Learning Program, Benjamin Moore
A Mathematical Model for Co-Evolution of Pandemic and Infodemic with Vaccine, Anthony Morciglio
The Impact of Vitamin D, Energy Balance and Body Composition on Perceived Muscle Soreness in Active Postmenopausal Women, Doris J. Morris
Factors that Influence Participation in Physical Activity in Adults with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Macy Mosher
The Relationships between Second Language Speakers’ Oral Productions, Oral Proficiency, and their Individual Differences: A Longitudinal Study, Tamanna Mostafa
Relativistic and Interchannel Effects on Branching Ratios of Spin-Orbit Doublets, Chathuranga Rasadi Munasinghe
The Taste of Toxic Rhetoric within TikTok?s Cosplay Community, Amber Murray
Clay Mineralogy And Geochemistry Of Pleistocene Sediments From Paleolake Olduvai, Tanzania, Nabil Murshed
Expanding U.S. Unintentional Drug Overdose Surveillance Using Novel Data Sources and Analyses, Desiree Mustaquim
Coyote- A Wily, New Emblem for the Anthropocene? Why One of the Most Reviled Predators in North America Could Change Conservation Forever., Kimberly Myers
Regional Income Inequality and Current Substance Use Among Hispanic 12th Grade Students in the United States, Aresha Nadeem
Narrating Jinnah's Nation: Towards a Pluralist Identity in Pakistani English Fiction, Saba Y. Naseer
Dawn, Hanna Newman
Neocolonialism and Terrorist Activities in Africa: A Case Study of Nigeria, Udoka W. Nwune
Reconciling External Clinical Data: Providers’ Friend Or Foe?, Mindy Oberg
What Happens at Freaknic Cannot Stay at Freaknik: Centering Black Women's Stories at Atlanta's Black College Spring Break (1983-2000), Kimberly K. Oglesby
The Macintosh Professionals: Crises in Industrial Lore and Fan Reception of Apple's Desktop Computers, Taylor Olmstead
The Influence of Executive Functioning Impairment and ADHD Symptoms on Response to Reading Skill Intervention, Alexandra Ossowski
Kinetic Studies and Investigation of Active Site Loop Dynamics in a Flavin-Dependent Enzyme, D-Arginine Dehydrogenase, Daniel Ouedraogo
Clearing and Cultivating Carceral Space: A Historical Geography of Stewart Detention Center, Quinn Ouellette-Kray
Multinational Enterprise Performance in Advanced Economies and Emerging Markets, Kubilay Sabri Levent Ozkan
Correlates and Contexts of High-Risk Sexual Behaviors Among Youth in the Slums of Kampala: Implications for HIV Prevention and Program Development, Jane B. Palmier
Language, Culture, And Identity: A Case Study of Korean American Transnational Adolescents, Myoung Eun Pang
The Netflix Effect: Examining the Influence of Contemporary Entertainment Media Consumption Patterns on Political Attitudes and Social Perceptions, Alexandra Pauley
Beyond Glycolysis: Pyruvate Kinase M2 Regulates Cancer Cell Glutaminolysis And Macrophage Polarization, Guangda Peng
Re-examining the Cult of Personality: A Comparative Cross-national Case Study of Kim Il Sung, Mao Zedong, and Ho Chi Minh, Thach Hong Pham