Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Intimate Partner Violence Prevention in Africa: What Has Been Done and What Still Needs to be Done, Melissa Cyril
Vicarious Victimization: Examining the Effects of Witnessing Victimization While Incarcerated on Offender Reentry., Jane Christie Daquin
Negotiating Hybridity in the Work of Lalla Essaydi: An Exploration of Gaze, Susannah B. Darrow
Online Information Search, Market Fundamentals and Apartment Real Estate, Prashant Das
A Phrenological Assesment of Rebecca Harding Davis's Sketch, 'Blind Tom', LeAnne M. Davis
Correlation Studies of Cosmic Ray Flux and Atmospheric and Space Weather, Mathes A. Dayananda
Dispositional Religiosity:Religion in the Context of Life Narratives, Suzanne Giovanna Degnats
The Legacy of Luther: National Identity and State-Building in Early Nineteenth-Century Germany, Ruth L. Dewhurst
Coronary Artery Calcium Quantification in Contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography Angiography, Abinashi Dhungel
Do Constitutions Matter? Essays on the Impact of Constitutional Provisions on De Facto Judicial Independence in Latin American Countries, Clarissa F. Dias
Characterization of the Stellar / Substellar Boundary, Sergio Bonucci Dieterich
What is the Impact of Self-Management on Daily Net Calories Consumed by Women Who are Overweight?, Chad A. Dollar
Small Improvement to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, Xing Dong
An Examination of Mothers’ Socio-Demographic Factors Associated With Incomplete Vaccination Status among Under-five Populations in Malawi, Lucius Darby Donsa
Resource Dependency Theory and the Inclusion of Foreign Nationals on the Board of Directors of Publicly Traded Chilean Companies: A Multi-case Study, Steven E. Droll
Survey of the Knowledge and Confidence of Respiratory Therapy Students Regarding Tobacco Smoking and Respiratory Diseases, Delano S. DuCasse
A Systematic Review of Health Literacy Interventions and Policies and the Effect on the Health Outcomes of Limited English Proficient (LEP) Patients, Melissa T. Duong
Give Me That Online Religion: Religious Authority and Resistance Through Blogging, Erin V. Echols
"Nature gave a second groan": The Decay of Nature in Paradise Lost and Seventeenth-Century Discussion, Mary Grace Elliott
Staff Management in the Writing Center: Theoretical and Practical Preparation for Administrators, Kelly Elmore
The Effect of Motion Type and Modality in Word Learning in English, Samantha N. Emerson
Associations of Vigorous Physical Activity with Depression: An Examination of NHANES Data 2007-2008, Ugonma U. Emeruem
Self-Regulated Strategy Development for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders in a Residential School, Robin Parks Ennis
Systematic Review of Infection Prevention and Control Policies and Nosocomial Transmission of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Aida Estebesova
Maintaining Integrity Constraints in Semantic Web, Ming Fang
They Aren't June Cleaver: Understanding the Experiences and Perceptions of African American Stay-at-Home Mothers, Lauren D. Fannin
The Role of The Media in a Precarious Plural Democracy: The Case of Lebanon, May Fawaz
Reducing the Childhood Obesity Rate: What Lessons Can Georgia Learn from Successful States and Localities?, Margaret G. Fischer
The Atlantic Legacies of Zephaniah Kingsley: Benevolence, Bondage, and Proslavery Fictions in the Age of Emancipation, Mark J. Fleszar
Hume’s Impressions and Ideas: The Representative Account, Casey Fowler
Global Egalitarianism and The State: On the Justice of Borders and Justice Beyond Borders, Adam Fox
HIV in African American women: Evidence that elevated rate of infection cannot be explained solely on the basis of known individual risk behaviors., Bermann Francois
Mexican/migrant Mothers and 'Anchor Babies" in Anti-Immigration Discourses: Meanings of Citizenship and Illegality in the United States, Margaret E. Franz
Evaluation of Existing Components of the Ten Steps of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in Unaccredited Hospitals in the City of Atlanta, Kaci Megan Galyon
The Association Between Empathy And Prosocial Story Themes And Internalizing Symptoms In Preschool-aged Children, Sarah E. Garcia
Dental Microwear Analysis of Cercopithecoides Williamsi, Elise Geissler
The Pathway From School to the Criminal Justice System: Predicting School Expulsion and Subsequent Adult Arrest Via A Longitudinal Model, Danielle Gentile
Considering the Function of Humanistic Imagery within the Court of Pope Julius II: The Stanza della Segnatura, Jessica Gillespie
"Who Says Storm Is The Only Black Superheroine?": An Interpretative Textual Analysis Of The Black Superheroine, Grace D. Gipson
Between Tactics of Hope and Tactics of Power: Liminality, (Re)Invention, and The Atlanta Overlook, Jeremy Godfrey
Senior Executive Learning Agility Development Based On Self-Discovery: An Action Research Study In Executive Coaching, Suzanne Goebel
From Negative Rights to Positive Law: Natural Law in Hegel's Outlines of the Philosophy of Right, Marcos R. Gonzalez
Relationships Between Serum Cortisol, Vitamin D, Bone Mineral Density, and Body Composition in National Team Figure Skaters, Monica B. Grages
