Theses/Dissertations from 2005
The Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure on the Mutual Regulation of Attention in Mother-Infant Dyads, Traci Golbach
Sacred People, a World of Change: The Enduring Spirit of the Cherokee and Creek Nation on the Frontier, Marjory Grayson-Lowman Greenbaum
The Effects of Environmental Contamination on Commercial and Industrial Property Values: Do Perceptions Matter?, Peter Edward Grigelis
Integralism and Objectivism on Forms of the Mind/Body Dichotomy in Western Thought, Jeannine Annette Grizzard
Attitudes Toward Consumer-Customized High-Tech Products: The Role of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Technology Readiness, and Customer Customization Sensitivity, Margarita B. Guilabert
America's #1 Fan: A Rhetorical Analysis of Presidential Sports Encomia and the Symbolic Power of Sports in the Articulation of Civil Religion in the United States, Michael David Hester
The Influence of a Group Mentoring Program on Adolescents' Parent and Peer Relationships, Lawrence Duane House
Spectral Line Synthesis for Hot stars, Wenjin Huang
Geographic Analysis of Two Suburban Mega Church Congregations in Atlanta: A Distance and Demographic Study, Ulrike Krampe Ingram
An Economic Analysis of School and Labor Market Outcomes For At-Risk Youth, Generosa Kagaruki-Kakoti
Statistical Stability and Biological Validity of Clustering Algorithms for Analyzing Microarray Data, Saurav Karmakar
Sense of Community and Participant Engagement in a Group-based Parenting Intervention, Catherine Ann Lesesne
Issues in Measuring the Efficiency of Property-Liability Insurers, James Tyler Leverty
Genetic Granular Cognitive Fuzzy Neural Networks and Human Brains for Comparative Cognition, Jun Li
CEO Turnover and Divisional Investment, Qian Li
Global Semantic Integrity Constraint Checking for a System of Databases, Praveen Madiraju
Cartography, Discourse, and Disease: How Maps Shape Scientific Thought about Disease, Stacey L. Martin
Exploring Faculty Perceptions of a Case Library as an Online Teaching Resource, Yuxin Ma
Rest Frame Variability Characteristics of Blazars, John Patrick McFarland
Deregulation, Uncertainty, and Information Technology in the Electric Utility Industry: A Transaction Cost Interpretation of the Drivers and Consequences of Vertical Disintegration, Maurice L. McNaughton
Determining Quality through Audience, Genre, and the Rhetorical Canon: Imagining a Biography of Eudora Welty for Children, Cindy Sheffield Michaels
The Effect of Parental Congruence on Preadolescent Problem Behavior in African American Families, Alana K. Miller
The Politics of Memory in the Jdisches Museum Berlin, 1999-2004: Curatorial Strategies, Exhibition Spaces, and the German-Jewish Past, Brian J. Miller
An Examination of Contemporary Marketing Practices Used by Organization with Different Culture Types: A Test of the Convergence Theory in the US and Cote d'Ivoire, Victoria Lynn Miller
Autonomy and Relatedness in Mother-Teen Interactions as Predictors of Involvement in Adolescent Dating Aggression, Phyllis Holditch Niolon
Recovering a Sense of Place in the Edge City, Michael Chance Page
Absolute or Relative? Which Standards do Credit Rating Agencies Follow?, Puneet Prakash
A Comparison of Learning Subjective and Traditional Probability in Middle Grades, Jeanne D. Rast
The Effect of the Death of a Child on Midlife Mental and Physical Health: An Exploration of Risk and Resilience Factors, Catherine Hilary Rogers
Transactive Discourse during Assessment Conversations on Science Learning, Homer Arthur Russell III
The Influence of State and Treaty Characteristics on Participation in International Environmental Agreements (IEAs), Chenaz B. Seelarbokus
Continuous Late Pleistocene Paleoclimate Record from the Southwest African Margin: A Multi-Proxy Approach, Julia Keegan Shackford
Synthesis Of Potential Anti-Leishmania Dicationic Diaryldiamidines, Abdur-Rafay Shareef
Storyteller, Story-Teacher: A Portrait of Three Teachers? Use of Story in Elementary Classes, James Michael Shirley
Development of Visual-verbal Integration in Working Memory during Childhood and its Relation to Language and Reading, M. Katrina Smith
The Process and Meaning of Sexual Assault Disclosure, Sharon G. Smith
Ozone Damage Potential to Loblolly Pine Ecosystems in Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, Diane Marie Styers
An Extended Iterative Location Management Schema for Load-Balancing in a Cellular Network, Shanthi Sridhar Subramanian
A Mobile Agent Approach for Global Database Constraint Checking: Using Cpa-Insert Algorithm, Audsanee Supaneedis
The Impact of Motivation and Conflict Escalation on the Five Zone Model for Preferred Conflict Handling and Managerial Decision Making, Dewey Wilson Todd
Developing a Modular Hydrogeology Ontology Extending the Sweet Ontologies, Ajay Tripathi
Fiscal Decentralization and Corruption in the Public Sector, Bayar Tumennasan
Provenance and Depositional History of Late Pleistocene New Jersey Shelf Sediments, Roxie Jessica Turner
The Relationship Between High Ozone Days and Atmospheric Patterns in Atlanta, Georgia, Edward Eugene Unger
World War I and the Principle of National Self-Determination: A Closer Look at Kurdistan, Robbyn Michelle Usherwood
The Mediating Role of Receptive Language in the Relationship between Verbal Memory and Language Production in Preschool Children, Anjali VanDrie
Development as Destruction; Geographic Analysis of Land Use Changes in Port of Spain, Trinidad, Carla Waldron
