Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Two Essays on Econometric Modelling of Consumer Demand for Health Insurance and Financial Impact of Rural Hospital Closures, James Henson
Addressing the Aristotelian Pedagogical Bias: Reassessing Aristotle’s Rhetoric and its Place in 21st Century Composition Studies, Matthew Higgins
Development of the Racial Allyship Characteristics Scale: Measuring White Allyship from the Perspective of People of Color, Cassandra Hinger
Ascension, Alyssa Ann Hood
Bioinformatics Tools for RNA-seq Data Analysis, Akram Sadat Hosseini
Diversified Institutional Ownership and Firm Innovation, Yen-Lin Huang
Spectral Characterization of a Complete Equatorial Sample of 615 K Dwarfs, Hodari-Sadiki Hubbard-James
Teaching Truth: Grassroots Reactions to Classroom Censorship Legislation in Georgia, Emma Hugonnet
School Leaders’ Transformational Strategies for Successfully Preparing for Algebra I in Eighth Grade, Brooke Humphrey
Plasmons in Topological Systems, Dalton C. Hunley
Credal Encroachment in a Two-stage Model, Pengbo Hu
Comparing the Mortality Trends of COVID - 19 Comorbidities and Recommendations for the Population at Risk, Ogechukwu Igbokwe
Inoculation and Recovery of Test Organism Cocktail for Hospital Surface Disinfection by Sani-24 Wipes, Kimberly Inegbe
UAS Path Planning for Dynamical Wildfire Monitoring with Uneven Importance, S M Towhidul Islam
Investigating Exposure Learning of Family-Resemblance Categories, Brooke Jackson
From Morphogens to Monogamy: the Wnt Pathway’s Role in Monogamy, Demira Jakupovic
SUMOylation as a modulator of ion channel function and expression, Leslie-Anne R. Jansen
Development of Point-Of-Care Assays to Detect Biologically Relevant Analytes, Tianwei Jia
The Power of Reflection: Understanding The Impacts Made Upon Employees Who Have Managers Who Reflect On Their Professional Development, Ryan Heath Jordan
Exploring the Social Dynamics of Health Information Sharing on Social Media: The Influence of Beliefs and Source Information, Priyam Joshi
Quantum Chemical and QM/MM Calculations on Flavin and Flavin-Binding Fluorescent Proteins, Mohammad Pabel Kabir
Optimization of the Purification and Formation of hProCA32 for Human Clinical Application, Hyein Kang
Teaching Word Reading and Spelling for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students: An Observation Study, Ki Young Kang
An Empirical Study on the Influence of ICT-Based Tools on Team Effectiveness in Virtual Software Teams Operating Remotely During the COVID-19 Lockdown, Uday Kumar Kanike
A Moral-Epistemic Argument Against Capitalistic Labor Contracts, Mert Karaca
Analyzing Undergraduate Problem Solving in Proton NMR: A Comprehensive Examination and Assessment Tool for Conceptual Understanding, Sujani Kariyawasam Gamage
The Influence of Apocalyptic Thinking in the Early Phase of the German Protestant Reformation, 1517-1525, Matthew Kasper
Cultivate, Katie Kearns
“A Change is Gonna Come”: Examining Environmental Hazard Distribution and Gentrification in Atlanta, GA, 2005-2015, Brittany A. Keller
George S. Counts on the Role of Indoctrination in Education: An Exegesis, James Alexander Aucoin Keller
Tight Coils: Black Transfemininity, Transhegemony, and Identity Formation in The U.S. South, Vic J. Kennedy
Studies of Attosecond Time Delay and Superheavy Elements in Atomic Photoionization, Rezvan Khademhosseini
Closing a Road to Immanence in Plato's Phaedo, Bilal A. Khan
High School Students' Reading Experiences with Graphic Novels, Comics, and Manga, Esther Jin Kim
Three Essays on Education and Health Policy for K-12 Students and Young Adults, Sungmee Kim
Assessing the Grade Retention Outcomes among Children with Speech and Language Disorders (SPLD) Using the National Survey of Children’s Health, 2016-2021, Caleb Jamal King
Essays on the Economics of Education, Sarah S. King
The Perils and Promises of Using Online Survey Experiments to Study (Visual) Frames in Science Communication, Justin Kingsland
Three Seaport Development Paths: Salalah/Duqm, Surat-Hazira/Mundra, and Dubai in the Indian Ocean World, 1970-2020, Jeffrey R. Kinnier
Coffin for Head of State, Samuel Kolawole
Shapeshifter, Kate Kosek
Transatlantic Utopia: American Antebellum Novels and Their Reflexive Historicism, Andrew J. Lamb
Inequality And Democratization: A Power-Centered Approach to Democratic Transitions, Alban Lauka
