Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

First Advisor

Megan Sinnott

Second Advisor

Tiffany King

Third Advisor

Alessandra Raengo


By calling for negotiating the ethics in the stand-up comedy, this thesis, first, focuses on the discussions around the issue of (in)appropriate comedic language in the stand-up shows that came out after 2017, that are Nanette by Hannah Gadsby, Sticks&Stone by Dave Chapelle, Right Now by Aziz Ansari, and Rape Jokes by Cameron Esposito. In doing so, it provides an analysis of how stand-up stages, in the face of Trump era and #metoo movement, have become a space of metacomedy, by enabling us to rethink about the form and ethics of comedy. Through its reflection on Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette, the thesis attempts to contribute to a reconceptualization of our understandings of feminist humor and its theories as well as to rethinking about humor’s possibilities and shortcomings in terms of its capacity to bring about teaching/unlearning moments. Finally, the thesis calls for an ethical negotiation towards otherness in comedy by proposing an affective pedagogy of feminist humor.


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