"Moving Ahead Without Moving Up: Seven Ways to Succeed in Academic Libr" by Brenna Helmstutler

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Librarians just starting out often think ahead to where they want to be in 3-5 years, whether this is self-imposed or part of a formal goal-setting process with a supervisor. This may involve setting a goal to advance to a mid-level management position or achieving a certain level of success without official advancement. If you don’t have a short-term goal of advancement, though, it can be easy to become stagnant once fully trained and comfortable in the job. This article will discuss how you can be proactive in your job – whether you want to be ready for advancement when the opportunity arises, or whether advancement is not of interest, but you want to succeed in your job and contribute to the profession.


This article was originally published in LISjobs.com's career development newsletter, Info Career Trends and is reposted here with the permission of the author.

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