Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Nietzsche on Honor and Empathy, Akshay Ganesh
Three Essays on Experimental Economics and Individual Decision Making Under Risk, Xiaoxue Gao
El reflejo mentiroso: La búsqueda identitaria y la realidad en el espejo, Beverly X. Garcia
Synthesis & Evaluation Of Thiophene Derivatives As CXCR4 Antagonists, Francisco Javier Garcia Jr.
Photometric and Kinematic Modeling of Dwarf Galaxies, Karen Garcia
Autoethnographic Study On The Process Of Creating Studio Work Using Personal Propriospect, Maria T. Garcia
Negatively Biased Facial Affect Discernment and Socially Inhibited Behavior in Middle Childhood, Sarah Elizabeth Garcia
“Still Here”; The Enduring Legacies Of Dorothy Bolden, Ella Mae Wade Brayboy, And Pearlie Dove’s Community Leadership In Atlanta, 1964-2015, Christy C. Garrison
Dignity And Disability: Toward A Relational Approach, Mercer Gary
Anecdotal Evidence, Charles Gay
Ethnic Federalism and Authoritarian Survival in Ethiopia, Yohannes Gedamu
Exploring Settlement Patterns at the Ancient Maya Port Site of Conil, Quintana Roo, Mexico, Verna Gentil
Analysis of NGS Data from Immune Response and Viral Samples, Ekaterina Gerasimov
Church of Bone, Valerie Dawn Gilreath
Political Chemicals: Drugs, Rights, and the Good Life, Benjamin Goldstein
Blame Attribution in Rape Crimes: the Effects of Willing Substance Use, Race, and Rape Myth Acceptance, Nedeljko Golubovic
Locus of Control in L2 English Listening Assessment, Sarah J. Goodwin
Photography Based Art with Youth Affected by Autism, Teal K. Gordon
"Big Black Beasts": Race and Masculinity in Gay Pornography, Desmond Goss
Factors Associated with Influenza Vaccine Uptake among Pregnant Women: Analysis of the 2015 Georgia Vital Events Information System Birth Worksheet, Elizabeth M. Grabowski
The Implications of Chronic Stress on Obesity: Allostatic Load on Body Mass Index (BMI) Classification in the United States, NHANES 2005-2006, Sheila H. Grami
Cognitive Reappraisal Moderates the Quadratic Association between Heart Rate Variability And Negative Affectivity, Jackson M. Gray
Albinism: Cultural and Ethnographic Perspectives in a Southern City, Tabitha C. Green
Attitudes Toward Interracial Marriage in the United States Military: Black-White Contrasts, Leanna R. Greenwood
Catalyst, Joseph Hadden
Leadership Characteristics, School Climate, and Employee Engagement in High Performing, High-Needs Schools, Erin A. Hahn
The Associations Between Multiple Dimensions of Acculturation and Adjustment Among Latino Youth from Immigrant Families, Katherine E. Hale
Creating Economy: Merchants in Seventeenth-Century England, Braxton Hall
Black Girl Magic? The Influence of the Strong Black Woman Schema on the Mental Health of Black Women in the United States, Stephanie Hall
Pentecostalism, Populism, and the Historic Development of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), Ovell Hamilton
Influence Analysis towards Big Social Data, Meng Han
'Tis Better to Give and to Receive: Social Support, Stress, and Mental Health in Dyadic Relationships, Stephanie Hansard
"It's Camp": Summer Camp Culture, the Renegotiation of Social Norms and Regulation of Gender and Sexuality, Penny Harvey
Too Tired to be Fair: Reactive Attitudes and Irrelevant Influences, Amanda Haskell
We Are Everyone You Know, Christopher Alexander Hayter Dr.
