Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Targeted Molecular MR Imaging of HER2 and EGFR Using De Novo Designed Protein Contrast Agents, Jingjuan Qiao
Finding their Place in the World: Meiji Intellectuals and the Japanese Construction of an East-West Binary, 1868-1912, Masako N. Racel
Tactics, Politics, and Propaganda in the Irish War of Independence, 1917-1921, Mike Rast
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Marketing of Merck & Co.'s Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Gardasil®, Malika A. Redmond
Stability Selection of the Number of Clusters, Gabriella v. Reizer
Group Leadership of Experienced Middle School Counselors, Robert E. Rice
Student Perceptions of Engagement in Schools: A Deweyan Analysis of Authenticity in High School Classrooms, Gloria D. Richards Perry
Becoming the Generalized Other: An Analysis of the Narratives of Teach for America Teacher-Bloggers, Neil J. Rigole
La Autohagiografía En La Edad Media: Teresa De Cartagena, Santa, Allison A. Riley
Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions in Nuclease and Polymerases, abdur rob
Veiled Politics: Legitimating the Burqa Ban in the French Press, Anne Roberts
Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Nanoclusters Stabilized by Dithiolates, Donald A. Robinson III
Building an Information Management System for Emergency Preparedness and Response to Promote Assurance: A Case Study of the Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness, Judith A. Robinson
The Sermonic Urge: Postsecular Sermons in Contemporary American Fiction, Peter W. Rorabaugh
The Old Biology Book, Michele E. Rozga
Teachers and English Language Learners Experiencing the Secondary Mainstream Classroom: A Case Study, Amanda M. Ruiz
Variability of Vertical Ground Reaction Forces in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain, Before and After Chiropractic Care, Brent S. Russell, Mark D. Geil, Jianhua Wu, and Kathryn T. Hoiriis
Consciousness, Self-Control, and Free Will in Nietzsche, Bryan T. Russell
Identifying Complex Cultural Interactions in the Instructional Design Process: A Case Study of a Cross-Border, Cross-Sector Training for Innovation Program, Lillian R. Russell Ph.D.
New Custom for the Old Village Interpreting History through Turkish Village Web-Sites, Musemma Sabancioglu
HIV in South African Youth: Relations with Parenting Quality and Executive Functioning, Christina H. Salama
Faulkner's Literary Environment: Assessing the South's Relationship with Land Abuse, Eric Sandarg
Ambient Void, Joy Phoenix M. Savage
The Lacy Hotel Site: Gender Ideologies and Domestic Activities in a 19th Century Boardinghouse Context, melissa scharffenberg
Die Totenzettel Aus Dem Ersten Und Zweiten Weltkrieg: Soziale Bedeutung Für Das Image Der Männlichkeit, Monika Schulte
The Spaces of History: Francis Parkman's Literary Landscapes and the Formation of the American Cosmos, Florian Schwieger
Discourse Analysis of Public Debate over U.S. Government Faith-Based Initiative of 2001, Vincente S. Scott
Twitter's Impact on Sports Journalism Practice: Where a New Medium Meets and Old Art, Kyle Sears
A Journey towards Healing through Art, Melanie J. Sgrignoli
Revisiting the Dimensions of Residential Segregation, Harry Sharp
Visual Response: A Curriculum Unit Integrating Book Arts and Literature in the Elementary Classroom, Anne Shea
Normative Judgments, 'Deep Self' Judgments, and Intentional Action, Jason S. Shepard
Assessing the Physical Vulnerability of Backbone Networks, Vijetha Shivarudraiah
Socioeconomic and Cultural Aspects of Overweight and Obesity in Georgia's African American Community, Alicia C. Simpson
The African-American Emigration Movement in Georgia during Reconstruction, Falechiondro Karcheik Sims-Alvarado
Towards Information Polycentricity Theory: Investigation of a Hospital Revenue Cycle, Rajendra Singh
Bite Size, Melissa B. Smith
The Relationship among Social Connectedness, Meaning in Life, and Wellness for Adult Women in Levinson's Mid-Life Transition Stage, Karin L. Smithson
The Impact of Psychological Acceptance and Sibling Relationship Quality on Depression and Perceived Stigma for Youth Living with HIV, Kara E. Snead
The Experiences of Medically Fragile Adolescents Who Require Respiratory Assistance, Regena Spratling
Decision-Making Processes of Primary Informal Caregivers Regarding Care Recipients' Moves to Memory Care, Vicki J. Stanley
"Growing like the Plants from Unseen Roots": The Equalizing Role of Plant Imagery in Aurora Leigh, Sarah King Steiner
The Effects of Outside Income on Household Behavior: The Case of Remittances in Jamaica, Andrew V. Stephenson
The Experiences of Obese African American Women and Their Utilization of Preventive Healthcare Services, Winsome Beverly Stephenson
Can the Contextualist Win the Free Will Debate?, Reuben E. Stern
Children's Developing Understanding of Spatial Metaphors for Time, Lauren J. Stites
Boyfriends, Babies, and a Few Good Headshots: Examining Girl Gamers' Identity Enactment on Twitter Using the Communication Theory of Identity, Kari D. Storla
Sustainable Governance and Management of Defined Benefit Plans in the Public Sector: Lessons From the Turbulent Decade of 2000-2009, Rayna L. Stoycheva
Predicting Ecological Behavior in the Era of Climate Change, Jalika C. Street
The Fundamental Naturalistic Impulse: Extending the Reach of Methodological Naturalism, James B. Summers
Women's Empowerment in the Context of Microfinance: A Photovoice Study, Camille Sutton-Brown
Perception of Color Vision In the Asian Small-Clawed Otter (Aonyx cinerea), Joseph T. Svoke
21st Century Freedom Fighters: African Descent Teachers' Use of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy as a Tool of Liberation, Ayanna N. Swain
HOV to the MD? A Multilevel Analysis of Urban Sprawl and the Risk for Negative Health Outcomes, William Mark Sweatman Ph.D.