Awesome Inconsequence: Critique of Modern Society through Apocalyptic Frivolity in the Early Novels of Waugh and Fitzgerald, Jessica H. Graves
Approach: Romancing the Inanimate, Julia Gray Hines
Health Risks, Nutrition Assessments and Disease Prevalence Among African Immigrant Groups in Atlanta Georgia, Stokely Grey
Profit Margins: The American Silent Cinema and the Marginalization of Advertising, Jeremy W. Groskopf
Responses to Caregiver Violations of Communication in Typically Developing Children, Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Children with Down Syndrome, Ann Grossniklaus
School Counselor-Parent Collaborations: Parents' Perceptions of How School Counselors Can Meet their Needs, Natalie Grubbs
Hunting and Writing the Whale: Masculine Responses to the Maternal in Herman Melville's Moby-Dick, Seth A. Hagen
Developmental Psychopathology and Childhood Obesity: A Developmental Cascade Model, Christopher R. Harper
Are Democracies More or Less Likely to Abrogate Alliances?, Eric Harrison
The Failure of Desire: A Critique of Kantian Cognitive Autonomy in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, Rebecca D. Harrison
Managing Merger Risk During the Post-Selection Phase, Robert W. Heller
Optimizing Marketing Activities for Different Levels of Customer Relationships, Karl G. Hellman
Designing the Primary Care Assessment Tool for Physician Performance Tracking in Indonesia; A Program Planning, Donni -. Hendrawan don
Racial /Ethnic Differences Metabolic Profiles of American Women Diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus, Nta E. Henshaw MD
Nothing But the Truthiness: A History of Television News Parody and its Entry into the Journalistic Field, Curt W. Hersey
The Violence of the Law: Aesthetics of Justice in Early Modern England, Sarah Higinbotham
The Effects of Adopting IFRS: The Canadian Experience, Theresa Hilliard
Practicing Work, Perfecting Play: League of Legends and the Sentimental Education of E-Sports, Neal C. Hinnant
Maya Ceramic Production and Trade: A Glimpse into Production Practices and Politics at a Terminal Classic Coastal Maya Port, Christian Holmes
Neither Here Nor There, Jeshua W. Holt
Securitizing British India: A New Framework of Analysis for the First Anglo-Afghan War, Mark F. Honnen
Thomas Pogge And The Two Types Of Libertarian, Zachary Hopper
Negotiating the Faculty Journey: Technology, Teaching, and Tenure, Joseph Horne
Predictors of Caregiver Confidence in Caring for Their Hospitalized Child Following Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury, Margaret B. Hudepohl
Not Simply Women's Bodybuilding: Gender and the Female Competition Categories, Sheena A. Hunter
The Role of Empowerment in Crowdsourced Customer Service, Stephen K. Ichatha
Evaluating Disparities in Quality of Life in the City of Atlanta Using an Urban Health Index, Karla A. Ilic
Use of Antenatal and Skilled Care During Delivery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Effectiveness of Interventions Implemented in Developing Countries, Calister Peter Imeda Ms
The Mental Health Consequences of Losing a Parent: Does Culture Moderate the Impact of Parental Death?, Daisuke Ito
The Role of Empowerment in the Job Search Process of Re-Entering African American Men, Chloe Jackson
Public Housing Relocation Of Older Adults In Atlanta: Challenging The Aging In Place Concept., Laquanda Jackson
An Examination of the Risk Factors Associated With Asthma Prevalence Among a Sample of Displaced Public Housing Residents in Atlanta, Ga., Matt C. Jackson
Hippocampal Volume and its Association with Verbal Memory in Adult Survivors of Pediatric Brain Tumor, Reema Jayakar
Data Collection and Capacity Analysis in Large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks, Shouling Ji
From Autonomy to Collaboration: A Creative Process, James E. Johnson
The Impact of Legislation on the Organization: Evaluating the Impact of Corporate Governance Regulation on the Internal Audit Function, Kevin K. Jones
An Examination of Standards-based Practices in College Algebra in the First Two Years of College, Laurn R. Jordan Dr.
Synthesis of Novel Heterocyclic N-Oxide Glycosides: Glycosylation of Myxin Analogs, Jarin Joyner
Cyborg in the Mirror: Embodiment in Video Games, Andrea Judy
Contributions of Caregivers Interaction to Infant Attention, Nahomie Julien
Development of RNA Microchip for Pathogen and Cancer Direct Detection, Lilian W. Kamau-Gatogo
Contemplative Studies in Context, Bishal Karna
Destroying the Mystique of Paris: How the Destruction of Les Halles Served as a Symbol for Gaullist Power and Modernization in 1960s and 1970s Paris, Scott A. Kasten
Molecular Probe Designs For Nucleic Acid Based Detection, Manindar Kaur
Mixed Classes, Mixed Pedagogies: A Study Of Intercultural Collaborative Learning In A College Developmental Writing Course, Daniel M. Keleher
The Social Determinants of Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis in the United States Between 2005 and 2009, Rabia Khan
Essays on the Impact of Aid and Institutions on Income Inequality and Human Welfare, Samphors Khieu
Association Of Socio Demographic Characteristics With Condom Used At Last Sexual Intercourse Among Adults 15 To 49 Years Between Côte D’Ivoire And Senegal An Examination Of Measure Demographic Health Survey Data 2005, Marie Huguette Kayi Akpedje Kingbo