Do Local Institutions Matter? A Multilevel Examination Of The Effects Of Neighborhood Churches And Service Providers On Parolee Outcomes, Rebecca Ann Headley
Orbital, Jocelyn Heath
Cognitive control as a mechanism linking regular physical activity and emotional health, Nicole J. Hegberg
The Influence of Perceived CSR Engagement on Millennial Employee Turnover Intentions, Joey Helton
How Do Curriculum Mandates Influence the Teaching Practices of High School Mathematics Teachers, Jacqueline Hennings
Embodying Cosplay: Fandom Communities in the USA, NATASHA L. HILL
Land Cover Change Impacts on Multidecadal Streamflow in Metropolitan Atlanta GA, USA, T. Chee Hill
A Nodal Ethnography of a (Be)coming Tattooed Body, Krista Hilton
Understanding Youth Perceptions of Police Legitimacy, Sara Hockin
Newsworthiness Guidelines for a Socially Responsible Press: Aligning Definitions at the Intersection of Journalism, Ethics, and the Law, Megan Hodgkiss
Prevalence and Odds of Serious Mental Illness among Homeless LGBT Youth and Young Adults in Atlanta, Rachel R. Hopper
Estimation of County-Level Diabetes Prevalence Using Bayesian Hierarchical Model, Israel Anbessa Hora
A New All-sky Catalogue of Candidate Protoplanetary Disks from Aggregated Optical and Infrared Surveys, Daniel Horenstein
Immigration, Regional Resilience, and Local Economic Development Policy, Xi Huang
The role of individual and classroom moral disengagement in bullying and bystanding behaviors, Schell Hufstetler
Toward a Marxist Environmental Ethic: Restoration and Preservation in Focus, Kristen Indergand
An Examination of the Gender Disparities in Receiving Diabetes-specific Healthcare Services, Matthew Jackson
Effects of Family History of Alzheimer's Disease on Glucose Metabolism (FDG-PET) among Mild Cognitive Impaired Patients: a Longitudinal Study., Nerline Jacques
At a Rest Stop on the Road to Heaven, Mostafa Jalal
Amygdala Volume and Social Anxiety Symptom Severity: A Mutli-method Study, Reema Jayakar
Handling Inconsistency in Knowledge Bases, Badrinath Jayakumar
Luck and the Limits of Equality, Matthew Jeffers
One Step at a Time: The Dilemmas, Strategies, and Outcomes of Bi-National Same-Sex Relationships During DOMA and Beyond, Aline Jesus Rafi
Perceptual Lesson Planning in Middle School Social Studies: An application of Deweyian aesthetics, Frank W. Jones III
Mathematically Talented Black Women of Spelman College, 1980s-2000s, Morgin Jones Williams
Experiences of Racism and Race-Based Traumatic Stress: The Moderating Effects of Cyberracism, Racial/Ethnic Identity, and Forgiveness, Terrence A. Jordan II
Association Between Sedentary Behaviors and BMI in US Adolescents: Analysis of the 2015 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Sarah S. Kabani
Marriageable Material, Soniah Kamal
Student-Teacher Relationships and Students with Behavior Difficulties in Therapeutic Schools, Carrie A. Kane
Project Learning Garden: A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of the Evaluation Techniques on School Gardens, Kasey Kavanaugh
Towards Data-driven Simulation Modeling for Mobile Agent-based Systems, Nicholas Aiden Keller
Effects of Advertising Methods on Fruit Consumption in Sixth-Grade Population, Teryn Keller
Aristotle's Appeal to Nature and the Internal Point of View, M Dan Kemp
Proximal and Distal Indirect Influences on Adolescent Sexual Activity and Post Risky Sexual Behaviors, Tymeckia Kendall
Upcountry Yeomanry in Antebellum Georgia: A Comparative Analysis, Terrence Kersey
Onesimos Nasib and the Macaafa Qulqulluu: Language, Religion, and Culture in Ethiopia, Ethan Michael Key
Power and Place-Names: Contesting the New Urban Order in Midtown, 1867-1986, Jessica L. Keys
Leadership among Sorority Women: Self-Efficacy, Setting-Level Norms, and Participation, Nadim khatib
Associations Between Stress and Resourcefulness Among Parents of Children at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Delays, Meena Khowaja
Handling the Past: Using a Specialized Curriculum to Facilitate Narration of Racial Identities, Andrea D. Kiel
Investigation and Characterization of Novel Pentamethine Cyanine Dyes for Use as Photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy, Kaitlyn Kiernan
"For the Elevation of Women": Recovering the Lost Voices of College Temple, 1853-1889, Emily Nicole Kimbell
Picturing Queer Death: Alternative Instantiations of Temporality within Process Art, Jainey Jung Yeon Kim
Cross-protection Mechanisms of Influenza Virus Vaccines, Yu-Jin Kim
Extensive Reading in Spanish: How Much Vocabulary Do Students Need To Know, Sadler Kirk
Promises We Kept: Middle School English Teachers Who Stayed amidst Ongoing Educational Reforms, Sarah V. Klein
Physical Dating Violence in Georgia: A Growing Disparity among Hispanic Youth, Britni Knott
Growing an Industrial Cluster?: Movie Production Incentives and State Film Industries, Richard S. Kolenda
Ultrafast Laser-Induced Kinetics in Two-Dimensional Materials, Hamed Koochaki Kelardeh
Computational Investigations of Biomolecular Motions and Interactions in Genomic Maintenance and Regulation, Bradley R. Kossmann
Public, Tax, and Health Policies and Institutional Performance, Antonios M. Koumpias
Essays on Working from Home and Maternal Employment on Children's Well-being, Kwan Lun Julian Kwok
Sorption of 137Cs onto Weathered Micaceous Minerals from Georgia Kaolin Deposits, Dominique Salome Kwong-Moses
Watering Fruits: How the State "Develops Culture" in Korea, Sunhyeong Kwon
The Invisible War: A Portrait Of Structural Racism and Mental Health in the Life of a Formerly Incarcerated U.S. Born Africana Man, Tarell C. Kyles