A Review of Cross Validation and Adaptive Model Selection, Ali R. Syed
Systematic Studies of Kir and TRP Channel mRNAs in the Norepinephrenergic Neurons of the Locus Coeruleus, Sakuntala Jyothirmayee Tadepalli
The Special Artist, William W. Taft Jr
Examining Scholarly Influence: A Study in Hirsch Metrics and Social Network Analysis, Hirotoshi Takeda
Conformational Bias in 2'-Selenium-Modified Nucleosides and the Effect on Helical Structure and Extracellular Recombinant Protein Production: Current Systems and Applications, Richard A. Thompson
Providing Assurance on Scanlon's Account of Promises, Hunter T. Thomsen
An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting for the 21st Century, Amber Thornton
An Investigation into Appraisal Bias: The Role of Decision Support Tools in Debiasing Valuation Judgments, O. Alan Tidwell
Sample Size in Ordinal Logistic Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Allison M. Timberlake
The Playful Audience: Professional Wrestling, Media Fandom, and the Omnipresence of Media Smarks, Shane Matthew Toepfer
Robustness Of Two Formulas To Correct Pearson Correlation For Restriction Of Range, minh tran
An Examination of Cognitive Presence and Learning Outcome in an Asynchronous Discussion Forum, Tan M. Tran
The 26S Proteasome and Histone Modifying Enzymes Regulate, Agnieszka D. Truax
Sacrilege in the Sanctuary: Thucydidean Perspectives on the Violation of Sacred Space during the Peloponnesian War, Suzanne Y. Tryon
Autonomy, De Facto And De Jure, Paul Tulipana
Analysis of Faculty Evaluation by Students as a Reliable Measure of Faculty Teaching Performance, Etienne Twagirumukiza
Theoretical Modeling of Oligopeptides through Capillary Electrophoresis and Tarnsport Studies, Umar T. Twahir
Identifying Data Needs to Support the Public Health Program of First Care, Rachele D. Ulysse
The Apocalypse will be Televised: Representations of the Cold War on Network Television, 1976-1987, Aubrey Underwood
Whole-Rock Lead-Lead Systematics and Major Element Analyses on the 1.85 GA. FLIN FLON Paleosol, Manitoba, Canada: Implications for Uranium Mobility., Federico Arturo Valencia
Bioarchaeological Investigations of Community and Identity at the Avondale Burial Place (McArthur Cemetery), Bibb County, Georgia, Emily Vanderpool
Intensive Study of Ambient Carbon Dioxide Variability in Urban Atlanta, Brian L. Vann Mr.
The Effect of Regulatory Pressures on Earnings Management Behavior of Nonprofit Hospitals, Brian A. Vansant
Making Robert Kane's Libertarianism More Plausible: How James Woodward's Interventionist Causal Theory can Give an Agent Control Over Her Undetermined Decisions, Tracy Van Wagner
Sub-National Borrowing, Is It Really a Danger?, Violeta Vulovic
The Nucleocytoplasmic Shuttling Functions of P68 in Cancer Cell Migration and Proliferation, Haizhen Wang
Transcriptional Targets of the REF-1 Family Proteins: HLH-25/ HLH-28/HLH-29, Kun Wang
Intergenerational Solidarity and Its Effects on Life Satisfaction Among Chinese Elders, Qi Wang
Mothering and Surrogacy in Twentieth-Century American Literature: Promise or Betrayal, Kimberly C. Weaver
Connected Consumers: Cognizance of Provision Networks in Mundane Consumption, Stephen T. Weaver
Investigating the Ancient Maya Landscape: A Settlement Survey in the Periphery of Pacbitun, Jennifer Weber
Sustaining a Visual/Verbal Sketchbook Journal to Promote Creativity and the Emergence of the Visual Voice of the Artist, Ayana M. Weekes
Food for Thought: A Strengths-Based Approach to Examining the Biomedical and Psychological Health of Latino Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers in Georgia, Joanna R. Weinberg
Hooking Up on College Campuses, Elena M. Weiss
Psychological Flexibility and Eating Disorder Spectrum Problems, Johanna Wendell
A Deconstruction of Horror, Fear and Terror: Using Horror Films as Didactic Tools in Art Education, Alyssa L. Wessinger
For the Future: An Examination of Conspiracy and Terror in the Works of Don Delillo, Ashleigh Whelan
Optimization of Expression and Purification Methods for the Study of Protein-Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents, Natalie White
Factors that Influence Cross-validation of Hierarchical Linear Models, Tracy Widman
Constructing Asian/American Women on Screen, Charleen M. Wilcox