Spatial Precipitation Variability, Snowfall, and Historical Bison Occurrence in the Northwest United States, Heather Anna Williams
The Stigma and Unintended Consequences of Affirmative Action in the Workplace, Latoya Wilson
Preserving the American Community Newspaper in an Age of New Media Convergence and Competition, Stephen Michael Wilson
Cotton Mathers's Wonders of the Invisible World: An Authoritative Edition, Paul Melvin Wise
Predicting Spelling Scores from Math Scores in a Population of Elementary School Students with a Learning Disability, Christopher B. Wolfe
Reuse of Scenario Specifications Using an Automated Relational Learner, Han-Gyun Woo
Savage Ballet, Leslie Wortman
The Impact of Data Collection Methodology and Warning Labels on Adolescents? Response Factors, Beverly Darlene Wright
New Correlation Effects in Nonrelativistic Atomic Photoionization in the High Energy Limit, Chieh Jen Yang
Storing Protein Structure in Spatial Database, Tony Yeung
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Parallel Algorithm for Memory Efficient Pairwise and Multiple Genome Alignment in Distributed Environment, Nova Ahmed
Access Anytime Anyplace: An Empircal Investigation of Patterns of Technology Use in Nomadic Computing Environments, Karlene C. Cousins
The Sociopolitical Development of Community and Labor Organizers of Color: A Qualitative Study, Omar Guessous
Analyzing Cognitive Presence in Online Courses Using an Artificial Neural Network, Thomas Edward McKlin
Distributed Data Integration using Web Services and XML, Alka Mukker
Coordinating Heterogeneous Web Services through Handhelds using SyD?s Wrapper Framework, Mohini Padhye
Parallel SVM with Application to Protein Structure Prediction, Shilpa Panaganti
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Yes, I Should but No I Wouldn't?: Teachers? Attitudes towards Introducing Lesbian/Gay Issues in the Literature Classroom, Randall Lawrence Fair
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Voluntariness With A Vengeance:' Miranda and a Modern Alternative, Jonathan B. Zeitlin
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Perspectives of Principals on Job Satisfaction, Percy A. Mack Jr.
What is Wrong with Indeterminate Identity?, Matthew C. Niece
The Role of the Locus Coeruleus and its Effect on Spontaneous Motor Activity in Response to Intraperitoneal Lipopolysaccharide in Rats, Katherine A. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Latina women may be a risk for higher rates of undetected breast cancer, Venus Gines
Elizabeth the Matchmaker: The Proposed Marriage between Mary Queen of Scots and Robert Dudley, Johanna Rickman
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
The Effects of Early Childhood Trauma on Self Development: Dissociation, Autobiographical Memory and Self-Representation, Susan L. Reviere
Design, Development and Evaluation of Web-Based Motivational Strategies Training: Individual and Situational Aspects of Academic Motivation, Beverley Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Visitation Behavior Patterns and Carrying Capacities in the Great Smokey Mountains National Park, Patrick Renau
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Georgia and the Equal Rights Amendment, Jeffrey Gordon Jones
Analysis of three works for solo flute : Partita in A minor by J.S. Bach, Fantasie in A minor by G.P. Telemann, and Sonata in A minor by C.P.E. Bach, Nellie J. LaBerge
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
The Road is Still Rough: the Contribution of The Latimer Sisters to Georgia's Temperance and Suffrage Work, 1880-1921, Carole A. Stevens
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Free Labor He Found Unsatisfactory: James W. English and Convict Lease Labor at the Chattahoochee Brick Company, David Charles Berry
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Personality Correlates of the Impostor Phenomenon: An Exploration of Gender Differences in Critical Needs, James Beard
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
A Phenomenological Study of Jealousy within Marriage, Albert R. Clarke
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
The Phenomenology of the Transformative Dream, Stephanie Citron
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
The Application of Ritual Process and Techniques to Psychotherapy, Lynn Riette Cooper
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Personal Perceptions, Charnelle Denny Holloway
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Higher Education for Southern Women: Four Church-Related Women's Colleges in Georgia, Agnes Scott, Shorter, Spelman, And Wesleyan, 1900-1920, Florence Fleming Corley
A Study to Determine If a Low Speed Driver Training Methodology Is As Effective As High Speed Driver Training Methodology In Training Law Enforcement Officers To Perform High Speed Driving, James Crovatt Humphlett
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
"He Was So Well Provided for That He Could Sweep the World for Gain": the Supply of Sherman's Armies during the Atlanta Campaign, 1864, J. Britt McCarley
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Theses/Dissertations from 1979
Cancer: The Silent Scream, Alice Watkins Rose
Psign to Symbol: an Archaeology of Art, Arthur Vandenberg
Theses/Dissertations from 1974
Alpha Blocking to Auditory Stimulation in Simple and Discrimination Reaction Time Tasks, Lynn Riette Cooper
Theses/Dissertations from 1972
An Exploratory Investigation of the Relationship between the Kahn Test of Symbol Arrangement and the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, Alice Watkins Rose