Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The C-Phycocyanin/Beta Protein Inhibits Cancer Cell Proliferation, Haizhen Wang
Design of a Structure Search Engine for Chemical Compound Database, Hao Wang
Making Sense of Village Politics in China: Institutions, Participation, and Governance, Xinsong Wang
Effects of an Advanced Mathematics Education Graduate Program on Teacher Practice, Mickey Newman Washburn, Jr.
Underneath the Rainbow: Queer Identity and Community Building in Panama City and the Florida Panhandle 1950 - 1990, Jerry T. Watkins III
Binding Studies of Near Infrared Cyanine Dyes with Human Serum Albumin and Poly-L-Lysine Using Optical Spectroscopy Methods, Amy Dawn Watson
Riverfront Village and the Practice of Storage: A Subterranean Feature Analysis, Kim Wescott
A Closer Look at Gender Specific Risks in Youth Suicidal Behavior Trends: Implications for Prevention Strategies, Bethany A. West
Culturally Relevant Professional Development: An Examination of Race, Practice, and Self through an Africa-American Teacher Study Group, Charnita V. West
Designing Pension Programs to Strengthen Formal Labor Markets in Developing Countries: The Case of Indonesia, Muliadi Widjaja
The Stigma of "Not Pot English" in Sri Lanka: A Study of Production of /o/ and /O/ and Implications for Instructions, Sumudu Nishamani Wijetunge
Dialectical Relationships in Pre 9/11 and Post 9/11 White Supremacist Discourse, Abigail Smith Williams
A Description of the Natural Place of Magic in Philosophy and Religious Studies, Damien P. Williams
Student Teaching in an Urban Context: Student Teachers' Views and Construction of Identities, Desha L. Williams
Good Christian, Lydia Williams
Resisting the Vortex: Abjection in the Early Works of Herman Melville, Jennifer Mary Wing
Classroom Strategies and Techniques from the Experiences of Veteran Art Educators, John Paul Wood
Generic Continuous Functions and other Strange Functions in Classical Real Analysis, Douglas Albert Woolley
Singular Value Decomposition in Image Noise Filtering and Reconstruction, Tsegaselassie Workalemahu
Perceptions, Emotions, and Competencies of Graduate Level Counselor Trainees Working with African American and Caucasion Female Clients with HIV/AIDS, Pamela McMichen Wright
Satellites, Neoliberal Globalization and Global Corporatism, Fangjie Xu
Empirical Likelihood Confidence Intervals for the Difference of Two Quantiles with Right Censoring, Crystal Cho Ying Yau
African American Longevity Advantage: Myth or Reality? A Racial Comparison of Supercentenarian Data, Robert Douglas Young
Do R_{AA} and R_{CP} Quantify Nuclear Medium Effects?, Robert Adrian Zaballa
A Comparative Study of the Ethics of Christine M. Korsgaard and Jean-Paul Sartre, Michael Christopher Zander
B Virus Circumvents Innate Responses in Human Cells, Chih-Ling Zao
In Search of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teachers' Knowledge of Vocabulary Instruction, Weimin Zhang
HIV/Aids Relative Survival and Mean Residual Life Analysis, Xinjian Zhang
Treatments of Chlamydia Trachomatis and Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, Ken Kun Zhao
Empirical Likelihood Confidence Intervals for the Ratio and Difference of Two Hazard Functions, Meng Zhao
New Non-Parametric Confidence Interval for the Youden, Haochuan Zhou
The Association between Social Context and Phase of Recovery among Drug Court Clients: A Gender Comparison, Jennifer Lee Zorland
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Essays on Ricardian Equivalence, Artidiatun Adji
Emerson's Hidden Influence: What Can Spinoza Tell the Boy?, Adam Adler
Liberation Gospel: A Study of Contemporary Radical Liberal Theology and Practice in the Southern United States, Jeannie Malena Alexander
Resting in the Court of Reason: Kant's Resolution to the Antinomy of Pure Reason, Sarah Ann Alexander
In Defense of Rawlsian Constructivism, William St. Michael Allen
Labor Market Outcomes and Welfare Participation of Teen Mothers: Evidence from Georgia, Djesika Djatugbe Amendah
Essays on the Evaluation of Land Use Policy: The Effects of Regulatory Protection on Land Use and Social Welfare, Kwaw Senyi Andam
Semiconductor Quantum Structures for Ultraviolet-to-Infrared Multi-Band Radiation Detection, Gamini Ariyawansa
The Effects of HealthMPowers on the Levels of Physical Activity among Students in 13 Georgia Public Schools, Dawn Marie Arlotta
The Relationship of Health Literacy and Locus of Control to Medication Compliance in Older African Americans., Karen Andrea Armstrong
Organizational Characteristics and Adolescent Political Development: Exploring the Experience of Youth Activists in Youth Development Organizations, Michael N. Armstrong
Shift, Amanda Suzanne Arnold
Overcoming the "Do-Gooder Fallacy": Explaining the Adoption of Effectiveness Best Practices in Philanthropic Foundations, Shena Renee Ashley
Distributed Algorithms for Improving Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime with Adjustable Sensing Range, Aung Aung
Robot-In-The-Loop Simulation to Support Multi-Robot System Development: A Dynamic Team Formation Example, Ehsan Azarnasab