Tricking or Trapped: A Critical Analysis of Sex Work and Sex Trafficking Discourse in The Atlanta-Journal Constitution, Jenna-Ashley Lee
Investigating the Effectiveness of Algorithmic Interventions in Health Decision Making, Jung min Lee
The Role of Spirituality for Successful Established Women Entrepreneurs, Valaurie Bridges Lee
Automated Discovery of Candidate Simulation Models for Steering Behavior Simulation, Hai Le
China's Military Strategy Under Chairman Xi: More Steel, More Gas, and Harder Bones, Dexter T. Lensing
Won't He Do It?! African American Males Who Achieved Their Doctor of Education (EdD): Perceptions of Success Factors, Felicia Lewis
Racial Diversity at the Leadership Level: The Case of Nonprofit Human Service Organizations, Bo Li
Effects of Prior Task Experience on Older Adults’ Encoding Strategy Selection, Changrui Li
Pathogenesis And Pharmacological Mitigation Of Influenza Viruses, Respiratory Syncytial Virus And SARS-CoV-2, Carolin M. Lieber
Induction of Inflammasome Activation in Macrophage Cells by Polyethyleneimine-Modified Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles, Ibinabo Lilly-Tariah
The Model Minority Stereotype as a Systematic Hermeneutical Injustice, Ashley Lindsley-Kim
Exploration of Miniature Flexible Devices Empowered by Van Der Waals Material, Ningxin Li
Motivations for Providing Social Support on Social Media, Yuehan Liu
Spanglish as a Learning Tool, Victoria P. Londeen
The Role of Cytosolic Chaperonin CCT in Dendritic Development and Neuronal Disease, Erin Lottes
Exploring the utility-privacy trade-off in social media data mining, Guangxi Lu
The Politics of Anger, Qinyi Luo
IL-36/IL-36R Signaling Promotes CD4+ T Cell-Dependent Colitis via Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Production, Maya Maarouf
Choice Paralysis: A Challenge from the Indeterminacy of Intentional Content, Ryne Smith MacBride
An Overview of Teenage Pregnancy in Tanzania: Prevalence, Risk Factors, Effects, and Mitigatory Interventions, Daima Anthony Machang'u
Food Insecurity and Chronic Disease Among Working-Age US Adults, Kiara Maddox
The prevalence of sleep disturbance and anxiety among Saudi respiratory therapists during the COVID-19 winter of 2022., Asim Madkhali
Role of TRP Channels in Cold and Noxious Cold Coding by a Primary Sensory Neuron: Modeling Study, Nataliia Maksymchuk
Association of Health, Economic, and Educational Outcomes with Child Marriages In Ethiopia, Maryellen Malone
Increasing the Awareness of Black Women to Promote Medical Research Engagement, Stephanie M. Malone
Implementation of Low-Cost and Open-Source Instrumentation in 2D Material Research, Diren Maraba
User-centric privacy preservation in Internet of Things Networks, Akshita Maradapu Vera Venkata Sai
Using Simulation Technology to Train Teacher Candidates in Classroom Management, Chelsea Marelle
Community Engagement in the International Emergency Response to Ebola, 2014-2016, Daniel W. Martin
The Interplay of Technological Affordances, Audience, and Context in Shaping Feminist Discourse: A Study of #Neverthelessshepersisted on Twitter and Instagram, Virginia Massignan
DynaLay: An Introspective Approach to Dynamic Layer Selection for Deep Networks, Mrinal Mathur
File, Save, Forget: Cognitive Offloading in Non-Human Primates, Stella R. Mayerhoff
Homo Ludens, Kengel Maysonet
Analyzing the Rhetorics of Wine: Ethnographic Research of Wine Community Narratives, Bailey McAlister
Oral History, Activism, and Remembrance: The Rhetorical Agency of Georgia’s Women Activists in and Beyond the Equal Rights Amendment, Jessica Edens McCrary
Milton's Vocal Hierarchy in Paradise Lost, John McNabb
An Examination of Peer Influences on Identity in the Art Classroom, Nova K. Mead
The Chemodynamic-Age Structure of the Local Population of Low-Mass Stars, Ilija Medan
Blackberry Consumption Protects Against E-Cigarette-Induced Vascular Oxidative Stress, Maureen Meister
After They Leave: A Thematic Analysis of Post-Exit Distress and Coping in Former Violent Extremists, Katharina Meredith
Stellar Kinematics and Dynamical Modeling of Two Seyfert Galaxies, Katherine A. Merrell
The Modern Anti-Hero, Shawn G. Merritt
"With Undiscording Voice": Discord and Original Sin in Milton's Poetic Imagination, Maggie Miller
An Evaluation of Alabama's Chemical Endangerment Law on Infant Health Outcomes, Mia Milne