Establishing Pedagogical Practicality by Reconnecting Composition Studies to the Rhetorical Tradition, Jeffrey Alan Bacha
Inspection and Characterization of Exoplanet Using the CHARA Array, Ellyn K. Baines
Distributed Web Service Coordination for Collaboration Applications and Biological Workflows, Janaka Lalith Balasooriya
Humor Perception: The Contribution of Cognitive Factors, Erin Baldwin
Traditional Pottery in Ghana, Daniel Isaiah Ballard
Predicting Oral Language Development in Toddlers with Significant Developmental Disabilities: The Role of Child and Parent Communication Characteristics, Robert Micheal Barker
Estimating the Capacity of Visual Short-Term Memory: A Transcranial Doppler Sonography Study, Natasha Ann Barrett
Expression, Purification, and Characterization of the SIAA M79A Protein, Brian Basden
Empirical Likelihood Confidence Intervals for Generalized Lorenz Curve, Nelly E. Belinga-Hill
Youth Risk Behaviors and an Assessment of ASK US in Metro Atlanta High Schools, Jennifer L. Bennett
Reconfiguring Memories of Honor: William Raoul's Manipulation of Masculinities in the New South, 1872-1918, Steve Ray Blankenship
Understanding Program Start-Up: Two Cases from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Colorectal Cancer Screening Demonstration Program, Jennifer E. Boehm
Governmentality and U.S. Congressional Discourse Regarding Abstinence-Only Sexuality Education, Wm S. Boozer
Does a Continuous Measure of Handedness Predict Reading Related Processes and Reading Skills across the Lifespan?, Michele Harrison Brenneman
Discrete Algorithms for Analysis of Genotype Data, Dumitru Brinza
Bayesian Approach to Three-Arm Non Inferiority Trials, Marcus Chenier Britton
Disentangling Pathways of Adolescent Sexual Risk from Problem Behavior Syndrome, Kathryn Amanda Brookmeyer
Mechanisms through which Supportive Adult Relationships and Future Orientation Contribute to Positive Outcomes in Low-Income African-American Adolescents., Kimberley Anne Broomfield
Determinants of Brand Sensitivity in Organizational Buying Contexts, Brian Paul Brown
Delegation of Trade Authority to the President under Unified and Divided Government: The Institutional Significance, David Brown
SLOWMO: A Search for Nearby Stars, Misty Adana Brown
An Investigation of Trauma Symptom Reduction in a Clinical Sample of Sexually Abused Children Using the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children, Sarah Denyse Brown
Feasibility of Proposed Monetary Unions in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region, Steven K. Buigut
Understanding of Earth and Space Science Concepts: Strategies for Concept Building in Elementary Teacher Preparation, Nermin Bulunuz
The Extent of Perturbation of Skin Models by Transdermal Penetration Enhancers Investigated by 31P NMR and Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Charmita Patricia Burch
On the Limits of Culture: Why Biology is Important in the Study of Victorian Sexuality, Robert Jonathan Burns
Urban Versus Rural Patterns of Mammography Use: An Analysis of Two Southeastern States, Valerie Miranda Bycott
"Our Fight is for Right": The NAACP Youth Councils and College Chapters' Crusade for Civil Rights, 1936-1965, Tommy L. Bynum
A Euro-American 'Ulama? Mu'tazilism, (Post)Modernity, and Minority Islam, Anthony Robert Byrd
Virtue Ethics and Moore's Criticisms of Naturalism, Brandon Thomas Byrd
An Investigation of Conceptual Knowledge: Urban African American Middle School Students' Use of Fraction Representations and Fraction Computations in Performance-Based Tasks, Sandra Ann Canterbury
Teaching Media Literacy in the Composition Classroom: Are We There Yet?, Misty Dawn Carmichael
Building Nest, Laura Carter
An Internal Communications Analysis of a U.S. Credit Reporting Agency, Styletta Carter
Exploring the Role of Culture and Race in African American Adolescents, Obari Sipho Yohance Cartman
The "Infernal World": Imagination in Charlotte Brontë's Four Novels, Cara MaryJo Cassell
Irony, Finitude and the Good Life, Nicole Marie Cecconi
Longitudinal Curves for Behaviors of Children Diagnosed with A Brain Tumor, Huayan Chai
"I am Not my Hair! Or am I?": Black Women's Transformative Experience in their Self Perceptions of Abroad and at Home, Yolanda Michele Chapman
On Inter-referential Awareness in Collaborative Augmented Reality, Jeffrey William Chastine
Working the Margins: Women in the Comic Book Industry, Wesley Chenault
IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Protocol Study and Improvement, Liang Cheng
Ethnic and Racial Differences in Emotion Perception, Linda Cheng
Computational Intelligence Based Classifier Fusion Models for Biomedical Classification Applications, Xiujuan Chen
Numerical Hydrodynamics of Relativistic Extragalactic Jets, Eunwoo Choi
A Contextualist Approach to Telehealth Innovations, Sunyoung Cho
Apriority in Naturalized Epistemology: Investigation into a Modern Defense, Jesse Giles Christiansen
An Autoethnographic Study of the Effectiveness of Teaching Art Appreciation through Pinhole Photography to Home Schooled Students, Elizabeth Ann Church